annual report - Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand

annual report - Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand

annual report - Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand


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2011<strong>annual</strong> <strong>report</strong>

The <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>Suite 512 Eastpoint,180 Ocean Street, Edgecliff NSW 2027 <strong>Australia</strong>t +61 2 9362 8644 f +61 2 9362 1433e communication@usanz.org.au w www.usanz.org.au

Table <strong>of</strong> ContentsUSANZ Committees 2011 1President’s Report 4Chief Executive Offi cer’s Report 5Secretary’s Report 8Treasurer’s Report 92011 Financial Report 11TA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology Report 30Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Report 36Table <strong>of</strong> ContentsRoyal Australasian College <strong>of</strong> Surgeons’ Report 38Annual Scientifi c Meetings 39Christchurch 2011 39Darwin 2012 39Section Reports 41<strong>New</strong> South Wales 41<strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> 41Northern Section 42Tasmania 43Victoria 44Australasian Urology Foundation Report 46Prizes <strong>and</strong> Awards 47USANZ Annual General Meeting Agenda 48USANZ Proposed Special Resolution 49Minutes from the 64th USANZ Annual General Meeting 50

USANZ Committees 2011Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsPresident: Stephen RuthvenPast-President: David MaloufVice-President: David WinkleHonorary Secretary: David MaloufHonorary Treasurer: David MaloufVictoria: David Cook<strong>New</strong> South Wales: David MaloufSouth <strong>Australia</strong>: John MillerWestern <strong>Australia</strong>: Paul McRae<strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>: Mark FraundorferTasmania: Stephen BroughNorthern/Queensl<strong>and</strong>: David WinkleChair, TA&E: John MillerChair, ANZAUS: Greg MaloneRepresentative on RACS Council: Andrew BrooksChair, Policy: Andrew BrooksExternal Director: Alex MalleyChief Executive Officer: Michael NugaraTA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> UrologyChairperson: John MillerNSW TA&E Chairperson: Prem RashidVIC TA&E Chairperson: Richard GrillsSA TA&E Chairperson: Mark LloydNZ TA&E Chairperson: Rodney StuddNorthern Section TA&EChairperson: Peter MactaggartWA TA&E Chairperson: Melvyn KuanSenior Examiner: Stephen Mark(retired September 2011)Senior Examiner: Timothy Skyring(commenced September 2011)USANZ President: Stephen RuthvenRACS Council Representative: Helen O’Connell(retired May 2011)RACS Council Representative: Andrew Brooks(commenced May 2011)Jurisdictional Representative: Jo Burn<strong>and</strong>Trainee Representative(Set1-Set2): Devang DesaiTrainee Representative(Set3-Set5): Simon Van RijUSANZ CEO: Michael Nugara (ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio)Co-Opted MembersAnita Clarke,Urology Representative,IMG Assessment <strong>and</strong> ManagementPaul Anderson,Urology Representative, Surgical Sciences <strong>and</strong>Clinical Examinations Committee & PathologyCommitteeLydia Johns Putra,Urology Representative, Anatomy CommitteePeter Liodakis,Urology Representative, ClinicalExaminations CommitteeFrank Gardiner,Urology Representative, Pathology CommitteeSpecial AdvisoryGroups (SAGs)Sanjeev B<strong>and</strong>i (Andology)Simon Bariol (Endourology)Samantha Pillay (Female Urology)Peter Gilling (Male Lower Urinary Tract)Mark Frydenberg (Genitourinary Oncology)David Winkle (Paediatric Urology)Stephen Mark (Reconstructive Urology)Australasian <strong>Urological</strong>FoundationMichael Rochford, ChairmanWilliam Lynch, Secretary/TreasurerPatrick BaryStephen RuthvenAdrian PorterMichael Nugara, USANZ CEO (ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio)1 | 2011 Annual Report

Board <strong>of</strong> Directors 2011From front, left to right: Greg Malone, David Malouf, David Winkle (Vice President), Stephen Ruthven (President), Michael Nugara (CEO)From back, left to right: Stephen Brough, Mark Fraundorfer, Andrew Brooks, David Cook, Paul McRaeAbsent: John Miller, Alex Malley,VisionThe <strong>Society</strong>’s vision is to continue to work forits community to ensure the best access to thequality urological care its members provide.MissionThe <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong>Zeal<strong>and</strong> is committed to clinical excellence,education, <strong>and</strong> the promotion <strong>of</strong> research <strong>and</strong>the dissemination <strong>of</strong> information on urologicaltopics for the benefit <strong>of</strong> the community.Values• Excellence in pr<strong>of</strong>essional st<strong>and</strong>ards• Ethical st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>of</strong> the highest order• Patient safety2011 Annual Report | 2

Annual ReportsMarch 2012ABN 64 880 438 690To all MembersYour Board <strong>of</strong> Directors has pleasure in submitting its <strong>report</strong> for the yearending 31st December, 2011.Stephen RuthvenPresident<strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>Suite 512 Eastpoint, 180 Ocean Street, Edgecliff NSW 2027 <strong>Australia</strong>Tel: +61 2 9362 8644 Fax: +61 2 9362 1433Email: secretary@usanz.org.au http://www.usanz.org.au3 | 2011 Annual Report

