
2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres 2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres


MOBILITYNYCDOT converted 13,000 metersto muni meters resulting in$9.1 million savings annuallyPARKINGCurbside space is a valuable commodity in New York City andNYCDOT has implemented innovative solutions to simplify andmodernize parking and increase turnover at parking spaces, makingit more likely that drivers can find spots when they want them.SIMPLIFYING PAYMENT AND THE SEARCH FOR PARKINGOnline real time parking informationand pay–by–phone technology aretwo ways DOT has used technologyto make it easier for New Yorkers topark. A pilot program in the Bronxallows motorists to pay for meteredparking via a smartphone app,the internet or by telephone for264 spaces along 18 block faces,as well as at the Department’sBelmont Municipal Parking Field.This system eases parking inNew York City and comes withno additional fees for drivers orchanges to parking rates. Thetechnology also warns motoristswhen their time is about to expirevia e–mail or text messages, andallow them to pay for additionaltime easily and quickly, up to theposted time limit.The parking availability pilot usesinnovative sensors embedded inthe roadway to produce a real–timeparking availability map viewableon the internet, smartphones andtablet devices. After reviewingthe map before starting theirtrips or working with a passenger,motorists can head directly towardblocks with available spaces,reducing the time needed to huntfor spaces and the associatedcongestion as drivers circle forparking.Pay–by–phone allows drivers to pay for parking with smartphonesSustainable Streets: 2013 and Beyond107

MOBILITYPARK SMARTNYCDOT’s PARK Smart programmakes parking easier whilereducing congestion. The first ParkSMART program in GreenwichVillage included portions of Sixthand Seventh Avenues and allmeters on streets between theseavenues. It was made permanentin 2009. The meter rate wasincreased from noon to 4 pm whendemand for parking was greatest,and not changed at all other timesthat meters are in effect.The PARK smart program hasincreased turnover at parkingspots, accommodating 20% moreparkers during peak periods.Parking space occupancydeclined from 77% to 71%on Tuesdays and from 75%to 69% on Fridays from12pm to 4pmMotorists were parking for ashorter amount of time; thefrequency of those whoparked for less than hourincreased by 12%. Thisimproves turnover andbenefits local businesses.Based on this success, additionalprograms were started in ParkSlope, Boerum Hill, Upper EastSide and Jackson Heights. Overall,the ParkSMART program hasincreased turnover at parkingspots, accommodating 20% moreparkers during peak periods.New technology lets you pay for parking with a smartphone108Chapter 8: Vehicles and Parking

MOBILITYNYCDOT converted 13,000 metersto muni meters resulting in$9.1 million savings annuallyPARKINGCurbside space is a valuable commodity in New York City andNYCDOT has implemented innovative solutions to simplify andmodernize parking and increase turnover at parking spaces, makingit more likely that drivers can find spots when they want them.SIMPLIFYING PAYMENT AND THE SEARCH FOR PARKINGOnline real time parking informationand pay–by–phone technology aretwo ways DOT has used technologyto make it easier for New Yorkers topark. A pilot program in the Bronxallows motorists to pay for meteredparking via a smartphone app,the internet or by telephone for264 spaces along 18 block faces,as well as at the Department’sBelmont Municipal Parking Field.This system eases parking inNew York City and comes withno additional fees for drivers orchanges to parking rates. Thetechnology also warns motoristswhen their time is about to expirevia e–mail or text messages, andallow them to pay for additionaltime easily and quickly, up to theposted time limit.The parking availability pilot usesinnovative sensors embedded inthe roadway to produce a real–timeparking availability map viewableon the internet, smartphones andtablet devices. After reviewingthe map before starting theirtrips or working with a passenger,motorists can head directly towardblocks with available spaces,reducing the time needed to huntfor spaces and the associatedcongestion as drivers circle forparking.Pay–by–phone allows drivers to pay for parking with smartphonesSustainable Streets: <strong>2013</strong> and Beyond107

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