An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus


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- 181 -but this defines the new type number with base construc<strong>to</strong>rs int and real as if they were simple identifiers forconstant values instead of types. A structured construc<strong>to</strong>r must be used <strong>to</strong> incorporate existing types in<strong>to</strong> a new type,for example:- datatype number = intnumb of int | realnumb of real;> datatype number = intnumb of int | realnumb of realcon intnumb = fn : int -> numbercon realnumb = fn : real -> numberFor example:- intnumb(3);> intnumb(3) : number- realnumb(3.3);>realnumb(3.3) : numberNote that structure matching must now be used <strong>to</strong> extract the values from this structured type:- fun ivalue (intnumb(n:int)) = n;> val ivalue = fn : number -> int- fun rvalue (realnumb(r:real)) = r;> val rvalue = fn : number -> realso, for example:- ivalue (intnumb(3));> 3 : int- rvalue (realnumb(3.3));> 3.3 : real9.24. TreesWe looked at tree construction in chapter 7. We will now see how SML concrete datatypes may be used <strong>to</strong> constructtrees. First of all we will consider binary integer trees.To recap: a binary integer tree is either empty or it is a node consisting of an integer value, a left sub-tree and a rightsub-tree. Thus, we can define a corresponding datatype:- datatype inttree = empty | node of int * inttree * inttree;> datatype inttree = empty | node of int * inttree * inttreecon empty = empty : inttreecon node = fn : (int * inttree * inttree) -> inttreeTo add an integer <strong>to</strong> an integer binary tree, if the tree is empty then form a new node with the integer as value andempty left and right sub-trees. Otherwise, if the integer comes before the root node value then add it <strong>to</strong> the left subtreeand if it comes afyer the root node value then add it <strong>to</strong> the right subtree:- fun add (v:int) empty = node(v,empty,empty) |add (v:int) (node(nv:int,l:inttree,r:inttree)) =if v < nvthen node(nv,add v l,r)else node(nv,l,add v r);> val add = fn : int -> (inttree -> inttree)

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