What is Anti-Social Behaviour? - Eastlands Homes

What is Anti-Social Behaviour? - Eastlands Homes

What is Anti-Social Behaviour? - Eastlands Homes


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<strong>What</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>Anti</strong>-<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Behaviour</strong>?<strong>Anti</strong>-<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Behaviour</strong> (ASB) <strong>is</strong> any behaviour from an individual person or group of peoplewhich causes you harassment, alarm or d<strong>is</strong>tress.If you suffer from ASB it can seriously affectyour physical and mental wellbeing. It canhave a drastic effect upon your daily life soyou must report it.Who can I report ASB to?If you are an <strong>Eastlands</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> tenant youshould contact your Housing Officer bytelephoning Eastline on 0161 274 2190.Alternatively you can ring the Nu<strong>is</strong>anceand ASB Team at <strong>Eastlands</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> on0161 274 2174. The Nu<strong>is</strong>ance and ASB Teamhave a dedicated officer for Openshaw,Beswick and Clayton.If we don't know there's a problem, we can'tsort it out for you.<strong>What</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>Eastlands</strong> <strong>Homes</strong>' policy on ASB?All reports are taken seriously. We won'ttolerate ASB from any resident. If you live inan <strong>Eastlands</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> property and you causeASB, or allow it happen in your house, youwill face very serious consequences. Youcould even be evicted from your home.<strong>What</strong> if I don't live in an <strong>Eastlands</strong><strong>Homes</strong> property?As long as either you or the person(s) causingthe problem live in Openshaw, Beswick orClayton you can still contact the Nu<strong>is</strong>anceand ASB Team. You'll get the same service,which <strong>is</strong> free to anyone in the community.<strong>What</strong> will the Nu<strong>is</strong>ance and ASB Teamdo when I report ASB?We'll investigate your concerns normallywithin 48 hours. If it's so serious that yourequire immediate ass<strong>is</strong>tance to protect youand your family, we'll meet with you straightaway. We're fully committed to workingclosely with the neighbourhood wardens andlocal police. We will offer you support andadvice.Eastline: 0161 274 2390 (8.00am – 5.30pm weekdays) • email: eastline@manchester.gov.uk • www.eastlandshom

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