Pneumatic Cylinders - Norman Equipment Co.

Pneumatic Cylinders - Norman Equipment Co.

Pneumatic Cylinders - Norman Equipment Co.


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WarningsGeneral InformationWarningsHarmful <strong>Co</strong>mpressor Oils & Other MaterialsSome oils used in air compressors contain chemicals harmful to Buna-N seals, if not adequately filtered atthe compressor. The most common of these oils, in addition to other harmful material, are listed below.COMPRESSOR OILS COMPRESSOR OILS OTHER MATERIALSCellulube No. 150 & 220 Phrano Garlock No. 98403 (Polyurethane)Haskel No. 568-023 Pydraul AC Parco No. 3106 (Neoprene)Hougton & <strong>Co</strong>. Oil No. 1120, Sears Regular Motor Oil Some Loctite <strong>Co</strong>mpoundsNo. 1130, No. 1055 Sinclair Oil “Lily White” Stillman No. SR269-75(Polyurethane)Houtosafe 1000 Skydrol Stillman No. SR513-70 (Neoprene)Kano Kroil Tenneco Anderol No. 495Keyston Penetrating Oil No. 2& No. 500 OilsMarvel Mystery OilCAUTION: <strong>Co</strong>mpounded oilscontaining graphite and fillersare not recommended for usewith cylinders.Air & Lubrication RequirementAIR PRESSURE: Limited to 200 psig(14 bar) FILTRATION: 40 Micron.Proper moisture removal and filtrationof contaminates will promote goodservice life and operation. Install an airregulator to control the operatingpressure, insure smooth operation andconserve energy.LUBRICATION: All valve componentshave been lubricated at the factory andcan be operated without additional airline lubrication. Minimal lubricationmay extend the life of the valve. 50Series, E-Series and K-Series Valvesuse o-ring seals. For maximumperformance and life expectancy,standard air line lubrication should beused. If air line cylinders or other airline devices, used in conjunction withARO valve, require lubrication, be surethe lubricating oils used are compatiblewith the valve seals and are of sufficientviscosity to assure adequate lubrication.ARO recommends an oil lubricant witha viscosity of 100-200 SUS at 100° Fand an airline point above 200° F.NOTICE: The use of compound oilscontaining graphite filters, extremelylow viscosities an other non-fluidlubricants is not recommended.RECOMMENDED: ARO 29665 air linelubricator oil is available in one quartcontainers.WarningThe following are hazards or unsafepractices which could result in severepersonal injury, death or substantialproperty damage. Heed the following.Use safeguards. Insure that provisionsare made to prevent the valve frombeing accidentally operated (actuated.)Hazardous Air Pressure. Shut off,disconnect and relieve any trapped airpressure from system beforeperforming service or maintenance.Hazardous Voltage. Do not attemptany service without disconnecting allelectrical supply sources.NOTICE: Genesis Series Valves mustbe grounded.Do not use the valve as a safety deviceor to operate or control the operation offull revolution clutch systems or brakesystems on power presses or similarequipment. These valves are notintended for such applications. Do notsubject the valve to any condition thatexceeds the limits set forth in thespecifications for a particular valvemodel. Keep all hoses, electrical wiring,fittings and connections in goodworking condition. Damaged airpressure hoses, electrical wiring, orconnections, could cause accidentalvalve operation (actuation). Only allowqualified technicians to install ormaintain the valve system. It isnecessary to have a throughunderstanding of the operation andapplication of all valves being used in aparticular system and how they interactwith the other components of thesystem.General InformationTo obtain information or to receivetechnical literature for specific cylinders:contact ARO Customer Service at (800)495-0276 or contact your nearest AROdistributor. Selected parts are providedin kit form. The ARO Parts List/ServiceInstructions contain Repair Kitinformation and complete ServiceParts information and are availableupon request. Order Manuals as shown.The following Operator’s Manuals areavailable.Operator’s Manual Part NumberARO CYLINDERS 119999-27PROVENAIR 119999-30ECONOMAIR 119999-16MICROAIR 119999-41PREMAIR COMPACTS 119999-78PROVENAIR TANKS 119999-03281

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