Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..

Catalysis of Organic..


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124TEMPO Oxidation <strong>of</strong> Alcoholsany direct observation regarding the location <strong>of</strong> each redox cycle in the overallcascade, the schematic is given for illustration purposes only. What we only know isthat removing any <strong>of</strong> the links in this sequence leads to complete shutdown <strong>of</strong> theoxidation reaction and as a result, one can speculate that a complete catalytic cycleshould involve transferring <strong>of</strong> the α-hydrogen from the alcohol molecule in cycle Ato the oxygen in cycle E. In an alternative scenario, the hydrogen and an activatedform <strong>of</strong> oxygen could interact in either the bromine (C) or the nitrate cycle (D) toproduce HO - . Studies are currently underway to determine the nature <strong>of</strong> theintermediate species and possibly, the position <strong>of</strong> the individual cycles in thecascade. Based on the data in Figure 1, one can also say that the bromine cycleproceeds faster than the rate <strong>of</strong> the TEMPO (B) or the nitrate (D) cycles.Screening for an efficient TEMPO catalyst.A number <strong>of</strong> commercially available TEMPO derivatives were screened at 16 mmolsubstrate scale at fixed concentrations for X-TEMPO (3.0 mol%), NBS (0.3 mol%)and Mg(NO 3 ) 2 (7.5 mol%). The highest oxidation rates were recorded in the presence<strong>of</strong> 5, 3 and 4 (Scheme 3). The N,N - Dimethylamino TEMPO (7) did not performwell and the catalyst system based on this TEMPO derivative deactivated ratherrapidly. The three best performing systems were tested extensively and the results forthe changes in the initial rate <strong>of</strong> oxygen uptake (curve 3), the conversion <strong>of</strong> 1 at 60min reaction time (curve 1) and the selectivity to 2 (curves 2) are plotted in Figure 2.In all three instances the initial rate <strong>of</strong> oxygen uptake is first order dependant on theconcentration <strong>of</strong> the X-TEMPO catalyst in the 0-5 mmol range and shows a trend tosaturation at high concentrations, clearly indicating that the TEMPO cycle (D) ismost likely the rate limiting step in the overall reaction cascade, presented in Scheme2. At comparable catalyst concentrations, the AA-TEMPO based catalystcomposition (Fig 2c) is nearly twice as active than the one based on MeO-TEMPO(2a) or TEMPO (2b). For example, to attain the maximum rate in the oxygen uptakefor a full conversion <strong>of</strong> 1, the MeO-TEMPO and the TEMPO based systems require1.25mmol catalyst (7.8 mol%) while the AA-TEMPO system reached its maximumperformance at 0.6mmol level (3.7 mol%).NHCOCH 3OMeOHO(CH 3) 2N.ONO . NO.AA-TEMPO (5) > TEMPO (3) > MeO-TEMPO (4) > HO-TEMPO (6) >> DMA-TEMPO (7)Scheme 3.Another interesting observation from the data in Figure 2 was the effect <strong>of</strong> thecatalyst concentration on the aldehyde selectivity (curves 2 in 2a-c). As mentionedearlier, at this moderate reaction temperature, the only by-product present inmeasurable quantities was hexanoic acid, formed as a product <strong>of</strong> the over-oxidation<strong>of</strong> 2. Contrary to what was reported in the literature for other TEMPO basedoxidations <strong>of</strong> alcohols (20,21), the current catalyst system, particularly at higherN.ON.O

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