FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

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August 2010 35 8848Construction of a leachate collection systemThe leachate collection system will be equipped with suitable drains or collection pipes thatdirect the gravity flow of leachate to defined collection points or sumps from which it can becollected for treatment.Construction of a leakage detection systemThe leakage detection system will be constructed to intercept any leachate that may passthe barrier of the liner. This leachate is then directed to separate leachate collection sumpsor sewer, where the quantity and quality can be monitored and from which accumulatedleakage can be removed or passed through to the sewer system. This system is designed tofulfil the requirements for the early warning monitoring of leakage given in Section 6 of theMinimum Requirements for Monitoring of Waste Management Facilities, Second Edition,1998.Figure 7: Example of a Leakage Detection System.Construction of gas management systemsA gas management system is constructed to extract gas by applying suction to a system ofperforated pipes within the waste site to reduce odour problems and the explosion hazard.When organic waste decomposes without the presence of oxygen, anaerobic fermentationslowly produces landfill gas. Landfill gas contains 40-60% methane, with the remainderbeing mostly carbon dioxide. Methane is 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide when itcomes to its properties as a greenhouse gas, making it a key climate change gas to address.Burning methane produces energy, carbon dioxide and water. This is a very useful outcomeas besides being an energy source, the hugely potent methane is replaced by theconsiderably less potent CO 2 . A gas management system will therefore capture the methaneand combust it for energy. It can be used to produce electricity, or used directly for cookingand for space and water heating. When concentrated and compressed, it can also be usedas a vehicle fuel source.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

August 2010 36 8848CEF (Pty) Ltd, a state owned entity, is proposing landfill gas (LFG) to electricity renewableenergy projects at landfill sites in the ELM. The proposed activities will consist of extractionand utilisation of landfill gas, and the use of the recovered gas to produce electricity.The proposed activities are regulated in terms of NEMA EIA Regulations and as such aresubject to the Scoping and EIA procedure. In order for the activities to proceed, they willrequire environmental authorisation.WSP Environment & Energy has been appointed by CEF to undertake the function ofindependent Environmental Assessment Practitioner to facilitate the Scoping and EIAprocedure in accordance with the EIA Regulations.Site preparation and commissioningFigure 8: Landfill Gas Management.This commences after all infrastructure has been established, in order to prepare the site toa state that is ready to receive waste and to operate as an environmentally acceptabledisposal facility for a pre- determined period. This would entail having all the above in place,installed and ready for the acceptance of waste.5.7.3 Operational PhaseThe objectives of the Minimum Requirements for waste disposal site operation are:• To ensure that all waste is disposed of in an environmentally and socially acceptablemanner; and• To ensure that the disposal operation is acceptable to those whom it affects.Waste disposal sites must be operated in accordance with the following sanitary wastedisposal site operating principles:- Waste must be compacted; and- Covered at the end of each day’s operation.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

August 2010 36 8848CEF (Pty) Ltd, a state owned entity, is proposing landfill gas (LFG) to electricity renewableenergy projects at landfill sites in the ELM. The proposed activities will <strong>co</strong>nsist of extractionand utilisation of landfill gas, and the use of the re<strong>co</strong>vered gas to produce electricity.The proposed activities are regulated in terms of NEMA EIA Regulations and as such aresubject to the S<strong>co</strong>ping and EIA procedure. In order <strong>for</strong> the activities to proceed, they willrequire environmental authorisation.WSP Environment & Energy has been appointed by CEF to undertake the function ofindependent Environmental Assessment Practitioner to facilitate the S<strong>co</strong>ping and EIAprocedure in ac<strong>co</strong>rdance with the EIA Regulations.<strong>Site</strong> preparation and <strong>co</strong>mmissioningFigure 8: <strong>Landfill</strong> Gas Management.This <strong>co</strong>mmences after all infrastructure has been established, in order to prepare the site toa state that is ready to receive waste and to operate as an environmentally acceptabledisposal facility <strong>for</strong> a pre- determined period. This would entail having all the above in place,installed and ready <strong>for</strong> the acceptance of waste.5.7.3 Operational PhaseThe objectives of the Minimum Requirements <strong>for</strong> waste disposal site operation are:• To ensure that all waste is disposed of in an environmentally and socially acceptablemanner; and• To ensure that the disposal operation is acceptable to those whom it affects.Waste disposal sites must be operated in ac<strong>co</strong>rdance with the following sanitary wastedisposal site operating principles:- Waste must be <strong>co</strong>mpacted; and- Covered at the end of each day’s operation.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

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