President’s Annual ReportStephen RuthvenIt is with great pleasure that I present thePresident’s Report for 2011-2012.2011 will go down in the history books <strong>of</strong>USANZ following our intimate involvementwith our colleagues during the Christchurchearthquake. We have <strong>and</strong> will continue toremember all <strong>of</strong> those affected.The Christchurch Medal for Bravery orExceptional Community Service (two separate<strong>and</strong> independent awards), has been created<strong>and</strong> is dedicated, in memoriam, to the people<strong>of</strong> Christchurch. Medals have been struckfrom the metal <strong>of</strong> the affected buildings,citations have been prepared <strong>and</strong> therecipients will be announced <strong>and</strong> awarded atthis year’s ASM in Darwin.The disruption <strong>of</strong> the ASM was addressed byhaving two replacement meetings in 2011,one in Sydney <strong>and</strong> the other in Melbourne.These supplementary meetings were very wellreceived, giving speakers the opportunity todeliver their papers.The Annual Scientific Meeting format has beenadapted in line with global trends, industryregulation, <strong>and</strong> most importantly to ensure itmaintains relevance for the membership inan environment <strong>of</strong> increasing subspecialisedpractice. A heavy emphasis is now on theeducational benefits <strong>and</strong> the scientific content,social activities have been trimmed. Theconcept <strong>of</strong> ‘mini-ASMs’ has been realised,<strong>and</strong> the SAGs have increased contributionto the scientific content <strong>of</strong> their section <strong>of</strong> themeeting. Parallel subspeciality programs underthe one ro<strong>of</strong> should enhance the attractiveness<strong>of</strong> the meeting to both Fellows <strong>and</strong> ourindustry partners. The Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsare acutely aware <strong>of</strong> the issues surroundingthese worldwide trends <strong>and</strong> are keen to adoptstrategies to be at the forefront <strong>of</strong> successfulsolutions, to provide value to members for CPD.The Darwin ASM has adopted this modelboasting a line-up <strong>of</strong> expert speakers, who arethought leaders in their respective specialities. Iwould like to take this opportunity to commend2012 ASM Convenor Henry Woo <strong>and</strong> hisScientific Convenor, Venu Chalasani <strong>and</strong> therest <strong>of</strong> the organising committee for their stellarwork; the ASM promises to be a great success.As always, the Section Meetings were wellorganised <strong>and</strong> attended; they combinededucational <strong>and</strong> social interaction in the rightmix. Convenors are to be congratulated fortheir tireless efforts. Robin <strong>and</strong> I, are extremelyhumbled <strong>and</strong> grateful for the generous,gracious, warm hospitality given to us by all <strong>of</strong>you during these meetings.USANZ’s flag was waved vigorously atinternational meetings such as the EAU, AUA,BAUS <strong>and</strong> the UAA. Strong connections<strong>and</strong> affiliations were reconfirmed with thePresidents <strong>and</strong> their key support staff. Many <strong>of</strong>the challenges we face are also issues for ourinternational colleagues, <strong>and</strong> the exchange <strong>of</strong>ideas with regards to training, education, policy<strong>and</strong> interaction with external bodies benefitsus all. Closer collaborations to achieve theuniversal goals <strong>of</strong> all urological associations arevery much on the agenda. The outreach to ourAsian colleagues continues with attendances atthe Indonesian <strong>and</strong> the Korean ASMs <strong>and</strong> othersatellite meetings.Domestically USANZ has focused on building<strong>and</strong> enhancing relationships with RACS, PCFA<strong>and</strong> with other similar organisations who sharecommon interests <strong>and</strong> aspirations. Positiveoutcomes can be achieved through strategicalliances. We acknowledge the generousfinancial support by the PCFA with regard to thenewly launched PRIAS Project.In 2009, the <strong>Society</strong> formed a partnershipwith BJUI to become the <strong>of</strong>ficial Journal <strong>of</strong>USANZ; David Nicol was appointed USANZAssociate Editor <strong>and</strong> he has done a fantasticjob in this role! Our third USANZ Supplementwill be published in time for the ASM. Weurge you to strongly support our Journal. Thequality <strong>and</strong> number <strong>of</strong> papers submitted frommembers has been very gratifying. AcceptedUSANZ submissions are both free to download<strong>and</strong> PubMed listed; allowing the internationalurological community to search, access <strong>and</strong>potentially cite USANZ Supplement papers.2011 Annual Report | 4President’s Report

President’s Report/Chief Executive Offi cer’s ReportDavid Nicol, under the guidance <strong>of</strong> BJUI’sEditor-in-Chief, John M. Fitzpatrick, welcomesfurther contributions to the supplement,particularly research presented at SectionalMeetings or at the ASM.John Fitzpatrick has been a huge supporter<strong>of</strong> USANZ, he has attended many ASMs overthe years; as he h<strong>and</strong>s over his editorship laterthis year, the <strong>Society</strong> would like to thank himformally for his time, support <strong>and</strong> commitment toUSANZ. We will acknowledge this in an <strong>of</strong>ficialcapacity at the Darwin ASM by presenting Johnwith a Fellow <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong> Award.The Board <strong>of</strong> Urology continues to do anoutst<strong>and</strong>ing job training our future urologists.I would like to thank John Miller as he stepsdown as Board Chair after 3 years <strong>of</strong> service;he has done an incredible job <strong>and</strong> leaves verybig shoes to fill. We welcome Prem Rashid asthe new Board Chair. I would also like to takethe opportunity to thank Helen O’Connell <strong>and</strong>Stephen Mark who retired from the Board <strong>of</strong>Urology in the past 12 months.Members are reminded <strong>of</strong> the streamlinedcorporate structure <strong>of</strong> USANZ. It is a legalcorporate entity, governed by the Board <strong>of</strong>Directors which directs our CEO to implementpolicy <strong>and</strong> manage the day-to-day activities <strong>and</strong>the <strong>of</strong>fice staff. Many societies have adoptedthis model with great success. Michael Nugara<strong>and</strong> those before him have placed USANZ ona solid footing <strong>of</strong> corporate memory <strong>and</strong> soundfinancial management.I would like to take this opportunity to expressmy appreciation to Michael <strong>and</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong>Directors for their support <strong>and</strong> effort over the pastyear. USANZ would not be in the strong positionit is in, without their selfless contributions. On hisretirement from the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, I also wishto acknowledge <strong>and</strong> thank Steve Brough for histime <strong>and</strong> dedication to USANZ.I commend USANZ to all <strong>of</strong> you. The ideals <strong>and</strong>goals espoused by USANZ <strong>and</strong> breathtakinglydemonstrated by many <strong>of</strong> our members, in all<strong>of</strong> our activities, is a great source <strong>of</strong> justifiedsatisfaction <strong>and</strong> pride.Bring on 2012!Chief Executive Offi cer’s ReportMichael Nugara2011 will be remembered as a year that hashad a long lasting impact on many membersas well as being a significant chapter in thehistory <strong>of</strong> USANZ. Much has been writtenabout the impact <strong>of</strong> the earthquake duringthe Christchurch ASM, the affect it had onASM delegates <strong>and</strong> continues to have on theresidents <strong>of</strong> Christchurch. Those <strong>of</strong> us who werethere will never forget the experience <strong>and</strong> therealisation that, with over 600 delegates present,there were no casualties or life threateninginjuries, we were indeed, very lucky!In light <strong>of</strong> the ab<strong>and</strong>oned ASM, the Board<strong>of</strong> Directors approved two supplementarymeetings to be held, one in Sydney <strong>and</strong> theother in Melbourne. The meetings providedthe opportunity for Christchurch presentersto present their papers, as well as <strong>of</strong>feringsponsors <strong>and</strong> exhibitors the chance tonetwork with our members. Attendanceat both meetings was free to Christchurchdelegates, members <strong>and</strong> industry. It was alsoan opportunity to reconnect with Christchurchdelegates whom we had not seen since ourtime in Hagley Park. Both meetings were wellattended <strong>and</strong> the Sydney meeting included there-scheduled Annual General Meeting (AGM) <strong>of</strong>USANZ; where David Malouf formally h<strong>and</strong>edover the presidency to Stephen Ruthven.The supplementary meeting in Melbournecoincided with the <strong>Australia</strong>n ProstateCancer Conference <strong>and</strong> I would like toextend my sincere thanks to Declan Murphyfor his assistance in ensuring the USANZmeeting was a success. This meeting was acollaborative meeting with ANZUP (<strong>Australia</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> Uro-oncology Program) <strong>and</strong>given the success <strong>of</strong> the event, it may lead t<strong>of</strong>uture joint meetings. I wish to acknowledgethe convenors, Mohamed Khadra (Sydneymeeting) <strong>and</strong> Shomik Sengupta (Melbournemeeting) for their willingness <strong>and</strong> enthusiasmto convene these meetings.We must not forget the enormous effort bythe Christchurch ASM Organising Committee.5 | 2011 Annual Report

