Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..


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Gőbölös et al. 49noteworthy that, in contrast to ref. (11), no isomerization was observed in theabsence <strong>of</strong> catalyst (see experiments No. 12 and No. 13 in Table 3). In the catalyticisomerization <strong>of</strong> pure cis isomer the yield <strong>of</strong> the trans isomer estimated from TLCresults are listed in see Table 3. It is noteworthy that upon increasing the reactiontemperature and the amount <strong>of</strong> Raney® nickel catalyst (Metalyst, 35 % nickelcontent) the yield <strong>of</strong> trans isomer increases (compare experiments No.1 - No.11 inTable 3). For clarity, some experiments were listed and grouped twice in Table 3.Theyield <strong>of</strong> trans isomer increases, indeed, with the amount <strong>of</strong> catalyst (see experimentsat the bottom <strong>of</strong> Table 3). Careful analysis <strong>of</strong> data given in Table 3 suggests that 120-130°C is required to reach 45-55% trans isomer yield on the Metalyst Raney® nickelcatalyst. The H 2 pressure had also an influence on the trans isomer yield. However,the highest yield was obtained at 1 MPa and 120°C (experiment No. 16 in Table 3).It is worth to remind that the trans-isomer was probably formed via olefinicintermediates on the surface <strong>of</strong> Raney® nickel catalyst (5). This suggests that thehydrogen pressure should have an optimum value.Table 4 Isomerization <strong>of</strong> cis-4-aminocyclohexane carboxylic acid on Raney® nickelcatalyst (B 113 W). Effect <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong> catalysts, temperature and H 2 pressureNo. m catalyst , mg T, °C P MPa trans- isomer,%1 150 100 1 452 150 120 1 703 150 140 1 704 150 100 2 455 a 150 120 2 506 150 140 2 607 150 100 4 408 150 120 4 509 150 140 4 6010 100 100 1 4011 100 140 1 7012 100 100 4 3013 100 140 4 5014 200 100 2 4515 200 120 2 5516 200 140 2 60Reaction condition: Solvent: 2 %NaOH-H 2 O, V=6ml; Substrate: 0.15g; t=5h.In the catalytic isomerization <strong>of</strong> pure cis isomer the yield <strong>of</strong> the trans isomerestimated from 1 H-NMR results are listed in Table 4. Results obtained on Raney®nickel catalyst (B 113 W, nickel content 90%) indicate that the yield <strong>of</strong> the transisomer significantly increases with the temperature and also affected by the hydrogenpressure (compare experiment No. 1 – No. 9 in Table 4). However the highest yield<strong>of</strong> the trans isomer was reached at 1 MPa H 2 pressure (see experiments No. 10 – No.13 in Table 4). Upon increasing the amount <strong>of</strong> catalyst from 100 to 150 mg the yield<strong>of</strong> the trans isomer slightly increased.The 1 H-NMR spectrum <strong>of</strong> pure cis-4-aminocyclohexane carboxylic acid ethylester is seen in Figure 1. Signals with chemical shift at δ=1.2-1.3 ppm can beassigned to the protons <strong>of</strong> the methyl group, whereas the signals <strong>of</strong> the -CH 2 - protons

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