February 19, 2013 - San Antonio Housing Authority

February 19, 2013 - San Antonio Housing Authority February 19, 2013 - San Antonio Housing Authority

10. Update and discussion regarding the strategy for reinvestment in the five neighborhoods that werepart of the HOPE VI Mirasol Project. (Kathy McCormick, Dev. Services and NeighborhoodRevitalization Officer; <strong>San</strong>tiago Garcia, Special Projects).11. Update and discussion regarding the Non-Profit <strong>Housing</strong> Community Survey, (Lawrence Fernandez,Interim Director of Non-Profit <strong>Housing</strong>).12. Public Comment.13. Briefing on Lincoln Heights Courts and tour of property.14. Adjournment.Note: Whenever the Texas Open Meetings Act (Section 551.001 et seq. Of the Texas Government Code) provides for a closed meeting in matters concerning legal advice,real estate, contracts, personnel matters, or security issues, the Board may find a closed meeting to be necessary. For convenience of the citizens interested in an itempreceded by an asterisk, notice is given that a closed meeting is contemplated. However, the Board reserves the right to go into a closed meeting at any other item, whether ithas an asterisk or not, when the Board determines there is a need, and a closed meeting is permitted under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code that permits theclosed meeting.** Note: If a quorum of the Board of Commissioners attends the Committee Meeting, this meeting becomes a Special Meeting of the Board, but no Board action will be takenother than recommendations to the full board, unless the full Board is present.

MINUTESSAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITYRESIDENT SERVICES COMMITTE MEETINGJanuary 15, <strong>2013</strong>SCHEDULED: 10:30 a.m. at Parkview Apartments, 114 Hickman, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong>, Texas 78212COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT:Yolanda Hotman, Committee ChairCharles Muñoz, Committee MemberStella Molina, Committee MemberBOARD LEGAL COUNSEL:Doug Poneck of Escamilla, Poneck & Cruz, LLPSTAFF:Lourdes Castro Ramirez, President & CEOAlejandra Villarreal, Chief Administrative OfficerEd Hinojosa, Chief Financial OfficerMelanie Villalobos, Policy, Planning and PA OfficerJo Ana Alvarado, Dir. of Information TechnologyPaulette Owens-Holmes, Dir. of Human ResourcesAdrian Lopez, Dir. Community Development InitiativesDeborah Aleman, Dir. of Non-Profit <strong>Housing</strong>COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT:NoneTRANSLATOR: Jeanet HokinsSTAFF:Lorenzo Steele, Asst. Director of Public <strong>Housing</strong>Cynthia Dominguez, Parkview Community Mgr.Leo Alonzo, Chief Security OfficerMuriel Rhoder, Auditing ManagerLawrence Fernandez, Interim Dir. of Non-Profit <strong>Housing</strong>Elvira Enriquez, Public Affairs CoordinatorDolores Mueller, Public Affairs SecretaryItem 1:Meeting called to order.Chair Hotman called the meeting to order at 10:35 a.m.Item 2:Introduction of officials, guests, CEO and Community Manager.Attendees included Committee Chair Yolanda Hotman; Commissioner Stella Molina; CommissionerCharles Muñoz; Lourdes Castro Ramirez, SAHA President and CEO; and Attorney Doug Poneck, ofEscamilla, Poneck & Cruz, LLP.Item 3:Approval of the November 20, 2012 minutes held at Blanco Apartments.Motion: Commissioner Molina moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held at Blanco Apartments.Commissioner Muñoz seconded the motion. Minutes approved.Unanimous as follows:Member Aye Nay Absent At Timeof VoteYolanda Hotman, Committee ChairXStella Molina, Committee MemberXCharles Muñoz, Committee MemberXAbstainedItem 4:Update and discussion regarding Public <strong>Housing</strong> improvement efforts.Mr. Hinojosa reported that, in 2012, SAHA engaged outside partners and other public housing staff toreview and evaluate current housing authority practices and procedures to implement improvementsand create greater efficiencies. The review included staffing, training, implementation, and thefinancial implications of the improvements.-1-

