Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..


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Canning, Gamman, Jackson and Urquart 679. Synthesis <strong>of</strong> Methyl Isobutyl Ketone over aMultifunctional Heterogeneous Catalyst:Effect <strong>of</strong> Metal and Base Components onSelectivity and ActivityArran S. Canning, Jonathan J. Gamman, S. David Jackson andStrath UrquartWestCHEM, Dept. <strong>of</strong> Chemistry, The University, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland.Abstractsdj@chem.gla.ac.ukFour catalyst systems, Pd-KOH/silica, Pd-CsOH/silica, Ni-KOH/silica, and Ni-CsOH/silica, have been investigated for the conversion <strong>of</strong> acetone to MIBK.Nickel catalysts were generally less selective, with MIBK being furtherhydrogenated to MIBC, and isophorone becoming a major product at hightemperatures. KOH-based catalysts were found to be less active than theirCsOH-based counterparts. The activation energy for MIBK productionsuggested that the rate determining step was within the base catalyzed part <strong>of</strong> thereaction sequence and this was supported by the product distributions.IntroductionCondensation reactions are an important route to the industrial synthesis <strong>of</strong> awide range <strong>of</strong> compounds including solvents such as methyl isobutyl ketone(MIBK) and Guerbet alcohols for use as lubricants and surfactants. Thesynthesis <strong>of</strong> MIBK from acetone proceeds via a base extraction <strong>of</strong> the α-protoncatalyzed by aqueous NaOH and intermolecular attack <strong>of</strong> the carbonyl group toproduce diacetone alcohol. Subsequent acid catalyzed dehydration <strong>of</strong> diacetonealcohol (DAA) to mesityl oxide (MO) by H 2 SO 4 at 373 K is followed byhydrogenation <strong>of</strong> MO to MIBK using Cu or Ni catalysts at 288 – 473 K and 3-10 bar (1). Recently however new one-step technology has been developed andcommercialized using palladium on acidic ion-exchange resins (2). The changefrom the three-step process to a single-step significantly reduces the amount <strong>of</strong>waste generated at the base catalysis stage and removes the need forconcentrated sulphuric acid and its residues. Research in this area isnevertheless continuing with a view to improving the process further (3, 4).In this study we have investigated utilizing a bi-functional catalyst with asolid base function for the aldol condensation reaction and a metal function forthe hydrogenation. This work is a continuation <strong>of</strong> the study that examined thesupported base catalyzed aldol condensation <strong>of</strong> acetone (5, 6). In those studies

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