Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..


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18Supported Re Catalysts for Olefin MetathesisThis material (167 mg) was treated with 1 mL <strong>of</strong> a CDCl 3 solution <strong>of</strong> SnMe 4(0.17 mM) at room temperature. Analysis <strong>of</strong> the supernatant by 1 H NMRspectroscopy revealed a singlet at 2.63 ppm for MeReO 3 , in addition to a singlet at0.081 ppm with 117 Sn and 119 Sn satellites, assigned to unreacted SnMe 4 . Thisexperiment demonstrates that Me 4 Sn generates MeReO 3 from grafted perrhenatesites, as predicted by Scheme 2.Reaction <strong>of</strong> perrhenate/silica-alumina with SnMe 4 . Silica-alumina is neither anadmixture <strong>of</strong> silica and alumina, nor a poorly ordered aluminosilicate, but a solidsolution that possesses both strong Lewis acidity and strong Brønsted acidity withoutbridging hydroxyls. Therefore, our computational model for silica-alumina consists<strong>of</strong> a silsesquioxane monosilanol cube in which one corner has been replaced byaluminum, to reproduce the Lewis acidity <strong>of</strong> the support. This substitution alsoenhances the acidity <strong>of</strong> the adjacent terminal silanol, creating Brønsted acidity.Perrhenate grafted to the aluminosilsesquioxane cube is shown in Scheme 3. Incontrast to the simple C 3v symmetry <strong>of</strong> the perrhenate/silsesquioxane model (Scheme2), the optimized structure obtained for silica-alumina adopts a lower symmetry inorder to accommodate a Lewis acid-base interaction between an oxo ligand <strong>of</strong> thegrafted perrhenate fragment and the Al center.SnSnMe 4COSiReAl≡SiORe(O) 2 OAl- 43 kJ/molSnSiAlReCScheme 3 Reaction <strong>of</strong> perrhenate on aluminosilsesquioxane cube (model for silicaalumina)with SnMe 4 is predicted to form grafted MeReO 3.Transmetalation <strong>of</strong> the perrhenate/aluminosilsesquioxane cube model withSnMe 4 is considerably more exothermic than for the perrhenate/silsesquioxane cubemodel. A similar grafted trimethyltin fragment is formed, as is MeReO 3 ; however,the latter is not liberated. It remains bound to the aluminosilsesquioxane cube via theLewis acid-base interaction with the Al center. The optimized structure also containsa Lewis acid-base interaction between Re and an adjacent framework oxygen

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