The key indicators will advance our goals to improve customer service; provide standardization inoperations; and improve overall agency performance. The timeline for the improvements is FiscalYear <strong>2013</strong> (July 1, 2012 through June 30, <strong>2013</strong>).Program improvement categories include:• Management and Staff• Policies and Procedures• Property Performance-Metrics• Staff Development• Physical Improvements at the Sites• Resident Communication Improvements• REACMr. Hinojosa stated the most significant change is that Public <strong>Housing</strong> operations/management hasbeen combined under one Director, and the Public <strong>Housing</strong> structure was reviewed and revised. Thecurrent average is 421 units (5 properties) per manager, and the revised average will be 374 units (4properties) per manager. Staff is working on the Realignment Project and plans to finalize this effortby <strong>February</strong> 1, <strong>2013</strong>. Ongoing updates regarding the realignment will be provided at residentmeetings and through other agency correspondence.Mr. Hinojosa also reported on plans to utilize the monthly rent statements to communicate messagesto residents. Chair Hotman stated that she strongly supported this activity, as this is an easy way toget important information to residents. Mr. Hinojosa added that he would direct staff to develop aschedule of messages for upcoming statements..Item 5:Update and discussion regarding the installation of Wi-Fi at select SAHA communities.Mr. Lopez explained the purpose of the Wi-Fi initiative is to promote economic self-sufficiency andincrease quality of life for residents by providing educational opportunities, computer training andemployment opportunities. The Wi-Fi access will provide computer resources to SAHA residents andtheir children.Ms. Alvarado stated the following activities provide a basis for the services and opportunities that willarise from the residents having Wi-Fi access:• Adults can receive job training, education, and support services;• Children and youth can participate in after-school programs that offer academic enrichment,skills-building, and safe recreational activities;• Seniors can access financial information, health programs and social services, receive computertraining, and participate in social activities;• Residents with disabilities can access programs and services that enable them to maintainhealthy and productive lives, as well as increase activity and social interaction; and• The information access capability will help develop a potential labor force with skills that meet theevolving needs of area employers; and Increase awareness of organizations within thecommunity.Commissioner Muñoz stressed the importance of the Wi-Fi program. He stated, in his opinion, thisprogram will be a trendsetter among housing agencies. This will provide access to the wealth ofresources on the Internet for SAHA children and adult residents.Item 6:Update and discussion regarding the 2012 Golden Gala event.Mr. Lopez reported the 15 th Annual Golden Gala was held on December 14, 2012 at the Henry B.Gonzalez Convention Center and was a great success. Approximately 1,000 SAHA residentsenjoyed food, music, photos with <strong>San</strong>ta, and various entertainment activities.-2-

Item 10:Briefing on Parkview Apartments and tour of property.Parkview Apartments was built in <strong>19</strong>71, and closed in <strong>19</strong>99 for 2 1/2 years for remodeling, re-openingagain in 2002. There are a total of 153 units.Services in place for residents include: COSA Nutrition site – serving lunch daily; Annual NationalNight Out Celebration; weekly community events including lottery/bingo; community room;commodities from the Food Bank; and laundry rooms on each floor.The property is location in the SAISD, which includes Beacon Hill Elementary, Mann Middle Schooland Thomas Jefferson High School. It is located in City Council District 1 and is served byCouncilman Diego Bernal.Item 11:Adjournment.With no objections, Chair Hotman adjourned the meeting at 11:45 a.m.___________________________Chair, Yolanda Hotman-4-

Lincoln Heights CourtsSafety & Security ProjectFencing and GatesJ. Rios11-9-121315 North Elmendorf Street, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong>, TXH. MartinezIV (52) IV (53)X (23)IX (51) V (24)V (9)VII(20)VII (21) X(22)IV (49)IV (50)VII (25)II (18)X (<strong>19</strong>)MICKLEJOHN WALKIII (26)I (47)I (48)VIII (27)II (16)X (17)IX (46)V (28)VII (14)IX(44)I(45)X (29)VIII(12)X (13)I (42)I (43)VIII (10) X (11)IX (41)I (39) I (40)I (37)I (38)IV (33)XIII (1)V (9)VII (7)ALBERT WALKX (5)X (8)X (6)VII (7)X (8)IX (36)XI (32)I (34) I (35) I (30)ExistingFence(in Bold)To remainVI (2) VII (3)Add 3'-0" Fence Panels and GatesALBERT WALKX (5)X (6)ExistingFence(in Bold)To remainVI (2) VII (3)Add 3'-0" Fence Panels and Gates

