Graduating Class of 1990 20 Reunion - St. Mary's Central High School

Graduating Class of 1990 20 Reunion - St. Mary's Central High School

Graduating Class of 1990 20 Reunion - St. Mary's Central High School

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<strong>Graduating</strong> <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>1990</strong><strong>20</strong> th <strong>Reunion</strong>Dear <strong>Class</strong>mates,Hello! Can you believe it has been <strong>20</strong> years already? We hope this letter finds all <strong>of</strong> you well. Anumber <strong>of</strong> our classmates have been working together to plan our <strong>20</strong> th reunion. The reunion isscheduled for July 2-3, <strong>20</strong>10 in Bismarck. We hope that everyone will be able to make it.The itinerary is as follows:Friday, July 2:7:00pm-registration @ Captain Freddies7:00pm – 1:00am Social with SMCHS, CHS and BHSSaturday, July 39:00am-10:00 Tour <strong>of</strong> SMCHS11:00am-2:00pm Family Picnic @ JC Park. Lunch will be served at 11:30 Lunch and Lemonadeare provided; we do have a permit so feel free to BYOB. (Children are welcome to the picnic atno additional cost!)4:00pm-5:00pm-<strong>Class</strong> Mass at Corpus Christi (Scott Klooster’s uncle is the Pastor at CorpusChristi) Mass will be said in remembrance <strong>of</strong> our classmate Seth Weise.7:00pm Appetizer Social at the Elks. Cash bar available.Slide show Presentation throughout the evening.The reunion cost will be $30.00 per person. We are requesting that you send a $15.00 per person nonrefundabledeposit in by May 1, <strong>20</strong>10. The remaining $15.00 will be due at Registration <strong>of</strong> ourreunion. If you wish to send the entire $30.00 per person fee, please feel free to do so.Please complete and mail your registration form to:Gwen Beckler<strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>1025 N 2 nd <strong>St</strong>.Bismarck ND 58501Gwen (Wilz) Beckler is the Development Director at the school.We are also compiling a video/slideshow for the social at the Elks. If you have favorite picturesfrom our time at SMCHS, please scan and send them to bkrefty@yahoo.com, so we may startputting together the presentation.You can find reunion updates on the <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s website at www.smchs.org.If you want to update your contact information with the school click on “Alumni and Friends.” PLEASEUPDATE YOUR INFORMATION.The <strong>Reunion</strong> Committee

<strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> “90<strong>Class</strong> <strong>Reunion</strong> Registration FormDate___________________________________Name________________________________________________________Spouse’s Name_________________________________________________Children’s Names_______________________________________________Home Address______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Email_________________________________________________________Home Phone_______________________Cell Phone__________________________I plan to attend the reunionFees/Deposits____1 person attending____$15.00 deposit enclosed. ____Paid in full $30.00 fee enclosed____1 person plus Spouse or guest____$30.00 deposit enclosed. ____Paid in full $60.00 fee enclosed_______I am unable to attend the reunionTo Register:Mail registration form and deposit to:Gwen Beckler<strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>1025 N 2 nd <strong>St</strong>.Bismarck ND 58501

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