Using Data Modeler

Using Data Modeler

Using Data Modeler


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The next step is to assign attributes to these entities to identify them to the system.This is the same step you take when modeling in the class diagram; you assignattributes to the classes.The final step that both the logical data model and the class diagram share is to relatethese entities or classes to other entities or classes using associations.Figure 2A Class Diagram in RoseStandardized NotationAnother advantage is Rose uses the common notation of the UML. As was discussedin Chapter 2, UML and <strong>Data</strong> Modeling, the UML data modeling profile addedstereotypes to UML elements relating to data modeling terminology. These sameUML elements are used in the class diagram and with these stereotypes you canunderstand the mapping from the logical data model to the physical data model.Mapping CapabilitiesIn Rose data modeling terminology, a class diagram is also known as an object model.Object models serve two purposes. A class diagram or object model can act as alogical data model, but an object model can also act as a model to capture a conceptual12 Chapter 3 - Logical <strong>Data</strong> Modeling

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