Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..


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282 Chemoselective Hydrogenationthe adsorbed organic substrate and adsorbed reduction intermediates. Thestoichiometry applies to the adsorbed species only, not to the adsorption site M (1-3).ECH involves the same hydrogenation steps (steps [2] to [7]) as those <strong>of</strong> classicalcatalytic hydrogenation (CH). In both ECH and CH, the hydrogenolysis <strong>of</strong> theadsorbed dihydroxylamine, M(RNH(OH) 2 ) (step [4]), could be faster than itsdehydration to the adsorbed nitroso derivative M(RNO) (step [5]) (or alternatively,than its desorption followed by dehydration to RNO (not shown)).On Ni, Co, and Cu electrodes, two mechanisms are competing for theelectrochemical reduction <strong>of</strong> nitro groups to hydroxylamines: 1) the ECH mechanism(equations [1] to [4]); and 2) electron transfer to the nitro group (and to theintermediates formed) followed by protonation by water (electronation-protonation(EP) mechanism) (equations [8] to [11]) (3, 4). For the hydro-genolysis <strong>of</strong> thehydroxylamine to the amine, the sole mechanism operating is the ECH mechanism(equation [4]). This is because unprotonated hydoxylamines (pH > 5) are notreducible by electron transfer (EP mechanism) (5, 6). For that same reason, theelectrohydrogenation <strong>of</strong> nitro compounds at a high hydrogen overvoltage cathode(Hg, glassy carbon) in neutral (pH > 5) and basic medium stops at the hydroxylamine(5, 6).[8] RNO 2 + eRNO 2. .[9] RNO 2 + H 2 O RNO 2 H + OH.[10] RNO 2 H + e RNO + OH[11] RNO + 2e + 2H 2 O.RNHOH+ 2OHIn this paper, the selectivity <strong>of</strong> the ECH method for the reduction <strong>of</strong> nitrocompounds to the corresponding amines on RCu electrodes will be compared withthat <strong>of</strong> reduction by RCu alloy powder in alkaline aqueous ethanol. In the lattermethod (termed chemical catalytic hydrogenation (CCH)), chemisorbed hydrogen isgenerated in situ but by reduction <strong>of</strong> water by aluminium (by leaching <strong>of</strong> the alloy)(equation [12]). The reductions by in situ leaching must be carried out in a basicmedium in order to ensure the conversion <strong>of</strong> insoluble Al(OH) 3 into solublealuminate (equation [12]). The selectivity and efficiency <strong>of</strong> the electrochemicalreduction <strong>of</strong> 5-nitro-indoles, -benz<strong>of</strong>urane, and -benzothiophene at RCu electrodes inneutral and alkaline aqueous ethanol will also be compared with that <strong>of</strong> the classicalreduction with zinc in acidic medium.[12] CuAl + 3H 2 O + HO3Cu(H) + Al(OH) 4

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