Someone has died suddenly - St Christopher's Hospice

Someone has died suddenly - St Christopher's Hospice Someone has died suddenly - St Christopher's Hospice
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privately before the funeral. It can be helpful forchildren to do this, if they are prepared and giventhe choice about it. Someone they know and trustshould talk to them before they go about whatto expect, and be there with them all the time.If they decide they don’t want to view the body,even at the last moment, that is OK.The funeral is a chance to say goodbye along withother people who cared for that person. There is aleaflet in this series, Children and funerals, whichcovers some of the questions you might have.Feeling really mixed upSometimes after a sudden death adults andchildren who cared about that person feel itmight have been their fault, or that they shouldhave been able to stop what happened. In mostcases nothing that was done or said would havechanged things, and talking to a trusted personcan help you see this more clearly. It helps to sharehow you feel, even if it doesn’t make the feelingsgo away.When someone dies suddenly people oftenfeel that someone must be to blame, and you oryour child may get very angry as well as sad. Thedeath can feel very unfair and any unexpecteddeath brings many unwanted changes. There is alot more for everyone in the family to do, and it

privately before the funeral. It can be helpful forchildren to do this, if they are prepared and giventhe choice about it. <strong>Someone</strong> they know and trustshould talk to them before they go about whatto expect, and be there with them all the time.If they decide they don’t want to view the body,even at the last moment, that is OK.The funeral is a chance to say goodbye along withother people who cared for that person. There is aleaflet in this series, Children and funerals, whichcovers some of the questions you might have.Feeling really mixed upSometimes after a sudden death adults andchildren who cared about that person feel itmight have been their fault, or that they shouldhave been able to stop what happened. In mostcases nothing that was done or said would havechanged things, and talking to a trusted personcan help you see this more clearly. It helps to sharehow you feel, even if it doesn’t make the feelingsgo away.When someone dies <strong>suddenly</strong> people oftenfeel that someone must be to blame, and you oryour child may get very angry as well as sad. Thedeath can feel very unfair and any unexpecteddeath brings many unwanted changes. There is alot more for everyone in the family to do, and it

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