After 18 months <strong>of</strong> planning <strong>and</strong> only a partialcompletion <strong>of</strong> the ASM, this outcome was verydisappointing for the Committee. The workby Jane MacDonald, Peter Davidson <strong>and</strong> theother members <strong>of</strong> the organising committeein formulating an innovative program mustbe acknowledged. Thanks also to MarkFraundorfer for organising an outst<strong>and</strong>ingday at Flock Hill Station. Delegates enjoyedinteractive scientifi c discussion in the morningfollowed by sporting activities <strong>and</strong> a superbdinner whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery.Members are aware <strong>of</strong> the introduction <strong>of</strong>the Christchurch Medal, to be awarded foroutst<strong>and</strong>ing feats <strong>of</strong> bravery or service tothe community. The Medal will be bestowedupon four recipients at the gala dinner inDarwin. Members may not be aware that themedals have been cast from building debris,salvaged from the Christchurch CentralBusiness District. Stuart Gowl<strong>and</strong> played akey role in salvaging the material <strong>and</strong> creatingthe medals; many thanks Stu!The recovery <strong>of</strong> delegate belongingsfrom Christchurch hotels was a very slow,frustrating <strong>and</strong> dangerous task. My thanksagain go to Stuart Gowl<strong>and</strong>, for facilitatingthe engagement <strong>of</strong> contractors by USANZ, tooversee this process.2011 has seen some significant developmentsin the USANZ relationship with RACS. InMay, a RACS commissioned <strong>report</strong> into therelationships between RACS <strong>and</strong> the specialtysocieties was tabled to the RACS Council.The authors <strong>of</strong> the <strong>report</strong> included pastRACS presidents as well as representationfrom some specialties, including USANZ.The <strong>report</strong> was critical <strong>of</strong> the operations <strong>and</strong>governance structure <strong>of</strong> RACS <strong>and</strong> includedrecommendations to address the issuesidentified. In September, a consensus statementwas prepared <strong>and</strong> signed by specialty societypresidents. The statement called for reform<strong>of</strong> RACS governance to empower specialtysocieties, leading to greater autonomy for thespecialties within agreed parameters, as well aschanges to the service agreements to increasefunding to the specialties.RACS formed two working parties, one to revieweducation <strong>and</strong> the other to review governance.USANZ is represented on both working parties.To date, progress has been very slow with somechanges to the selection process. However, thekey objectives <strong>of</strong> the consensus statement wereto achieve fundamental change in the structure<strong>and</strong> role <strong>of</strong> RACS, recognising that specialtieshave matured <strong>and</strong> the current RACS modelneeds to be restructured to accommodate thespecialties.In 2011, members received issues one<strong>and</strong> two <strong>of</strong> the BJUI USANZ Supplement.A considerable amount <strong>of</strong> effort has beenexpended in getting these journals publishedwith credit to the Supplement Guest Editor,David Nicol, who has done an excellent job. Ialso wish to thank the former Managing Editor<strong>of</strong> the BJUI, Audraí O’Dwyer (now the USANZCommunications Manager) for her assistance<strong>and</strong> the advice <strong>of</strong>fered to David <strong>and</strong> I duringthe preparation <strong>of</strong> the fi rst three issues. Issuethree will be arriving in mail boxes very soon.Last month, members were asked toparticipate in a plebiscite to gauge the level <strong>of</strong>support for the proposed <strong>Society</strong> name changeto <strong>Urological</strong> Surgeons Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>. The result <strong>of</strong> the plebiscitewas outlined in the Special Resolution sent tomembers with the Notice <strong>of</strong> the Annual GeneralMeeting. The result <strong>of</strong> the plebiscite confirmedthe opinion <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, that thereis considerable support for the name changein the broader membership.The 2012 AGM will see the retirement <strong>of</strong> twomembers <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, John Miller<strong>and</strong> Stephen Brough. In his role as Board<strong>of</strong> Urology Chair, John Miller has done anoutst<strong>and</strong>ing job over the last three years. Therole has presented some significant challenges(<strong>and</strong> frustrations) but John’s tireless effort hasbeen appreciated by all. I also wish to thankStephen Brough in his capacity as TasmanianRepresentative on the Board. I am very gratefulfor Steve’s support <strong>and</strong> contribution to theBoard over the last three years.I wish to acknowledge the work carried outby the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, their commitmentChief Executive Offi cer’s Report2011 Annual Report | 6

Chief Executive Offi cer’s Reportto the <strong>Society</strong> cannot be overstated. It hasbeen a pleasure to work with the Board <strong>and</strong>in particular, with Steve Ruthven during thefi rst year <strong>of</strong> his term as President. I wish tothank our External Director, Alex Malley for hiscontinued support <strong>of</strong> USANZ. Despite havingan incredibly busy schedule, Alex has alwaysmade himself available to provide advice tothe President <strong>and</strong> I, on some occasions attimes that were far from convenient for him,as a result <strong>of</strong> different time zones. Manythanks Alex, the President <strong>and</strong> I have greatlyappreciated your insights <strong>and</strong> counsel.Thanks also to the members <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong>Urology, Section TA&E Committees <strong>and</strong> allother working committees, your contributionsare greatly appreciated.The USANZ relationship with ANZSCTS(<strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong>Cardiac <strong>and</strong> Thoracic Surgeons) continuesto strengthen under the current serviceagreement. I wish thank the USANZ ChiefOperating Offi cer, Nick Danes for his work inthis regard.During 2011 the USANZ staff <strong>and</strong> memberscontributed across several areas:Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development• USANZ managed the LUTS <strong>and</strong> GreenlightLaser Workshops.• Coordination <strong>and</strong> provision <strong>of</strong>administrative support to SAGs.• Coordination <strong>of</strong> audits throughout the yearin support <strong>of</strong> SAGs.• Thanks go to SAG contributors for theirefforts this year.<strong>of</strong> the services provided by behaviouralconsultants to conduct an interviewertraining workshop <strong>and</strong> develop a SETUrology interview guide.• The provision <strong>of</strong> support <strong>and</strong> advice to theBoard <strong>of</strong> Urology.• Ongoing support <strong>and</strong> advice to trainees<strong>and</strong> IMGS to ensure compliance withtraining requirements.Membership <strong>and</strong> Communication• We continue to improve the USANZ e<strong>New</strong>s<strong>and</strong> we will be introducing signifi cantchanges to <strong>Society</strong> <strong>New</strong>s in 2012. Thebr<strong>and</strong> development project will furtherenhance these important communicationmediums.• The utilisation <strong>of</strong> the USANZ websitecontinues to grow <strong>and</strong> the overall number<strong>of</strong> site visitors is also increasing. Weanticipate this trend will continue as theUSANZ br<strong>and</strong> strategy is implemented.I wish to acknowledge the tireless contributionby my colleagues Louise Reeson, VaughanParkinson, Deborah Klein, Nick Danes <strong>and</strong>our most recent recruit, Audraí O’Dwyer. Theirindividual efforts are appreciated by all.Education <strong>and</strong> Training• Trainee Week was a great success againthis year, thanks to Prem Rashid forconvening an excellent meeting. DeborahKlein did a great job organising the event;to all the members who contributed theirtime, thank you for your participation.• The SET Selection process wasimproved through further enhancement7 | 2011 Annual Report