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY <strong>February</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>To:MEMORANDUMFrom:Lourdes CaPresented by: David Clark, im Deputy Director of Public <strong>Housing</strong>RE:Update and discussion regarding Lincoln Neighborhood block walksSUMMARY:The Westend Hope Action Organization teamed with the Westend Edgewood Senior Team andNeighborhood First Alliance to hold a series of community meetings to address crime in theirneighborhood.The nei~hborhood target/boundary area is Culebra, N. Colorado Street, W. Martin Street, andNW. 24 1 Street, which encompasses Lincoln Courts. The Crime Prevention and Public Safetymeetings are attended by SAPD, City code compliance staff and various social serviceorganizations. SAHA staff from the Security, Community Development Initiatives and Public<strong>Housing</strong> departments has participated in the majority of these meetings. Management teammembers will continue to participate in this community effort to improve the safety of ourneighborhood.This group has also held a press conference and planned two block walks, held in October 2012and November 2012. SAHA President and CEO Lourdes Castro Ramirez, SAHA managementteam members, past Resident Council members, the Lincoln Resident Ambassador, and over40 Lincoln Courts residents participated in the block walks. Another block walk is planned for 10a.m., Saturday, March 9, <strong>2013</strong>, beginning at Harper's Chapel Baptist Church, 1111 LombranoStreet.SAPD is reporting a 10% drop in the area since the groups combined their efforts in September2012.PROPOSED ACTION:NoneFINANCIAL IMPACT:NoneATTACHMENTS:NoneItem No. 5

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY <strong>February</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>MEMORANDUMTo:From:Presented by: David , Interim Deputy Director of Public <strong>Housing</strong>RE:Update and discussion regarding the use of monthly rent statements fornotices to Public <strong>Housing</strong> residentsSUMMARY:Rent statements are mailed monthly to Public <strong>Housing</strong> residents, and allow for one notice permonth to be inserted into the statement envelope. There is also a box contained on the rentstatements that allows for typed messages to be inserted for our residents.These two methods of messaging to residents will be utilized to notify residents of upcomingevents and/or important notices. For example, for the month of <strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong>, the Coffee withthe CEO flyer was inserted. This notice announces all the scheduled Coffee with the CEOmeetings for <strong>2013</strong>.This method is most efficient because residents receive these statements monthly and there isno additional postage required for insertion of a flyer with each statement.During last month's Resident Services Committee meeting, staff explained that they woulddevelop a schedule of messages to be included in the rent statements. The proposedmessages for the next six months are as follows:March:April:May:June:July:August:Resident HandbookSAHA job openingsSAHA Smoking PolicyResident Fire Extinguisher TrainingSAHA Transfer Incentive ProgramPest ControlPROPOSED ACTION:NoneFINANCIAL IMPACT:NoneATTACHMENTS:NoneItem No. 6

