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C0031AUT OMAT ION T EST ENGINEER SENIORT EST ING T OOLS37 years old - 8 years of experienceBusiness expert ise:Languages:Cert if icat io ns:Software editors, Distribution, LogisticsRomanian (Native speaker), French (Advanced), English (Advanced), German(Average), Italian (Average)2014: ISTQB / ISEB Certification - Intermediate Level2013: ISTQB /ISEB Certification - Foundation LevelEducat io n2003 - 2007:Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and ComputerScience - University "Transilvania", BrasovCo nt inuo us develo pment (Pent alo g Evo lut io n Pro gram)Oct 2013:Oct 2013:Oct 2013:Oct 2012:Jul 2011 - Aug 2011:"<strong>Pentalog</strong> Foundations" Training: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Planning;Estimation; Risk Management; Typical Project Risks; How to prepare for an Audit(internal or external)."Agile Principles and Values (Kanban, Scrum, XP)" Training."Professional Scrum Master Level 1 (PSM I)" Training.ʺSoftware Design Principlesʺ Training.ʺQuality Deploymentʺ Training.Co mput er skillsNet wo rks and syst emsLanguagesDBMSEnviro nment o f Develo pmentApplicat io n serversT est s T o o lsWindows, Windows 2000 Professional & Server.NET LanguagesSQL ServerTFS, Visual Studio Professional 2012SharePointHP Quality Center, HP QuickTest Professional, Microsoft Test Manager,Selenium, SpecFlow, Test Complete, Visual Studio Coded UI TestExperienceSOFT WARE EDIT OR January 2012 - no w Durat io n: 2 years 9 mo nt hsCLIENTA software publisher, leader in e-collaborative solutions for various retailer brands, it provides a set of applications thatenable retailers, manufacturers and others to optimize their product development and thus improve competitiveness andsecurity.PROJECTThe <strong>Pentalog</strong> team carries out automatic tests for a client for whom a dedicated team is in charge of Java and .NETdevelopments. Our client's testing group consists of manual testers involved in each application delivery and automatedtesting engineers who automate non-regression tests for all its applications. The <strong>Pentalog</strong> team started with the HPQuality Center tool suite and, following a change in our client's strategy, it continued with Microsoft tools. The teamconsists of a Team Leader, five automation testers and one performance tester and is involved in various activities:- Automation of non-regression tests starting from the test cases written and provided by the client;- FWK implementation for writing the scripts;- Supervision and consolidation of the results of the daily run scripts.

T ECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTVisual Studio Test Professional, QTP, QC, TFS, SpecFlowT EAM SIZ E: 7MISSION DESCRIPT IONAut o mat io n T est Engineer.Carrying o ut the test automation.Develo pment of automated tests on C#.Net.Writ ing feature files for Behavior Driven Design.Aut o mat io n of the feature files using SpecFlow / SpecFlow UI.Develo pment of performance monitoring tests with C#.Net and HTTP-Watch Pro.Develo pment of other related applications as requested from the client.Develo pment of the automation framework.Carrying o ut tests.Defects/ tasks / requirements life-cycle management using Team Foundation Server.Test results analysis, bug ident if icat io n and f ixing.Writ ing of test plans and test cases.Funct io nal t est ing of the application before each delivery.Bug repro duct io n.Bug creat io n in TFS.Application verif icat io n during the development.Develo pment and execut io n of regression and performance tests using Visual Studio / Test Manager.Creat io n of test scenarios for automation.Addit io n of test scenarios in Visual Studio Test Manager 2012.Develo pment of automated tests with Visual Studio 2012.T est ing for the certifications specific to the project work area.Creat io n of test reports.SKILLSMS Excel, SpecFlow, SharePoint, TFS, Visual Studio Coded UI Test, Microsoft Test Manager, Visual Studio Professional2012, C#SOFT WARE EDIT OR January 2011 - no w Durat io n: 3 years 9 mo nt hsCLIENTA software publisher, leader in e-collaborative solutions for various retailer brands, it provides a set of applications thatenable retailers, manufacturers and others to optimize their product development and thus improve competitiveness andsecurity.PROJECTThe third party maintenance of a PIM (Product Information Management)/GDS (Global Data Synchronization) electroniccatalog application operating in SaaS mode, which enables a supplier to manage all the information related to a product(designation, hierarchy, logistics, price etc.) and to ensure standard or private communication between distributors andsuppliers.Our team ensures:- the maintenance and stability of the application;- the development of new features (release and service pack), achieving several tool certifications;- the compliance with the upgrade roadmap defined by the client.T ECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTJAVA, J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, JBoss, Eclipse, Spring, Microsoft SQL Server, JPDL, TFST EAM SIZ E: 3MISSION DESCRIPT IONT est er.Funct io nal t est ing of the application before each delivery.Bug repro duct io n.Bug creat io n in TFS.Defects/ tasks / requirements life-cycle management using Team Foundation Server.

Application verif icat io n during the development.Develo pment and execut io n of regression and performance tests using Visual Studio / Test Manager.Creat io n of test scenarios for automation.Addit io n of test scenarios in Visual Studio Test Manager 2012.Develo pment of automated tests with Visual Studio 2012.T est ing for the certifications specific to the project work area.Creat io n of test reports.SKILLSTeam Foundation Server, Visual Studio Coded UI Test, Microsoft Test Manager, Visual Studio Professional 2012, MSExcelSOFT COOKIES February 2010 - January 2011 Durat io n: 11 mo nt hsMISSION DESCRIPT IONIT & C Co nsult ant and So f t ware T est er within several projects such as: ITC Sales Importer, QuickBooks Integration,Electronic Solution for Data Interchange, QB Integration.Analysis of the project needs.Carrying o ut the applications architecture and the estimates.Carrying o ut tests using the black box methodology, the V-cycle and the IEEE standard.Implement at io n of the client-side applications.Writ ing of the support documentation and the user guide.SKILLSTesting toolsPRO BIT SOLUT IONS May 2006 - February 2010 Durat io n: 3 years 9 mo nt hsMISSION DESCRIPT IONIT & C Co nsult ant and Administ rat o r in several projects such as:- Top Tex project - a system management software used by companies in the textile industry;- Top Service project - a system management software used by companies in the automotive industry;- Top Travel project - a system management software used by travel agencies;- AdminManager project - a software developed for the public administration sector;- Sales Manager project - a CRM software.Analysis of the needs.Carrying o ut the applications architecture and estimates.Carrying o ut tests using the black box methodology, the V-cycle and the IEEE standard.Implement at io n of the client-side applications.Writ ing of the support documentation and the user guide.Client suppo rt .SKILLSTesting tools

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