Secretary’s Report 2011David MaloufThe Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong> metduring 2011 as follows:20 February – Christchurch ASM2 May – USANZ <strong>of</strong>fi ce2 September – USANZ <strong>of</strong>fi ce11 November – USANZ <strong>of</strong>fi ceThere are 11 Directors that make up theBoard. The President, Vice President, PastPresident, RACS representative <strong>and</strong> theANZAUS representative are elected by themembership. The Policy Chair is nominatedby the membership <strong>and</strong> elected by the Board<strong>of</strong> Directors. There are two external positionson the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors; one <strong>of</strong> thesepositions is currently vacant.MembershipSince the last Annual Report, the followingchanges have occurred:Dickon HayneJonathan LewinManuel “Jimmy” YuhicoNicholas BrookJon-Paul MeyerMuhammad KahloonAntonio Vega VegaJoseph SchoemanGias AhmedFull Member Senior:Derek RothwellAnthony (Tony) JamesPhilip McDougallMalcolm DrummondJohn Alex<strong>and</strong>erAssociate Member – <strong>Urological</strong>:David BrownNeil Robert PricePaul GilmoreSecretary’s ReportFull Member:Quinten KingPhilip McCahyChristopher CheeLiam WilsonFrank RedwigTimothy NathanSantoshi NagoankarAdrian ClubbElizabeth DallyAdam DaviesAndrew FullerJacob GleesonTanya HaAnthony HuttonJason LeePascal MancusoJason PaterdisMorgan PokornyDan SpernatMatthew ThreadgateAilsa WilsonAssociate Member – MedicalHemamali (Marie) SamaratungaCallum LoganSubodh KamblePaul CrowProvisional Member:Nazim Ali AhmadResignations:Mano RajaratnamSubramanian VignarajahNeil McMullinIan HamiltonDenis CherryJohn (Bruce) Wells (FMS)2011 Annual Report | 8

Treasurer’s ReportTreasurer’s ReportDavid MaloufNo one could have foreseen the events <strong>and</strong>devastation that would occur in Christchurchin February 2011. The Christchurchearthquake affected USANZ members ona deeply personal level. The likely fi nancialimpact <strong>of</strong> the earthquake upon the <strong>Society</strong>was unknown. Over the course <strong>of</strong> 2011 itbecame clear that the 2011 ASM surpluswould also be affected by the scale <strong>of</strong> thisdisaster. However, with improved investmentincome returns, <strong>and</strong> reductions in totalexpenditures, the net result was satisfactory<strong>and</strong> better than the 2010 result.OperationsUSANZ generated an operating surplus <strong>of</strong>$650,147.20. This is an 11.5% improvementon last year’s operating performance <strong>of</strong>$583,117.00. This result can be attributedto better than expected investment returns,state section pr<strong>of</strong>i tability <strong>and</strong> reduced totalexpenses. As in previous years, overall,expenses were managed in line with changesin sponsorship <strong>and</strong> registration revenues.The 2011 ASM returned a surplus <strong>of</strong>$217,665.96. This result is a significantreduction on the 2010 ASM return <strong>of</strong>$443,139.31. The decline in the net result isunderst<strong>and</strong>able in light <strong>of</strong> the Christchurchdisaster aftermath. The 2011 ASM result alsoincludes a discount for Christchurch ASMdelegates registering for the 2012 Darwin ASM.Br<strong>and</strong> development <strong>and</strong> media costs, twokey components <strong>of</strong> the 2009-2011 strategicplan, were signifi cantly reduced for 2011 <strong>and</strong>contributed to the overall reduction in totalexpenditures.Education <strong>and</strong> Operations expenditures:Unlike the past two years there were nosubstantial meetings arranged by USANZ for2011. Consequently, there were signifi cantreductions in meeting venue <strong>and</strong> facilitationcosts for 2011. In addition, there were costrecoveries, principally from RACS, in the form<strong>of</strong> previously unclaimed triennium funding.These cost recoveries were with respect tothe past three years <strong>and</strong> contributed to areduction in overall travel costs.Office <strong>and</strong> Administration costs: Therewas a marginal increase in Offi ce <strong>and</strong>Administration costs <strong>of</strong> 1.6%. The increase incosts were across a few expense elements.Financial PositionAs occurred in 2010, during the course <strong>of</strong>2011 USANZ maintained a vigilant cashmanagement strategy. Non-interest bearingbank accounts are funded when required sothat residual cash is transferred to interestbearing bank accounts <strong>and</strong> market linkedinvestments.Total assets increased 10.7% from$7,708,513.61 to $8,533,289.07 over theyear; an increase <strong>of</strong> $824,775.46. Theincrease in total assets is attributable toan increase in interest earning funds <strong>and</strong>an increase in the <strong>report</strong>ed value <strong>of</strong> L<strong>and</strong>& Buildings as a result <strong>of</strong> a revaluationperformed during the year.The <strong>report</strong>ed holding value <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>’sL<strong>and</strong> & buildings increased by $285,355in the 2011 year. This increase has beenrecorded in an asset revaluation reserve.At 31 December 2011 our cash interestearning assets were $6,446,212.53 comparedto $5,899,026.12 at the same time last year.This represents an increase <strong>of</strong> $547,186.41in interest earning funds over the year. Theproportion <strong>of</strong> interest bearing funds earning4.25% or better increased over the fiscal yearfrom 92.8% to 96.9% <strong>of</strong> cash assets.Receivables were higher by 57.4% refl ectinga lengthening <strong>of</strong> credit terms by somesponsors over that period. Total liabilitieswere down by 9.0% from $1,230,814.50 to$1,120,087.76 refl ecting a decline in ASMregistration <strong>and</strong> sponsorship revenuesreceived at balance date for the sametime last year. The current asset/liabilitymix (the <strong>Society</strong>’s ability to meet short termcommitments) improved over the year from5.61 times to 6.65 times cover.9 | 2011 Annual Report

