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Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..


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224 Cavitating Ultrasound Hydrogenationtemperatures, we can rigorously apply transition-state theory to describe the u 3 C3(-H) and C3(-D) elimination processes. In this scenario, the ratio <strong>of</strong> rate coefficientsfor C-D and C-H elimination from the surface intermediate is given by [16],k Dk H= (Q t,D /Q t,H ) (Q † D / Q† H ) (1)where Q t,D and Q t,H are tunneling terms and Q † D and Q † H are the partition functions<strong>of</strong> the transition state. For a sufficiently large barrier to reaction, which isreasonable for our system, the tunneling correction is close to unity [16-18]. Herewe approximate the Q † D and Q † H terms <strong>of</strong> equation (1) by the two bending modes <strong>of</strong>both C-C-H and C-C-D, respectively. In particular, we estimate these terms usingdata for ethane and deutero-ethane [19] where: w 1 (D)=503, w 2 (D)=661, w 1 (H)=671,and w 2 (H)=849 cm -1 , where w 1 is the out-<strong>of</strong>-plane CH bond bending mode. Usingexpressions for the vibrational partition function results in k D /k H =0.39, or atransition-state theory predicted deuterium number (via k D /(k D +k H )) <strong>of</strong> 0.28 at 298K.These predictions can now be compared to experiment. Examining our dataset<strong>of</strong> Figure 2 leads to extrapolated c→0 trans-olefin deuterium numbers <strong>of</strong> 0.20 (MS)and 0.46 (US). The former value is close to that predicted by transition state theoryjust described. We propose, therefore, that the less energetic conventional (thermal)processing approach yields trans-olefin primarily through the C3-H/D eliminationgiven by transition-state theory employing the reaction temperature <strong>of</strong> 298 K.Conversely, the results for the more energetic cavitating ultrasound system is alsoexplainable using transition-state theory except that a much higher, non-equilibrium(compared to the thermal bath), vibrational temperature is required to model thedeuterium number <strong>of</strong> 0.5. This is because transition-state theory predicts that thedeuterium number asymptotically approaches 0.5 as the temperature approachesinfinity. A temperature <strong>of</strong> 800 K results in a computed deuterium number <strong>of</strong> 0.40,thus this is likely the minimum vibrational temperature that describes the cavitatingultrasound system.This assignment is supported, indirectly, by the measured activities <strong>of</strong> theseexperiments. For example, the activities were measured to be (in M/g-catalyst hour):0.98 (MS-H 2 ); 0.61 (MS-D 2 ); 180 (US-H 2 ); and 190 (US-D 2 ). Hence, the ~250-foldgreater activities <strong>of</strong> the ultrasound systems is consistent with the expected, morerapid, statistical C-H/D dissociation process as compared to the conventional (e.g.,stirred/silent) mediated systems. Additional support for this model arises from astudy <strong>of</strong> gas phase cis-2-butene isomerization to trans-2-butene [15] at 291 K. Herethe c→0 extrapolated trans deuterium number <strong>of</strong> ~0.27 is supportive <strong>of</strong> C3-H/Delimination predicted by transition-state theory in this system at thermal equilibrium(e.g., vibrational temperature equal to translational temperature).In the context <strong>of</strong> the accepted olefin isomerization mechanism, our resultsillustrate that transition-state theory can accurately model the competition betweenC-H and C-D activation for olefin exchange (isomerization) for the case <strong>of</strong>

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