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY <strong>February</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>To:MEMORANDUMFrom:LourdesPresented by: David Cl nterim Deputy Director of Public <strong>Housing</strong>Re:Update and discussion regarding Resident Council Fundraising ActivitiesSUMMARY:The <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> (SAHA) has ten elderly properties and three family properties thathave active Resident Councils (RC) that coordinate activities for residents. The objective of the RC isto provide a forum for residents to express themselves and suggest positive changes that will benefitthe quality of life for all residents. An effective RC reflects and meets the needs of the residents itserves, and many RCs raise funds through food-related and fun events that help defray the costs offuture RC activities.Recently, the City of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> Metropolitan Health District Public Health Team conductedinspections at three SAHA properties and warned them all for failure to comply because they did nothave a permit to prepare and sell food. The actions of the City have and will limit the ability of theRCs to raise funds.The actions prompted a meeting between the city and management staff, which revealed thatpreparing food for sale in the ·current kitchen configuration would lead to violations from the City of<strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> for the food preparer and for SAHA. In accordance with the City of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong>Ordinance, Temporary Food Events are limited to up to four times a year. Staff has explained to theRCs that City guidelines for food prepared for sale require that the food be prepared in a mannerconsistent with the conditions of the cleanliness standards outlined by the Ordinance and inspectedaccording to State regulations. The RC must obtain a food permit for $30.60 three days prior to foodpreparation and sale.This decision does not preclude a RC from having a caterer come on the premises to serve apurchased meal; however, there are limitations to this type of service that could lead to the person incharge and SAHA being cited with a violation.Staff will continue to work with the RCs closely to align with the policies as outlined by the City publichealth team, and will also work with them to discover new ways for RCs to raise funds. It is likely thatthere are more RCs that are not full active councils that will also be affected by this topic of concern.Gambling on property through bingo and other games has also become a concern. Gambling of anysort for money is a prohibited activity. Limited funds are available as giveaway prizes, but cannot beused as prizes for bingo games due to legal limitations.Staff will include this information as a topic of discussion at the next RC training session.PROPOSED ACTION:None at this time.FINANCIAL IMPACT:None at this time.ATTACHMENTS:NoneItem No. 7

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY <strong>February</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>To:MEMORANDUMFrom:Presented by:RE:LourdesEd HinojoUpdate and discussion regarding Resident HandbookSUMMARY:Revisions to the Resident Handbook were completed on <strong>February</strong> 1, <strong>2013</strong>. The final Englishversion has been delivered to the printer and will be available later this month. Thesehandbooks will be delivered to the property managers in public housing who will distribute themto all residents. An initial 50 copies were produced for distribution at the Coffee with the CEOheld on <strong>February</strong> 6, <strong>2013</strong>.The text is presently being translated into Spanish, which will also be printed for distribution toresidents.PROPOSED ACTION:NoneFINANCIAL IMPACT:The cost to print 7,950 Engiish version issues of the Resident Handbook is $9,234.88, and willbe funded from the approved Public <strong>Housing</strong> operating budget.ATTACHMENTS:NoneItem No. 8

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY <strong>February</strong> 21, <strong>2013</strong>MEMORANDUMTo:From:Operations andrces Committee, President and CEOPresented by:RE:Kathy McCor · , Development Services and NeighborhoodRevitalization OfficerUpdate regarding the third and final phase of the <strong>San</strong> Juanredevelopment projectSUMMARY:<strong>San</strong> Juan Phase Ill is the third and final phase of a revitalization project that spans eight years.As envisioned, this project will have 252 residential units (12 of which are designated aslive/work spaces), as well as 4,000 square feet of commercial/retail space.The plan is to create a neighborhood where families live, work and shop, with a mix of retailspace and services. The new project design creates community connectivity between all threephases and potential economic development in the area. The site design includes walking trailsand a park with a plaza space usable by both residents and the neighborhood at large. Thedesign concept will create an environment for healthy living and promote use of outdoor spaces.On July 9, 2012, the SAHA Board approved the selection of the co-developer, authorized thesubmission of applications for financing, the request for a reservation of tax exempt revenuebonds and the submission of a disposition application. Since then, a number of resident andcommunity meetings have been held to provide information and obtain input for site planning,unit designs, and amenities and social services needed in the area. In addition, SAHAmanagement and staff have met with elected officials and stakeholders of the <strong>San</strong> Juancommunity. This effort also included work with design professionals, and meeting with areabusiness owners, SAISD, the City of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong>, Public Works, Metro Health and TDHCA onthe 4% tax credit application submission and approval.SAHA internal departments have been meeting monthly to plan for the relocation of families andthe impact to the 178 students presently living in this remaining portion of <strong>San</strong> Juan HomesPublic <strong>Housing</strong>. In consultation with SAISD, the relocation plan will ensure each student isgiven the opportunity to complete the school year at their current campus. The tentative date toissue a notice to vacate is April 15, <strong>2013</strong>, which is pending our receipt of disposition approvalfrom HUD by March 25, <strong>2013</strong>.Section 8 Vouchers ConsiderationsIf enacted, sequestration could have an impact on both <strong>San</strong> Juan Ill and SAHA's Section 8program, in general. There are currently 116 public housing units at <strong>San</strong> Juan. Of these, staffestimates that 31 families will relocate to other public housing sites and 85 will requestrelocation vouchers. <strong>San</strong> Juan Public <strong>Housing</strong> has 34 four-bedroom and 10 five-bedroom units,which means that larger Section 8 <strong>Housing</strong> Assis.tance Payments (HAP) must be used to coverthe voucher costs.Under sequestration, funding for Section 8 will be compromised and will result in a monthly lossof revenue of $600,000 until SAHA is able to adjust the vouchers that have been allocated tomatch the available revenue. Sequestration will also likely impact vouchers that are typically setaside by HUD for relocation. This means that SAHA would instead need to fund relocationItem No. 9

