FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

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127August 2010 884811.3.5 GeotechnicalSince no further contact will be made with the underlying geology, the geotechnical impactremains as assessed in the operational phase.Table 48: Impact Rating Matrix for geotechnical during the decommissioning phase(Alternative 1-3).Type of Significance Spatial Temporal Probability RatingImpactInitial MODERATE Study site Permanent Could happen 1.9- LowAdditionalNO IMPACTCumulative MODERATE Study site Permanent Could happen 1.9- LowResidual MODERATE Study site Permanent Could happen 1.9- Low11.3.6 Terrestrial EcologyInitial ImpactThe initial impact remains as assessed in Section 11.1.6, a High impact.Additional ImpactThe additional impact during the closure phase will involve the capping of the site and the revegetationof the capping layer. This process will ensure that the cap remains intact andprevents erosion. The re-introduction of grasses to the site will allow the site to rehabilitatenaturally and it could reach a self sustaining state. Avifauna, arthropods, small mammals,amphibians and reptiles can all return to the site, as the adjacent wetland provides a sourcepopulation for these animals and plants. The impact to ecology is rated as a MODERATEpositive impact, occurring in the study area and acting in the long-term. The additionalimpact remains as assessed in Section 11.1.6, a Low positive impact.Cumulative ImpactThe cumulative impact of the closure phase will result in the re-establishment of vegetationon site and it will provide the opportunity to fauna to move back onto the site as well. Due tothe disturbance on and around the site, it is however anticipated that the main rehabilitationwill be in the form of the re-establishment of the grass layer. The cumulative impact toecology is rated as a LOW impact, occurring in the study area and acting in the long-term.This impact could occur and is therefore rated as a Low positive impact.Mitigation Measures• All alien invasive species on site should be removed and follow up monitoring andremoval programmes should be initiated once closure is complete;ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

128August 2010 8848• Ensure that the rehabilitated waste site is not used as grazing for the local livestock; and• Ensure that natural grasses are used as part of the site rehabilitation and closure phase.Residual ImpactThe residual impact will remain as assessed in the cumulative impact assessment for all thedevelopment phases. Even with the implementation of mitigation measures, the impactremains the same. The mitigation measure will however ensure that the impact is positive.Table 49: Impact Rating Matrix for Ecology for the Decommissioning Phase(Alternative 1-3).Impact Type Significance Spatial Temporal Probability RatingInitial HIGH Study site Long TermHas alreadyoccurred3.3 – HighAdditional MODERATE Study site Long Term Could Occur 1.8 – LowPositiveCumulative LOW Study site Long Term Could Occur 1.6 – LowPositiveResidual LOW Study site Long Term Could Occur 1.6 – LowPositive11.3.7 Visual ImpactWith the closure of the site, the visual impact will remain. The rehabilitation will howeverprovide a natural look to the waste body and to the uninformed by-passer to the site will notbe that obvious. However, due to the size and especially the height of the closed facility, thestructure will remain visible from the surrounding landscape as assessed for the expansion.This is however only relevant if the re-vegetation of the site is successful with no alieninvasive plants and no erosion visible on the site.The vegetation screen described will be firmly established and most of the trees will be ofmature height. Provided the screen is maintained and significant gaps are not allowed todevelop, any subsequent closure activities will be well screened.The progressive rehabilitation of waste sites by means of capping and the subsequentestablishment of vegetation is a Minimum Requirement. Capping will be implemented on allareas where no further waste deposition will take place, and re-vegetation should commenceas soon as possible. Screening berms are the first areas where vegetation must beestablished.Initial ImpactThe initial impact remains as assessed for the residual impact during the operational phase(Section 11.2.7), a High (Alternative 1) to Moderate (Alternative 2 and 3) impact.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

127August 2010 884811.3.5 GeotechnicalSince no further <strong>co</strong>ntact will be made with the underlying geology, the geotechnical impactremains as assessed in the operational phase.Table 48: Impact Rating Matrix <strong>for</strong> geotechnical during the de<strong>co</strong>mmissioning phase(Alternative 1-3).Type of Significance Spatial Temporal Probability RatingImpactInitial MODERATE Study site Permanent Could happen 1.9- LowAdditionalNO IMPACTCumulative MODERATE Study site Permanent Could happen 1.9- LowResidual MODERATE Study site Permanent Could happen 1.9- Low11.3.6 Terrestrial E<strong>co</strong>logyInitial ImpactThe initial impact remains as assessed in Section 11.1.6, a High impact.Additional ImpactThe additional impact during the closure phase will involve the capping of the site and the revegetationof the capping layer. This process will ensure that the cap remains intact andprevents erosion. The re-introduction of grasses to the site will allow the site to rehabilitatenaturally and it <strong>co</strong>uld reach a self sustaining state. Avifauna, arthropods, small mammals,amphibians and reptiles can all return to the site, as the adjacent wetland provides a sourcepopulation <strong>for</strong> these animals and plants. The impact to e<strong>co</strong>logy is rated as a MODERATEpositive impact, occurring in the study area and acting in the long-term. The additionalimpact remains as assessed in Section 11.1.6, a Low positive impact.Cumulative ImpactThe cumulative impact of the closure phase will result in the re-establishment of vegetationon site and it will provide the opportunity to fauna to move back onto the site as well. Due tothe disturbance on and around the site, it is however anticipated that the main rehabilitationwill be in the <strong>for</strong>m of the re-establishment of the grass layer. The cumulative impact toe<strong>co</strong>logy is rated as a LOW impact, occurring in the study area and acting in the long-term.This impact <strong>co</strong>uld occur and is there<strong>for</strong>e rated as a Low positive impact.Mitigation Measures• All alien invasive species on site should be removed and follow up monitoring andremoval programmes should be initiated once closure is <strong>co</strong>mplete;ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

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