FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

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August 2010 518848Figure 15: Upper Vaal Water Management Area.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

August 2010 5288487.1.4 Topography and Land UseMethodology and Data SourcesThe topography of the area was taken from the Surveyor General 1:50 000 topocadastralmap sheet of the area (2627 DB). Land Use was determined utilising a GIS desktop study,the data was obtained from the DWA’s database. Information was also taken from GDARD’sHydrology and Water Research Commission (WR90).Regional DescriptionThe topography of the region is characterised by moderate relief. Small, scattered wetlandsand pans occur in the area, rocky outcrops and ridges also form part of the significantlandscape features in the area. Altitude ranges from 1,450 to 1,600 metres above sea level(masl).Site DescriptionFor all three alternative sites, the area’s land use is characterised predominantly byresidential areas (including informal settlements). There are industries such as Cape Gate tothe north of the waste disposal site, and there are residential areas in all directions from thesite. The topography is not mountainous as it is within a residential area (refer to Figure 16).SensitivitiesA wetland is present on the southern border of the site, however there appears to be noother foreseen topographical and land use sensitivities posed upon the site or the proposedactivity. The current surrounding land use is mostly residential and industrial, the wastedisposal site’s existence is appropriate and therefore, topographical and land usesensitivities are not foreseen.Wetlands provide important ecosystem services such as flood attenuation, regulating waterflow, recharging ground water and purifying and removing pollutants from water. Wetlandsalso provide for a large number of species, many of which those are economically important.An ecological investigation has been undertaken to determine if any further terrestrialsensitivity is present in the study area and to assess its significance.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

August 2010 518848Figure 15: Upper Vaal Water Management Area.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

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