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY <strong>February</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>• August 1, <strong>2013</strong> - New Construction Start• August 2, <strong>2013</strong> - RHF Funds DeadlinePROPOSED ACTION:The staff requests some discussion regarding the options for proceeding or delaying project dueto potential impact of sequestrationFINANCIAL IMPACT:The total <strong>San</strong> Juan Ill project cost is expected to be $31,034,088, or $123,151 per unit or$114.61 per square foot, with SAHA utilizing $4,300,000 in Replacement <strong>Housing</strong> Factor (RHF)funds. SAHA will receive: $1 ,912,000.00 from the land sale; a portion will be used for relocation,abatement and demolition cost with the remaining net proceeds to be used for futuredevelopment of public housing; $129,000.00 of administrative fees from RHF funds; SAHA'sportion of the developer fee is approximately $844,250.ATTACHMENTS:None

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY <strong>February</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>To:From:MEMORANDUMPresented by:Subject:Kathy McCo ick, Dev. Services and Neighborhood Revitalization Officer<strong>San</strong>tiago Garcia, Special ProjectsUpdate and discussion regarding the strategy for reinvestment in the fiveneighborhoods that were part of the HOPE VI Mirasol ProjectSUMMARYOn January 30, <strong>2013</strong>, a presentation and work session was held with the Board ofCommissioners to discuss the strategy for reinvestment in the five neighborhoods that were partof the HOPE VI Mirasol project.The purpose of the project is to "Provide quality affordable housing that is well-integrated intothe fabric of neighborhoods and serves as a foundation to improve the lives and advanceresident independence," by:• Assessing Homes and Neighborhoods Individually• Rehabbing, Rebuilding and Renovating Homes• Utilizing an Effective Homeownership Program• Selling Homes• Leveraging and Integrating with Westside Community Initiatives• Maintaining Consistent Communication and Outreach with the NeighborhoodsThe proposed approaches will achieve the following expected outcomes:• Development of Five Customized Mini-Plans• Quality and Efficient <strong>Housing</strong>• Qualified and Prepared Homebuyers• Revitalized Neighborhoods• Healthy, Safe, and Vibrant Communities• Restored Community Trust and Ownership of PlanAt the work session, the Board provided additional feedback and direction that inform thefollowing next steps:1. Schedule tour(s) of the five subdivisions with key partners and the Board.2. Evaluate the current condition of the homes under SAHA ownership. This will involve theservices of an architect/engineer who will provide individual home assessments. To becompleted by June <strong>2013</strong>.3. Realign boundaries so the work can be completed within a reasonable radius of the fivesubdivisions.4. Complete the analysis of options for rehabilitating, rebuilding, and renovating the homes.To be completed by March <strong>2013</strong>.5. Meet with the City's Department of Planning and Community Initiatives to be inalignment with strategic plans, reinvestment initiatives, and community developmentpolicy.Item No. 10