Cash FlowNet cash from operating activities hasincreased from $83,275.30 in 2010 to$505,552.25 in 2011. The increase innet cash fl ow from operating activities in2011 can be attributed to cost recoveries,better investment returns <strong>and</strong> state sectionpr<strong>of</strong>i tability.OverallMembers should be pleased with the 2011performance <strong>and</strong> accountability <strong>of</strong> the USANZmanagement team. USANZ continually facesthe challenge to attract fi nancial support fromthe industry, <strong>and</strong> it is expected this challengewill continue into the future.Treasurer’s ReportUSANZ is forecasting its total revenue fromits activities will increase in 2012. However, itis expected that investment income may beunder pressure from reductions in interestrates <strong>and</strong> may decline marginally. Membersubscriptions will be adjusted to account forthe consumer price index. Cost growth isexpected to be contained in line with the CPIin overall terms.I would like to take this opportunity toacknowledge Michael Nugara, VaughanParkinson <strong>and</strong> Nick Danes for theircontribution during 2011.2011 Annual Report | 10

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TA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology ReportJohn MillerThis will be my final <strong>report</strong> as Chairman, Board<strong>of</strong> Urology. At the outset I would like to thankpersonally all those who have helped me overthe past 3 years, in particular Deborah Kleinwho, as a devoted hardworking Education <strong>and</strong>Training Manager always responds positivelyto the dem<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> her role.I consider that the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology has workedwell over the past few years with a great deal<strong>of</strong> challenges at many levels successfullynegotiated. Each member has responded whenasked to contribute but I would like to singleout Lachlan Dodds <strong>and</strong> Prem Rashid for theircontributions <strong>and</strong> sensible counsel over thetime I have been Chairman. The Board work isat times frustrating but overall an enormouslyrewarding experience. The talent within our<strong>Society</strong> is evident at all levels across the Board,work from trainers <strong>and</strong> supervisors through theRegional TA&E Chairpersons <strong>and</strong> within the<strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> USANZ <strong>and</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors. Iexpress my gratitude to all, for their hard work<strong>and</strong> skill. I would also stress to all members <strong>of</strong>USANZ that the future <strong>of</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> Surgery is ingood h<strong>and</strong>s; with an acknowledged high-qualityproduct produced at the end <strong>of</strong> our trainingprogram.At this time, I would particularly like toacknowledge the substantial <strong>and</strong> valuablecontributions <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong>Urology (current <strong>and</strong> past members), other<strong>of</strong>fi ce bearers <strong>and</strong> USANZ personnel:Board Of Urology (Current Members)John Miller, ChairpersonPrem Rashid, Deputy Chair &NSW TA&E ChairpersonRichard Grills, VIC TA&E ChairpersonMark Lloyd, SA TA&E ChairpersonRodney Studd, NZ TA&E ChairpersonPeter Mactaggart, Northern SectionTA&E ChairpersonMelvyn Kuan, WA TA&E ChairpersonStephen Mark, Senior Examiner(retired September 2011)Timothy Skyring, Senior Examiner(commenced October 2011)David Malouf, President, USANZ(term ended April 2011)Stephen Ruthven, President, USANZ(term commenced April 2011)Helen O’Connell, Urology Representative,RACS Council (retired May 2011)Andrew Brook, Urology Representative,RACS Council (commenced May 2011)Simon Van Rij, Trainee Representative(SET3-SET5)Devang Desai, Trainee Representative(SET1-SET2)Michael Nugara, CEO, USANZ (ex-<strong>of</strong>fi cio)Board Of Urology (Previous Members)Lachlan Dodds(past Victorian TA&E Chairperson)Nigel Dunglison(past Northern Section TA&E Chairperson)Jerard Ghossein(past WA TA&E Chairperson)Andre Westenberg(past NZ TA&E Chairperson)Kim Horsell (past SA&NT TA&E Chairperson)Co-Opted MembersAnita Clarke, Urology Representative, IMGAssessment <strong>and</strong> ManagementPaul Anderson, Urology Representative,Surgical Sciences <strong>and</strong> Clinical ExaminationsCommittee & Pathology CommitteeLydia Johns Putra, Urology Representative,Anatomy CommitteePeter Liodakis, Urology Representative,Clinical Examinations CommitteeFrank Gardiner, Urology Representative,Pathology CommitteeAll <strong>of</strong> these individuals have made my roleas Board Chairman a much easier task <strong>and</strong>Anita Clarke in particular has performed anTA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology Report2011 Annual Report | 30

