FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

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August 2010 19 8848Application Forms and Landowner consentThe EIA application form (Appendix A1) for the proposed project was submitted to theGDARD on 10 April 2008. (Refer to Appendix A6). Acknowledgement of receipt of theapplication form by the GDARD was received on 8 July 2008.Site VisitsMonthly site visits were conducted by Mrs Jacqui Hex from ZC and Mr Elias Barnard fromGAA from April 2007 to November 2009 in order to identify all environmental aspects to beassessed during the EIA phase.Draft Scoping Report and Plan of Study for EIAThe Draft Scoping Report (SR) was prepared based on the information gathered and issuesidentified during the Scoping Phase activities. The PoS for EIA including the Terms ofReference (ToR) for the envisaged specialist studies were also included in the Final ScopingReportFinal Scoping Report and Plan of Study for EIAThe Draft SR and PoS were updated based on comments obtained from I&APs and wereconsolidated into the Final Scoping Report and the PoS for the EIA. This report was submittedto the GDARD for acceptance and approval to proceed was received on the 9 April 2009(Appendix A7).3.1.2 Public Participation ProcessPublic participation is an essential and legislative requirement in an EIA processes. Theprinciples that demand communication with society at large are best embodied in theprinciples of the NEMA (Act 107 of 1998, Chapter 1), South Africa’s overarchingenvironmental law. In addition, Section 24 (5), Regulation 56 of GN R385 under the NEMA,guides the PPP that is required for an EIA. The NEM:WA, Part 2, Section 73 also makesprovision for public participation.The PPP for this project has been designed and undertaken to satisfy the requirements laiddown in the above legislation. Figure 3 below provides an overview of the EIA technical andPP processes, and shows how issues and concerns raised by the public are used to informthe technical investigations of the EIA at various milestones during the process. This sectionof the report highlights the key elements of the PPP to date.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

August 2010 20 8848Objectives of public participation in an Environmental Impact AssessmentThe objectives of public participation in an EIA are to provide sufficient and accessibleinformation to I&APs in an objective manner to assist them:• During Scoping:- Encourage the I&APs to provide of issues of concern and suggestions forenhanced benefits and alternatives.- Contribute their local knowledge and experience.- Verify that their issues have been considered and to help define the scope of thetechnical studies to be undertaken during the Impact Assessment.The key objective of public participation is to ensure transparency throughout the process andpromote informed decision making.Identification of Interested and Affected PartiesThe identification of stakeholders is an ongoing process, refined throughout the process ason-the-ground understanding of affected stakeholders improves through interaction withvarious stakeholders in the area. The identification of key stakeholders and communityrepresentatives (landowners and occupiers) is important and was done in collaboration withthe local municipality and other organisations in the study area.Stakeholders’ details are captured on Maximiser 9, an electronic database managementsoftware programme that automatically categorises every mailing to stakeholders, thusproviding an ongoing record of communications - an important requirement by the authoritiesfor public participation. In addition, comments and contributions received from stakeholdersare recorded, linking each comment to the name of the person who made it.Announcement of opportunity to become involvedThe opportunity to participate in the EIA Process was announced in August 2008 as follows:• Distribution of a letter of invitation to become involved, addressed to individuals andorganisations by name, accompanied by a BID containing details of the proposed project,including maps of the project area, and a registration sheet (Appendix B6);• Advertisements were placed in the following newspapers (Appendix B1):According to the NEMA, Section 24 (5), EIA Regulations, Section 56 of GN R385, a register ofI&APs must be kept by the public participation practitioner. Such a register has been compiledand is being kept updated with the details of involved I&APs throughout the process (SeeAppendix B3).ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

August 2010 20 8848Objectives of public participation in an Environmental Impact AssessmentThe objectives of public participation in an EIA are to provide sufficient and accessiblein<strong>for</strong>mation to I&APs in an objective manner to assist them:• During S<strong>co</strong>ping:- En<strong>co</strong>urage the I&APs to provide of issues of <strong>co</strong>ncern and suggestions <strong>for</strong>enhanced benefits and alternatives.- Contribute their local knowledge and experience.- Verify that their issues have been <strong>co</strong>nsidered and to help define the s<strong>co</strong>pe of thetechnical studies to be undertaken during the Impact Assessment.The key objective of public participation is to ensure transparency throughout the process andpromote in<strong>for</strong>med decision making.Identification of Interested and Affected PartiesThe identification of stakeholders is an ongoing process, refined throughout the process ason-the-ground understanding of affected stakeholders improves through interaction withvarious stakeholders in the area. The identification of key stakeholders and <strong>co</strong>mmunityrepresentatives (landowners and occupiers) is important and was done in <strong>co</strong>llaboration withthe local municipality and other organisations in the study area.Stakeholders’ details are captured on Maximiser 9, an electronic database managementsoftware programme that automatically categorises every mailing to stakeholders, thusproviding an ongoing re<strong>co</strong>rd of <strong>co</strong>mmunications - an important requirement by the authorities<strong>for</strong> public participation. In addition, <strong>co</strong>mments and <strong>co</strong>ntributions received from stakeholdersare re<strong>co</strong>rded, linking each <strong>co</strong>mment to the name of the person who made it.Announcement of opportunity to be<strong>co</strong>me involvedThe opportunity to participate in the EIA Process was announced in August 2008 as follows:• Distribution of a letter of invitation to be<strong>co</strong>me involved, addressed to individuals andorganisations by name, ac<strong>co</strong>mpanied by a BID <strong>co</strong>ntaining details of the proposed project,including maps of the project area, and a registration sheet (Appendix B6);• Advertisements were placed in the following newspapers (Appendix B1):Ac<strong>co</strong>rding to the NEMA, Section 24 (5), EIA Regulations, Section 56 of GN R385, a register ofI&APs must be kept by the public participation practitioner. Such a register has been <strong>co</strong>mpiledand is being kept updated with the details of involved I&APs throughout the process (SeeAppendix B3).ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

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