Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..


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Liu, Cant and Smith 137noting that the proportionality constant is identical for these equations when usingthe same spectrum. Substituting Equations [5-7] into the usual equations for relativemole fractions (Y), for example Y IDA = n IDA / (n DEA + n HEG + n IDA ), gives:Y DEA = (A a - A c ) / (A a + A b + A c ) [8]Y HEG = 2A c / (A a + A b + A c ) [9]Y IDA = A b / (A a + A b + A c ) [10]Given that the number <strong>of</strong> a and d protons are the same, an identical set <strong>of</strong>equations with Ad in place <strong>of</strong> Aa can also be used. Here we have used an average <strong>of</strong>Aa and Ad with the areas assessed after Lorentzian deconvolution in order to providebetter separation <strong>of</strong> the 2.99 and 3.02 ppm lines. Mole fractions derived using thisNMR method for reaction over the unpromoted copper catalyst are shown as afunction <strong>of</strong> time in Figure 5. Clearly IDA is formed largely via HEG as intermediatesince the concentration <strong>of</strong> the latter passes through a well-defined maximum.1.00.8DEAHEGIDANMR datamodelMole fraction0. 2 4 6 8Time, hoursFigure 5. Mole fractions versus time for the reaction <strong>of</strong> diethanolamine overunpromoted copper.The reaction was modeled in an attempt to obtain rate constants for the reactions<strong>of</strong> DEA and HEG separately. This was done on the assumption that the system wasentirely sequential, with both reacting according to first order kinetics, i.e.k 1 k 2DEA → HEG → IDAIn this case the equations for the concentrations <strong>of</strong> the three components as afunction <strong>of</strong> time are as follows when DEA alone is present initially (13)[DEA] = [DEA] 0 exp (-k 1 t) or ln[DEA] = ln[DEA] 0 – k 1 t [11][HEG] = {k 1 /(k 2 - k 1 )} [DEA] 0 {exp(-k 1 t) – exp(-k 2 t)} [12]

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