TA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology Reportoutst<strong>and</strong>ing service to USANZ <strong>and</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong>Urology in the thankless task <strong>of</strong> IMG assessor. Ihave now taken over this role <strong>and</strong> wish Anita allthe best in her new role as an examiner.Set1/Set2 Co-OrdinatorsJames Wong (NSW), Nathan Lawrentschuk(VIC), Greg Malone (QLD)Support PersonnelDeborah Klein, Education <strong>and</strong> TrainingManager, USANZWendy Frazer, CPD Manager, USANZ (NSWTraining Programme)Liz Thompson, Executive Offi cer, VictorianSection (VIC Training Programme)Having already praised the tireless hard work<strong>of</strong> Deborah Klein, I also wish to acknowledgeWendy Frazer who has recently left theemployment <strong>of</strong> USANZ. Her role in managingthe NSW Section training programme was agreat asset to the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology <strong>and</strong> theNSW Chairman in particular. I wish her well inher new employment.When I commenced as Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Board<strong>of</strong> Urology, after some years <strong>of</strong> absence <strong>of</strong>fthe Board, the initial six months was a rapidlearning process; in particular I am grateful tomy predecessor Phillip Sprott who provideda useful sounding board <strong>and</strong> had skilfullynegotiated the introduction <strong>of</strong> the SET UrologyProgram, with numerous extensively updatedpr<strong>of</strong>ormas <strong>and</strong> policy documents. Thesituation I found myself in has been avoided,by development <strong>of</strong> a succession plan, withthe appointment <strong>of</strong> a Deputy Board Chair.Prem Rashid accepted this role last year <strong>and</strong>will take over as Chairman, Board <strong>of</strong> Urologyfollowing the AGM in Darwin. Prem was alreadya hard working member <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>and</strong> hasstreamlined many <strong>of</strong> the processes within theNSW Section, in his time as NSW Chairperson.He also has the foresight <strong>and</strong> good commonsense to fill the role <strong>and</strong> as a current boardmember is well aware <strong>of</strong> the issues facing theBoard <strong>of</strong> Urology now <strong>and</strong> in the future. Havingseen his work close at h<strong>and</strong>, over the pastfew years, I feel Prem has the skills to improveon all aspects that the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology fulfilsfor USANZ <strong>and</strong> RACS. I would also like towelcome Finlay Macneil who will replace PremRashid as NSW TA&E Chairperson <strong>and</strong> lookforward to his contribution to the Board <strong>and</strong> theTraining Programme.In the three years I have been Chairman <strong>of</strong>the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology I have been greatlyimpressed by the hard work <strong>and</strong> dedication<strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors (formally the USANZExecutive) <strong>and</strong> in particular the leadershipdisplayed by David Malouf <strong>and</strong> StephenRuthven ably supported by Alex Malley<strong>and</strong> Michael Nugara in their CEO role. I amextremely grateful for the tireless support <strong>of</strong>these dedicated individuals <strong>and</strong> other USANZmembers who have played an active role inthe education <strong>and</strong> training <strong>of</strong> future urologists.The year in reviewThe past year, once again created a number<strong>of</strong> challenges for the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology due to arange <strong>of</strong> issues <strong>and</strong> events, the most significant<strong>of</strong> which were the events that occurred at theASM in Christchurch. As members <strong>of</strong> USANZ,we were impressed by the degree <strong>of</strong> maturity<strong>and</strong> common sense displayed by all trainees.The welfare <strong>of</strong> all delegates (including trainees)was a major concern for USANZ. The Board<strong>of</strong> Urology focused on the welfare <strong>of</strong> trainees<strong>and</strong> all were encouraged to utilise counsellingor other support services, if required. I feel thisevent, amongst all others in my time as BoardChairman, bonded all members <strong>of</strong> USANZ(Trainees, Members, Administrative Staff, OfficeBearers) <strong>and</strong> those members <strong>of</strong> the trade whowere present.Interactions With RACS/BSETFor a number <strong>of</strong> years the relationshipbetween RACS <strong>and</strong> USANZ has been in fl ux,with no stronger area <strong>of</strong> difference than inthe Board <strong>of</strong> Urology as a representative <strong>of</strong>USANZ. The Board <strong>of</strong> Urology is howevergiven power <strong>and</strong> legal presence by being amember <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Surgical Education<strong>and</strong> Training (BSET) which is an <strong>of</strong>fi cial31 | 2011 Annual Report

committee <strong>of</strong> RACS <strong>and</strong> recognised by theAMC <strong>and</strong> ACCC as the accredited body fortraining <strong>of</strong> Surgeons.This relationship is currently being examinedby two working parties, who are investigatingthe role, governance <strong>and</strong> educationalstructures from a specialist surgical society<strong>and</strong> College viewpoint. Over the past year,under pressure from the surgical specialistsocieties <strong>and</strong> their Educational <strong>and</strong> TrainingBoards, the College has become moreproactive in discussions with the AMCregarding the need for differential skill setswithin the surgical fraternity. In the past sixmonths there has been a defi nite change inthe attitude <strong>and</strong> approach <strong>of</strong> RACS <strong>and</strong> inparticular the previous micromanagement<strong>of</strong> all issues surrounding selection hasbeen amended to focus more on broaderprinciples. This will provide USANZ <strong>and</strong> theBoard <strong>of</strong> Urology with greater fl exibility infuture selection <strong>and</strong> training issues.It is anticipated there will be further ‘principlebased policies’ in the areas <strong>of</strong> managingthe poorly performing trainee, dismissal<strong>and</strong> those concerning International MedicalGraduates. This move will also enable greaterfl exibility <strong>and</strong> for Specialist Surgical Societies<strong>and</strong> Educational <strong>and</strong> Training Boards.Competency Based TrainingIn line with the RACS submission to the AMC,Training Boards have been asked to examinethe feasibility <strong>of</strong> a competency based trainingscheme. Great debate over this approach isongoing at BSET but in principle this doesseem a means by which a skillset could beused to defi ne a Urologist at completion <strong>of</strong>their training. The advantage <strong>of</strong> such a movealso allows the fast <strong>and</strong> slow learners to beaccommodated within a training schemewhich in theory may no longer be time based.Examination Feedback To FailingC<strong>and</strong>idatesThe requirement to provide useful feedback<strong>and</strong> advice to c<strong>and</strong>idates who fail the FRACS(Urology) examination is a RACS m<strong>and</strong>atedpolicy. The Board <strong>of</strong> Urology has requestedthe Senior Examiner provide more detailedfeedback <strong>report</strong>s so that constructive advicecan be given to such c<strong>and</strong>idates <strong>and</strong> aidthem in subsequent examination preparation.TraineesAt the end <strong>of</strong> 2011, there were 136 traineesparticipating in the SET Programme inUrology. The distribution was as follows:SET1: 20SET2: 17SET3: 20SET4: 25SET5: 21SET6: 19Interruption/Deferred: 14Examinations ResultsIn 2011, a number <strong>of</strong> trainees <strong>and</strong> IMGspassed the Fellowship Examination <strong>and</strong> theBoard would like to congratulate the followingon their success:NSW Indrajit BALASUBRAMANIAM,Nicholas CAMPBELL, MartinELMES, Rachel ESLER, CharlesHAN, Thomas JARVIS, DanielLENAGHAN, Timothy LOKE,Daniel STEINER, RubanTHANIGASALAMQLD Ian VELAVIC James HUANG, Joseph ISCHIA,Jyotsna JAYARAJAN,NZ James DUTHIE, Eddy WONG,Homi ZARGARWA Paul CROWExam Eligibility CriteriaUrology c<strong>and</strong>idates have in recent timesexhibited a lower pass rate in the Fellowshipexamination than in previous years. Sincethe introduction <strong>of</strong> the SET programme, theexperience <strong>and</strong> knowledge base <strong>of</strong> traineespresenting for the fellowship examination has2011 Annual Report | 32TA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology Report