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY <strong>February</strong> 21, <strong>2013</strong>MEMORANDUMTo:s CommitteeFrom:LourdesPresented by: Lawrenc rnandez, Director of Non-Porfit <strong>Housing</strong>Subject:Update and discussion regarding the Non-Profit <strong>Housing</strong> communitysurveySUMMARYThe <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> (SAHA) will be conducting a resident survey to the <strong>19</strong>nonprofit communities currently managed by SAHA and Orion Management.The purpose will be to seek feedback on the management performance in the areas of:• customer service• maintenance repair• property curb appeal• security• resident activitiesAdditionally, we will request feedback regarding potential property improvements or ideas thatwould benefit the community. The survey is presently being drafted and is due to be distributedon Friday, <strong>February</strong> 22, <strong>2013</strong>. Staff will be offering a gift card raffle of two gift cards for surveysreturned by March 1, <strong>2013</strong>.PROPOSED ACTIONNoneFINANCIAL IMPACTNone at this timeATTACHMENTSDraft surveyItem No. 11

<strong>2013</strong> RESIDENT SATISFACTION SURVEYIf a question does not apply to you, simply leave it blank.1. Name of your apartment community_______________________________________Your name (optional) _________________________________________ Apt. # __________2. Please check the box below that best describes your level of satisfaction.Very Not very Not at allSatisfied Satisfied Satisfied SatisfiedHelpfulness of our office staff □ □ □ □Availability of our office staff □ □ □ □Quality of maintenance service □ □ □ □Response time of maintenance □ □ □ □Emergency maintenance response time □ □ □ □Landscaping & grounds appearance □ □ □ □Neighbors Magazine □ □ □ □Laundry facilities □ □ □ □3. Please check the three most important factors you consider before renewing yourlease.(Mark three only)___ Location (Entertainment /Shopping) ___ Interior apartment features___ Rental Value___ Apartment community reputation___ Appearance of community___ Professional on-site staff___ Amenities: Playground/Pool/Clubhouse ___ Feeling of safety___ 24-hour emergency maintenance ___ Proximity to Schools/Work4. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following:Very Not very Not at allSatisfied Satisfied Satisfied SatisfiedLocation of complex □ □ □ □Rental Value □ □ □ □Appearance of community □ □ □ □Playspace/Playground □ □ □ □24-hour emergency maintenance □ □ □ □Interior apartment features □ □ □ □Apartment community reputation □ □ □ □Professional on-site staff □ □ □ □Feeling of safety □ □ □ □

5. Your Opinion Matters.You most favorite thing about living here? __________________________________________Your least favorite thing about living here? __________________________________________6. Are there amenities/services currently not available that you would like to seeoffered?_________________________________________________________________7. When your current lease expires, will you …□ Renew your lease for your current apartment?□ Move to a different apartment community? If so, where? ____________________________8. Would you refer a friend to this community?□ Yes□ No9. How long have you lived in this community?□ Less than one year□ Five years or more□ One to five years10. What is your current apartment size? (Please check one)□ Studio□ One bedroom□ Two bedroom□ Three bedroom11. Number of people in your household.□ 1-2□ 2-3□ 4-5□ 5 or more12. Additional Comments/Suggestions: (If more space is needed, please use aseparate sheet of paper). For repairs or specific requests, contact the management office.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Return Survey to:<strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> - Non Profit Department,818 South Flores, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong>, Texas 78212Attn: Sylvia Gallegos

Dear SAHA Resident,Your opinion is very important to us. SAHA is asking for your feedback/input on ways toincrease your comfort and satisfaction in our community. SAHA property staff would liketo know what matters most to you and areas where SAHA might improve service. Thisinformation will help your management and maintenance team set priorities anddetermine which areas of your community need special attention.Please take a few moments to answer the following questions. We encourage everyresident to reply. All surveys received by received by Friday, March 1, <strong>2013</strong> will beplaced in a random drawing for a chance to win a $25 Gift Card for each propertysurveyed. Winners will be notified on March 15, <strong>2013</strong>.We appreciate your choosing to make your home with us. Thank you for the opportunityto make your community a place where Opportunity Lives Here.Sincerely,Lawrence FernandezInterim Non-Profit Director

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