An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus


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- 241 -(if (= m1 m2)(if (< s1 s2)tnil)nil))nil)))))(defun tinsert (tr l)(cond ((null l) (cons tr nil))((tless tr (car l)) (cons tr l))(t (cons (car l) (tinsert tr (cdr l))))))(defun tsort (l)(if (null l)l(tinsert (car l) (tsort (cdr l)))))5)i) (defun tcomp (t1 t2)(cond ((and (null t1) (null t2)) t)((or (null t1) (null t2)) nil)((= (item t1) (item t2)) (and (tcomp (left t1) (left t2))(tcomp (right t1) (right t2))))(t nil)))ii) (defun tfind (t1 t2)(cond ((null t1) t)((null t2) nil)((tcomp t1 t2) t)((< (item t1) (item t2)) (tfind t1 (left t2)))(t (tfind t1 (right t2)))))iii) (defun dtraverse (tree)(if (null tree)nil(append (dtraverse (right tree))(cons (item tree) (dtraverse (left tree))))))

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