FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za FEIR for Boitshepi Landfill Site .pdf - Zitholele.co.za

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111August 2010 884811.2.2 TopographyInitial ImpactThe initial impact to topography is a MODERATE negative impact which will occur in thestudy area and will be permanent. This impact is occurring and as such is rated as a Highimpact as in the construction phase.Additional ImpactThe additional impact remains as assessed in the construction phase.Cumulative ImpactThe cumulative impact during the operational phase remains as assessed above since theadditional impact and the initial impact occur in the same area. Therefore the impact remainsas High impact.Mitigation MeasuresThe change in topography is essential for the proper functioning of the proposed BoitshepiWaste Disposal Site and no mitigation is required.Residual ImpactDue to the fact that the change for the proposed extension is essential, and no mitigationmeasure is required, the residual impact without the implementation of the mitigationmeasures will remain as High impact.Table 35: Impact Rating Matrix for topography during the operational phase(Alternative 1-3).InitialType ofImpactAdditionalCumulativeResidualAlternative Significance Spatial Temporal Probability Rating1-31 and 231-31-3MODERATELOWLOWMODERATEMODERATEStudysiteIsolatedsiteIsolatedsitesStudysiteStudysitePermanent Is Occurring 3.3.- HighPermanentWill occur2.6 –ModeratePermanent Very Likely 1.9 - LowPermanent Will occur 3.3- HighPermanent Will occur 3.3- HighZITHOLELE CONSULTING

112August 2010 884811.2.3 GroundwaterInitial ImpactThere is no evidence of significant groundwater contamination emanating from the site,although it is noted that BH4A has elevated TDS. During operational phase, the groundwatermanagement systems would have been installed, and therefore, there will be a reduction inthe impact of groundwater.During operational phase, the following would have been installed for the operation of thewaste disposal site, leachate collection system which will be equipped with suitable drains orcollection pipes that direct the gravity flow of leachate or leakage to defined collection pointsor sumps from which it can be collected for treatment and leakage detection systemconstructed to intercept any leachate that may pass the barrier of the liner. This leakage isthen directed to separate leakage collection sumps, where the quantity and quality can bemonitored and from which accumulated leakage can be removed or passed through to thesewer system. The potential for ground water contamination for the proposed waste disposalsite will be MODERATE.Additional ImpactThe additional impact during the operational phase remains as assessed Therefore theimpact remains as Moderate impact.Cumulative ImpactThe cumulative impact during the operational phase remains as assessed above since theadditional impact and the initial impact occur in the same area. Therefore the impact remainsas Moderate impact.Mitigation MeasuresRegular (six-monthly) sampling of groundwater levels and quality should be conducted toassess whether seepage/leaching from the proposed Boitshepi Waste Disposal Site isimpacting on the groundwater.In the event of such impacts being identified, appropriate engineering interventions must bedevised and implemented.It is recommended that any extension, including a liner system, is restricted to the areaconfirmed to be underlain by clay, i.e., the southern area.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

112August 2010 884811.2.3 GroundwaterInitial ImpactThere is no evidence of significant groundwater <strong>co</strong>ntamination emanating from the site,although it is noted that BH4A has elevated TDS. During operational phase, the groundwatermanagement systems would have been installed, and there<strong>for</strong>e, there will be a reduction inthe impact of groundwater.During operational phase, the following would have been installed <strong>for</strong> the operation of thewaste disposal site, leachate <strong>co</strong>llection system which will be equipped with suitable drains or<strong>co</strong>llection pipes that direct the gravity flow of leachate or leakage to defined <strong>co</strong>llection pointsor sumps from which it can be <strong>co</strong>llected <strong>for</strong> treatment and leakage detection system<strong>co</strong>nstructed to intercept any leachate that may pass the barrier of the liner. This leakage isthen directed to separate leakage <strong>co</strong>llection sumps, where the quantity and quality can bemonitored and from which accumulated leakage can be removed or passed through to thesewer system. The potential <strong>for</strong> ground water <strong>co</strong>ntamination <strong>for</strong> the proposed waste disposalsite will be MODERATE.Additional ImpactThe additional impact during the operational phase remains as assessed There<strong>for</strong>e theimpact remains as Moderate impact.Cumulative ImpactThe cumulative impact during the operational phase remains as assessed above since theadditional impact and the initial impact occur in the same area. There<strong>for</strong>e the impact remainsas Moderate impact.Mitigation MeasuresRegular (six-monthly) sampling of groundwater levels and quality should be <strong>co</strong>nducted toassess whether seepage/leaching from the proposed <strong>Boitshepi</strong> Waste Disposal <strong>Site</strong> isimpacting on the groundwater.In the event of such impacts being identified, appropriate engineering interventions must bedevised and implemented.It is re<strong>co</strong>mmended that any extension, including a liner system, is restricted to the area<strong>co</strong>nfirmed to be underlain by clay, i.e., the southern area.ZITHOLELE CONSULTING

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