An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus


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- 37 -Bound variablesi) is bound in λ.if is or is bound in .ii) is bound in ( )if is bound in or is bound in .Normal order β reductionFor ( )i) normal order β reduce <strong>to</strong> ii)if is λ.then replace all free occurences of in with and normal order β reduce the new oriii)if is not a functionthen normal order β reduce <strong>to</strong> and return ( )Normal order reduction notationDefinitions=> - normal order β reduction=> ... => - multiple normal order β reductiondef = Replace all subsequent occurences of with before evaluation.Replacement notation== - defined name replacementα conversionTo rename as in λ.if is not free in λ.then replace all free occurences of in with and replace in λ.η reduction(λ.( ) ) =>

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