TA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology Reportaltered <strong>and</strong> at times has been inadequate.The Board <strong>of</strong> Urology considers this a naturalprogression from the introduction <strong>of</strong> SET withthe c<strong>and</strong>idates generally less experiencedat the commencement <strong>of</strong> their training <strong>and</strong>therefore less clinically adept at passing thefi nal exit examination in early SET5. The Board<strong>of</strong> Urology <strong>and</strong> Court <strong>of</strong> Examiners expressedconcerns that, for historical reasons,trainees were expecting to sit the FellowshipExamination in early SET5 <strong>and</strong> placingpressure on their supervisors to complywith their wishes. All Training Boards arenow required to defi ne the criteria/minimumrequirements for eligibility to present for theFellowship Examination. It is expected mosttrainees will attain this level <strong>of</strong> competenceduring the latter part <strong>of</strong> SET5 <strong>and</strong> thereforethe Board <strong>of</strong> Urology <strong>and</strong> the Senior Examinerhas expressed the opinion that the fi rst sittingshould be in September <strong>of</strong> SET5 <strong>and</strong> havebeen actively encouraging trainees to acceptthat this should be the norm.Admissions To FellowshipSet SelectionThe SET Programme in Urology remainedan attractive career option with the Board<strong>of</strong> Urology assessing 74 applications. Allapplications were assessed by the Board <strong>and</strong>referee <strong>report</strong>s were collected via the Collegeonline system. There were 49 applicantswho met the minimum st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>and</strong> wereshortlisted for interview.The SET Urology interviews were heldin Sydney, in late June <strong>and</strong> all urologyinterviewers participated in an interviewertraining course prior to the interviews. TheBoard <strong>of</strong> Urology continued its contractualarrangement with SHL, a global business,providing behavioural <strong>and</strong> ability assessmenttools <strong>and</strong> services. SHL worked with theBoard <strong>of</strong> Urology to develop the SET Urologyinterviews <strong>and</strong> the Interviewer TrainingWorkshops <strong>and</strong> participated as interviewers<strong>of</strong> all shortlisted c<strong>and</strong>idates.The Board appointed the following newtrainees who will commence in 2012:The Board wishes to congratulate thefollowing USANZ members <strong>and</strong> InternationalMedical Graduates who completed theirtraining/assessment in 2011 <strong>and</strong> receivedtheir FRACS (Urol):NSW Elizabeth DALLY, RichardHADDAD, Anthony HUTTON,Pascal MANCUSO, DanSPERNATNZ Adam DAVIES,Morgan POKORNYQLD Ahmad ALI, Adrian CLUBB,Jacob GLEESON, JasonPATERDIS, Christopher TRACEY,Ailsa WILSON, Ian VELASA Andrew FULLER, Jason LEENSWQLDVICWASET1 Ranjan ARIANAYAGAM,Nicola JEFFREY, HameshJINA, Edward LATIF, NicholasMEHAN, Yuigi YUMINAGASET2 Sarah NORTON, AdamPEARCE, Alex<strong>and</strong>er YEATESSET3 Jodi HIRST, LawrenceKIM, George KOUFOGIANNISSET1 William BOWES, IvanHOH, Kevin ONG, Chiu MingTHAMSET1 Sarah AZER, OliviaHERDIMANDeferred – Kenny RAOSET1 Shuo (Mark) LIUVICMatthew HARPER, JonathanSASET1 Kylie GALLAGHERLEWIN, Declan MURPHY,Matthew THREADGATENZSET1 Don LEE, Sum Sum LO,Manmeet SALUJAWATanya HA, Elayne OOISET2 Anudini RANASINGHE33 | 2011 Annual Report

Keith Kirkl<strong>and</strong>/Villis Marshall Session AtThe USANZ ASMIn 2011, the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology revised thest<strong>and</strong>ing orders for the Keith Kirkl<strong>and</strong>/Villis Marshall Session at the USANZASM. This is now a session quarantined forpresentations by SET Urology Trainees whohave undertaken research in either a clinicaltraining position or full time research position.All abstracts submitted by SET UrologyTrainees for presentation at the USANZ ASMwill be assessed by a sub-committee <strong>of</strong>the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology to determine whetherthey are worthy <strong>of</strong> presentation at the KeithKirkl<strong>and</strong>/Villis Marshall Session. The KeithKirkl<strong>and</strong> Prize is awarded to the traineepresenting the best research undertakenduring a period <strong>of</strong> clinical training. The VillisMarshall Prize is awarded to the traineepresenting the best research undertakenduring a period <strong>of</strong> full-time research.Specialty Specifi c ExaminationsDuring 2010, RACS determined that theSurgical Sciences Examination (Generic) shouldbe undertaken in early SET (SET1-2) <strong>and</strong> theSurgical Sciences Examination (SpecialtySpecific) undertaken in Mid SET (SET3-4). Thissecond examination is due to commence withthe 2012 SET intake. In preparation the Board<strong>of</strong> Urology has asked key members <strong>of</strong> theUSANZ with interests in Anatomy, Pathology<strong>and</strong> Physiology to review the curriculum<strong>and</strong> develop the examination methodology<strong>and</strong> content with the first Speciality Specificexamination anticipated in 2014.Curriculum Development <strong>and</strong> ReviewDuring the latter part <strong>of</strong> 2011, the Board <strong>of</strong>Urology formed a committee <strong>of</strong> interestedparties to examine the current Urology ModularCurriculum (developed in 2004), <strong>and</strong> similarUrology Curricula from other internationalbodies (AUA, BAUS, EAU, CUA). The availabledefined urology syllabus for each was sent tothe SAG leaders for comment about content<strong>and</strong> relevance. Over the next 12 months it ishoped to develop an updated syllabus <strong>and</strong>curriculum which will be available to newtrainees <strong>and</strong> supervisors for use in 2013.Set6 – Senior Registrar YearIn 2011, the Board introduced a revisedsystem for the appointment <strong>and</strong> allocation <strong>of</strong>trainees to SET6 posts in 2012. This systeminvolved the accreditation <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> SET6post across <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> (ANZ).Trainees were then provided with the list <strong>of</strong>accredited posts <strong>and</strong> requested to make SET6arrangements within a specified timeframe.At the outset, the Board’s view was for alltrainees to undertake an <strong>Australia</strong>n or <strong>New</strong>Zeal<strong>and</strong> SET6 post <strong>and</strong> as such, effortswere made to accredit sufficient SET6 posts.However, during the transitional period, <strong>and</strong> inresponse to issues raised by USANZ members<strong>and</strong> trainees, the Board agreed that a fewoverseas posts would be maintained for thoseundertaking SET6 in 2012. Overseas postshowever, will not be approved for those enteringSET6 in 2013. This is to ensure that all traineescomplete their training with mastery <strong>of</strong> generalurology <strong>and</strong> some subspecialisation, whereprospectively approved, on an individual basis.It also allows for better monitoring <strong>of</strong> posts.Training PostsA number <strong>of</strong> existing <strong>and</strong> new posts wereinspected <strong>and</strong> accredited in 2011. It ispleasing to advise that a number <strong>of</strong> new urology‘managed’ SET1 <strong>and</strong> SET2 posts have beenestablished <strong>and</strong> will commence in 2012. Thecreation <strong>of</strong> these posts reduces our reliance onpost provided by the Board in General Surgery.Over the last few years, USANZ has activelyresisted the requests by General Surgeons<strong>Australia</strong> (GSA) to receive payment for theuse <strong>of</strong> accredited SET1/SET2 general surgeryposts by SET Urology trainees. Despite anappeal to RACS to support our position, afee was negotiated between the two partiesin June 2011. This ensured ongoing use<strong>of</strong> accredited SET1/SET2 general surgicaltraining posts for our trainees. As part <strong>of</strong> theagreement, USANZ also stipulated that thepayment to the fee was conditional upon GSATA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology Report2011 Annual Report | 34

