Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..


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412“Green” Catalysts for Biodiesel4. Sulfur-free fuel, since SAC do not leach into the product5. No waste streams because no salts are produced (no neutralization step)Experimental SectionThe experimental results are presented for the esterification <strong>of</strong> dodecanoic acid(C 12 H 24 O 2 ) with 2-ethylhexanol (C 8 H 18 O) and methanol (CH 4 O), in presence <strong>of</strong> solidacid catalysts (SAC). Reactions were performed using a system <strong>of</strong> six parallelreactors (Omni-Reacto Station 6100). In a typical reaction 1 eq <strong>of</strong> dodecanoic acidand 1 eq <strong>of</strong> 2-ethylhexanol were reacted at 160 °C in the presence <strong>of</strong> 1 wt% SAC.Reaction progress was monitored by gas chromatography (GC). GC analysis wasperformed using an InterScience GC-8000 with a DB-1 capillary column (30 m ×0.21 mm). GC conditions: isotherm at 40 °C (2 min), ramp at 20 °C min –1 to 200 °C,isotherm at 200 °C (4 min). Injector and detector temperatures were set at 240 °C.Reaction pr<strong>of</strong>iles were measured for both non-catalysed and catalysed reactions.Chemicals and catalysts.Double distilled water was used in all experiments. Unless otherwise noted,chemicals were purchased from commercial companies and were used as received.Dodecanoic acid 98 wt% (GC), methanol, propanol and 2-ethylhexanol 99+ wt%were supplied by Aldrich, zirconil chloride octahydrate 98+ wt% by Acros <strong>Organic</strong>s,25 wt% NH 3 solution and H 2 SO 4 97% from Merck. Zeolites beta, Y and H-ZSM-5were provided by Zeolyst, and ion-exchange resins by Alfa.Preparation <strong>of</strong> mixed metal oxides.The sulfated metal oxides (zirconia, titania and tin oxide) were synthesized using atwo steps method. The first step is the hydroxylation <strong>of</strong> metal complexes. The secondstep is the sulfonation with H 2 SO 4 followed by calcination in air at varioustemperatures, for 4 h, in a West 2050 oven, at the temperature rate <strong>of</strong> 240 °C h –1 .Sulfated zirconia: ZrOCl 2 .8H 2 O (50 g) was dissolved in water (500 ml), followedby precipitation <strong>of</strong> Zr(OH) 4 at pH = 9 using a 25 wt% NH 3 soln. The precipitate waswashed with water (3×500 ml) to remove the chloride salts (Cl – ions weredetermined with 0.5 N AgNO 3 ). Zr(OH) 4 was dried (16 h at 140 °C, impregnatedwith 1N H 2 SO 4 (15 ml H 2 SO 4 per 1 g Zr(OH) 4 ), calcined at 650 °C. Sulfatedtitania: HNO 3 (35 ml) was added to an aqueous solution <strong>of</strong> Ti[OCH(CH 3 ) 2 ] 4 (Acros,>98%, 42 ml in 500 ml H 2 O). Then 25% aqueous ammonia was added until the pHwas raised to 8. The precipitate was filtered, washed and dried (16 h at 140 o C) .Theproduct was impregnated with 1N H 2 SO 4 (15 ml H 2 SO 4 per 1 g Ti(OH) 4 ). Theprecipitate was filtered, washed, dried and then calcined. Sulfated tin oxide:Sn(OH) 4 was prepared by adding a 25% aqueous NH 3 solution to an aq. sol. <strong>of</strong> SnCl 4(Aldrich, >99%, 50 g in 500 ml) until pH 9-10. The precipitate was filtered, washed,suspended in a 100 ml aq. sol. <strong>of</strong> 4% CH 3 COONH 4 , filtered and washed again, thendried for 16 h at 140 o C. Next, 1N H 2 SO 4 (15 ml H 2 SO 4 per 1 g Sn(OH) 4 ) was addedand the precipitate was filtered, washed, dried and calcined.

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