Bashar's Syria: The Regime and its Strategic Worldview Shmuel Bar ...

Bashar's Syria: The Regime and its Strategic Worldview Shmuel Bar ... Bashar's Syria: The Regime and its Strategic Worldview Shmuel Bar ...
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Regional Command;Central CommitteeRegional Command;Central CommitteeRegional Command;Central CommitteeRegional Command;Central CommitteeRegional Command;Central CommitteeRegional Command;Central CommitteeOsama bin Hamed ‘Adi 58 RCHead of the PeasantsBureau & WorkersBureau; CCYasser Tawfiq Hourieh 57 RCHead of HighEducation andScientific ResearchBureau; Students,Education andScouts Bureau; CCBassam Janbieh 49 RCHead of Legal Bureau& ProfessionalOrganizationsBureau; CC; Head ofSweida SectionSaid Daoud Eliya 52 RCHead of OrganizationBureau; CCMohammad Sa’idBakhtayan50s RCHead of FinanceBureau; AssistantRegional Secretaryof the Ba’th Party;CCHaitham Satayhi 47 RCHead of PartyPreparation Bureau;CCLaw from theUniversity ofDamascusSunni (Qusseir,Ham’ah)Former Governor of AleppoPhD ChemistryPolytechnicBucharest(Romania)Sunni (Homs) President of al-Ba’thUniversity; a member of theCouncil of High EducationDentist from theUniversity ofDamascusSunni (Sweida)Law (Syria) Sunni (Jadida,Hasakah)Former Governor of Idleb;former Secretary of HassakehBranch in the Ba’th Party(−) Sunni A member of the CentralCommand of the NPF; formerGovernor of Ham’ah; formerHead of the National SecurityBureau; a member in the RCsince 2000Ph.D. in PoliticalSciences (France);served in Embassy inGermanySunni (Tartous) Political Advisor to thePresident; former Head of theBa’th Party’s branch in theUniversity of Damascus(Continued on next page)437

Main Figures in the Syrian Ba’th Party (Continued)Name Age Role in Ba’th Background Community RemarksRegional Command;Central ComitteeMrs. Shahinaz Fakoush 50s RCHead of Youth andSport Bureau; CCBs Literature from theUniversity ofDamascusSunni (Deir Elzor) Former member in the Party’sbranch in Deir Elzor; amember in the CC since 2000Central Committee Habib ‘AbbasCentral Committee Bassam Abu ‘Assali SunniCentral Committee Governor Dr. Walidal-BouzMaronite Former Governor of Quneitra; amember in the RC until 2005Central Committee Governor EngineerHussein ’Ali al-HaddarSunni Former Governor of IdlebCentral Committee Malek ’AliCentral Committee Ali ‘Akleh ‘Arsan President of the Arab WritersAssociationCentral Committee Ghassan As’ad Alawite(?)Central Committee;Security/Intelligence; FamilyColonel Maher Hafezal-Asad37 Commander of theRepublican Guard;younger brother ofBasharBusiness Managementfrom the Universityof DamascusAlawite A member in the CC since2000; considered one of theclosest figures to BasharCentral Committee Mrs. Helane ‘Atallah SunniCentral Committee Ghiath Barakat A former lecturer in the University of AleppoSunni (Aleppo) A member in the RC until 2005;a member of the Board ofTrustees of the SyrianComputer SocietyCentral Committee Mrs. Harbiyya al-Bayda A member in the CC since2000; Director for Nursingand Kindergartens in theGeneral Union for WomenCentral Committee Ahmad Dasho A member in the CC since 2000Central Committee Antoine DayoubCentral Committee Ghassan Fares438

Regional Comm<strong>and</strong>;Central CommitteeRegional Comm<strong>and</strong>;Central CommitteeRegional Comm<strong>and</strong>;Central CommitteeRegional Comm<strong>and</strong>;Central CommitteeRegional Comm<strong>and</strong>;Central CommitteeRegional Comm<strong>and</strong>;Central CommitteeOsama bin Hamed ‘Adi 58 RCHead of the PeasantsBureau & WorkersBureau; CCYasser Tawfiq Hourieh 57 RCHead of HighEducation <strong>and</strong>Scientific ResearchBureau; Students,Education <strong>and</strong>Scouts Bureau; CCBassam Janbieh 49 RCHead of Legal Bureau& ProfessionalOrganizationsBureau; CC; Head ofSweida SectionSaid Daoud Eliya 52 RCHead of OrganizationBureau; CCMohammad Sa’idBakhtayan50s RCHead of FinanceBureau; AssistantRegional Secretaryof the Ba’th Party;CCHaitham Satayhi 47 RCHead of PartyPreparation Bureau;CCLaw from theUniversity ofDamascusSunni (Qusseir,Ham’ah)Former Governor of AleppoPhD ChemistryPolytechnicBucharest(Romania)Sunni (Homs) President of al-Ba’thUniversity; a member of theCouncil of High EducationDentist from theUniversity ofDamascusSunni (Sweida)Law (<strong>Syria</strong>) Sunni (Jadida,Hasakah)Former Governor of Idleb;former Secretary of HassakehBranch in the Ba’th Party(−) Sunni A member of the CentralComm<strong>and</strong> of the NPF; formerGovernor of Ham’ah; formerHead of the National SecurityBureau; a member in the RCsince 2000Ph.D. in PoliticalSciences (France);served in Embassy inGermanySunni (Tartous) Political Advisor to thePresident; former Head of theBa’th Party’s branch in theUniversity of Damascus(Continued on next page)437

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