Bashar's Syria: The Regime and its Strategic Worldview Shmuel Bar ...

Bashar's Syria: The Regime and its Strategic Worldview Shmuel Bar ...

Bashar's Syria: The Regime and its Strategic Worldview Shmuel Bar ...


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Bashar’s <strong>Syria</strong> 431141. Reports in Israel claimed that Ghazi Kana’an objected to Bashar’s policy of escalationof Hezbollah activity against Israel in early 2002. See Ha’aretz, 27 November 2001, 14 April 2002;Yedi‘ot Aharonot, 15 September 2002.142. In response to Bashar’s taunts against the Arab countries that refuse to sever ties withIsrael, the Egyptian press launched a government-inspired campaign against “the young Presidentof a neighboring country, who is inexperienced, <strong>and</strong> like his predecessors, is interested in draggingEgypt into a war in which it will pay the full price, while his country will remain, as usual, a spectatoron the side.” Al-Jumhuriyya (Cairo), April 6 2002. Even more critical articles described Bashar asyoung, superficial, witless <strong>and</strong> an opportunist to boot” Akhbar al-Yawm, 6 April, 2002.143. A joke circulating in Cairo relates that in an Arab summit in Sharm al-Sheikh an informalmeeting took place between President Mubarak, King Mohammed VI of Morocco, King AbdallahII of Jordan, <strong>and</strong> President Bashar al-Asad on a terrace overlooking the Red Sea. When a waiterapproached, Mubarak placed the order: “I’ll have a coffee, <strong>and</strong> bring some ice cream for the kids ...”144. <strong>The</strong> province of Alex<strong>and</strong>retta (5,545 sq km) includes the cities of Antioch (now Antakya)<strong>and</strong> Alex<strong>and</strong>retta (now Iskenderun). <strong>The</strong> population is predominantly Arab but includes many Christians.<strong>The</strong> province of Alex<strong>and</strong>retta was awarded to <strong>Syria</strong> in 1920 <strong>and</strong> in 1936 became the subjectof a complaint to the League of Nations by Turkey, which claimed that the privileges of the Turkishminority in the province were being infringed. <strong>The</strong> province was given autonomous status in 1937by an agreement, arranged by the League, between France (then m<strong>and</strong>atory power in <strong>Syria</strong>) <strong>and</strong>Turkey. In 1939, France transferred the province to Turkey <strong>and</strong> it became Hatay province. <strong>Syria</strong> neverrecognized this transfer <strong>and</strong> the claim has been a constant irritant in <strong>Syria</strong>n-Turkish relations.145. On the occasion of the visit of Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs AbdallaDardari to Turkey see, http://www.champress.net/english/index.php?page=show 11 det&id=492146. One of the three bilateral agreements signed by Bashar <strong>and</strong> his Turkish counterpart NecdetSezer dealt with preventing double taxation. This was interpreted by the Turkish Foreign Ministryas an indirect sign that Damascus finally recognizes Hatay as a province belonging to Turkey, sinceunder the new agreement <strong>Syria</strong> recognizes investments made in Hatay as taking place in Turkishterritory. http://www.byegm.gov.tr/YAYINLARIMIZ/CHR/ING2004/01/04x01x07.HTM147. See Bashar’s remarks: “<strong>The</strong>y [the Americans] removed their masks <strong>and</strong> said that theywanted oil <strong>and</strong> that they wanted to re-draw the map of the region in accordance with the Israeliinterests.” the American occupation of Iraq was compared by Bashar to the Mongol occupation <strong>and</strong>sacking of Baghdad in 1258.148. Bashar’s explanations included responses to the interviewer, such as, “This is against ourprinciple. And I would never do such a thing in my life. What do we achieve? ...Ithink what happenedtargeted <strong>Syria</strong>. That would affect our relation with the Lebanese people <strong>and</strong> with most of the country.So we wouldn’t do it because it’s against our interest, <strong>and</strong> it’s against my principle. I would never doit. It’s impossible.”149. This is a scenario suggested by the Director of IISS in Berlin, Dr. Volker Perthes, thoughhe accords it a low probability. See http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/10/04/opinion/edperthes.php150. Volker Perthes refers to this option as “a <strong>Syria</strong>n Musharaf.”Select BibliographyBooks <strong>and</strong> Articles’Aflaq, Michel, Fi Sabil al–Ba’th (In the Path of the Ba’th), Beirut, 1978.’Aflaq, Michel, Ba’adh al-Muntalaqat al-Nadhriya (Some <strong>The</strong>oretical Points of Departure), 1963.Abu Rahmoun, Samir, ‘An al-‘Alawiin Ahil al-Tawhid (Ajar, Golan, matba’at al–Balad, Jadida, January2004).

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