TA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology Reportusing its best endeavours to provide poststhat are considered appropriate by USANZ.Of utmost importance was the provision <strong>of</strong>posts where there is adequate exposureto colorectal, upper GIT, hepatobiliary <strong>and</strong>vascular surgery.Time will tell if this arrangement is worthwhile<strong>and</strong> sustainable. I would encourage allsurgical trainers to identify suitable SET1/SET2 posts within their hospital <strong>and</strong> contactthe USANZ <strong>of</strong>fi ce for assistance if required.Skills And Education WorkshopsIn 2011, the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology conducted 2substantial workshops for trainees.The Introductory Skills Workshop, for SET2trainees about to enter their fi rst year <strong>of</strong>clinical urology training, was conducted inlate November at the Skills Simulation Centrein Brisbane. I would like to extend my sinceregratitude to the faculty <strong>of</strong> USANZ members fortheir time <strong>and</strong> expertise.Trainee Week was held in Sydney in lateNovember. Our sincere gratitude is extendedto Prem Rashid <strong>and</strong> his colleagues forproviding an educationally stimulating “State<strong>of</strong> the Art” programme. As part <strong>of</strong> an ongoingreciprocal arrangement with the EuropeanAssociation <strong>of</strong> Urology, the <strong>Urological</strong>Association <strong>of</strong> Asia, <strong>and</strong> the British Association<strong>of</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> Surgeons (BAUS), USANZhosted Dr Ada Ng & Dr Dony Santiago (UAA),Dr Karel Decaestecker & Dr Hilde Kempter(EAU), Dr Ian Beckley <strong>and</strong> Ivo Dukic (BAUS).We received complimentary feedbackfrom our overseas guests regarding theprogramme <strong>and</strong> the hospitality extended byUSANZ <strong>and</strong> the trainees.Trainee ForumThe Urology Trainee Forum has now beenestablished. The Forum is comprised <strong>of</strong> ajunior trainee representative (SET1/SET2)<strong>and</strong> a senior trainee representative (SET3-SET5) from each Section as well as the BoardChairman, Deputy Chairman <strong>and</strong> Education<strong>and</strong> Training Manager.International Medical GraduatesThe past year has seen a number <strong>of</strong> changeswith the assessment <strong>of</strong> IMGs. At the forefront isa change in the regulations aimed at preventingmultiple assessments <strong>of</strong> the same individualat separate times, therefore forcing the IMGto accept the decision made after completion<strong>of</strong> their assessment. The ability to designatea Fellowship in a defined area <strong>of</strong> specialistsurgical practice continues to create issuesbetween the Specialist Surgical Societies<strong>and</strong> RACS <strong>and</strong> is an important aspect beingdiscussed at the Governance <strong>and</strong> EducationalRelationship work groups <strong>and</strong> BSET.Support For SupervisorsOver the past 12 months, RACS has developed<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fered to surgical trainers <strong>and</strong> supervisorsa number <strong>of</strong> additional Educational Coursesincluding ‘Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons’,‘Keeping Trainees On Track’, in addition to theselection, <strong>and</strong> interviewing <strong>of</strong> the supervisors<strong>and</strong> trainers for SET (SAT SET) courses whichhave been available for a number <strong>of</strong> years.USANZ <strong>and</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology plans tocontinue a focused <strong>and</strong> relevant ‘SelectionInterviewer Course’ for those participating inthe selection <strong>of</strong> our trainees. The College isstill examining the financial <strong>and</strong> other supportsavailable in the workplace for surgical trainers<strong>and</strong> supervisors including protected time<strong>and</strong> payment for each role. The willingness<strong>of</strong> RACS to back such measures <strong>and</strong> arguewith governments <strong>and</strong> jurisdictions forrecognition <strong>of</strong> these important roles particularlyaround accreditation <strong>of</strong> training posts will bea big issue for all surgical specialties <strong>and</strong> Iencourage any member or trainee who wishesto provide input into this area to contact RACSdirectly or through the USANZ <strong>of</strong>fices.In closing my <strong>report</strong>, I would like to thank allsurgical trainers <strong>and</strong> supervisors who haveassisted in selecting educating, training <strong>and</strong>assessing our trainees <strong>and</strong> IMGs over thepast 3 years, I hope <strong>and</strong> trust you have foundit a rewarding experience <strong>and</strong> will continue toserve USANZ in this capacity for many moreyears to come.35 | 2011 Annual Report

Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment ReportStephen RuthvenUSANZ’s Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment Programme continues at a pace.Our Annual Scientific Meeting is thecornerstone for onshore educationalinterchange <strong>and</strong> learning. As you areaware, the 2011 ASM was disrupted by theChristchurch earthquake. In an attempt toredress this, we hosted two half-time meetings;the first in Sydney <strong>and</strong> the second took placein Melbourne, in conjunction with the Cancer<strong>of</strong> the Prostate Meeting, where we co-badgedwith ANZUP. Both <strong>of</strong> these meetings gavemembers the opportunity to deliver paperspreviously prepared for the Christchurch ASM.Both meetings were very informative.The Laser Prostatectomy meeting was againwell attended <strong>and</strong> as always well organised.Attendees came from far <strong>and</strong> wide includingoverseas. The Section Meetings went aheadas scheduled <strong>and</strong> I had the privilege <strong>and</strong>pleasure <strong>of</strong> attending many <strong>of</strong> them <strong>and</strong>found them stimulating <strong>and</strong> educational. Inaddition to these <strong>annual</strong> scheduled meetings,numerous evening education sessions tookplace, which were both well attended <strong>and</strong>very informative. Members have supportedthese meetings with enthusiasm <strong>and</strong> showeda commitment to keep up-to-date with thelatest developments. All the conveners <strong>of</strong>these meetings are to be congratulated; theyso generously give their time <strong>and</strong> expertise forthe benefi t <strong>of</strong> all members <strong>of</strong> USANZ.As we all know attending these meetingsfulfi ls many <strong>of</strong> the criteria we need forrecertifi cation by the College. USANZ’s CPDactivities assist our members to meet theeducational criteria for recertifi cation.As part <strong>of</strong> the College assessment forrecertifi cation, an audit <strong>of</strong> one’s practice is am<strong>and</strong>atory requirement.The College is keen to also see someinnovative programmes whereby membersself-assess <strong>and</strong> are possibly assessed bytheir colleagues, for overall performance<strong>and</strong> to continue maintaining performancest<strong>and</strong>ards. At the <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> SectionMeeting an innovative programme was putforward in a pilot study, whereby an out<strong>of</strong> area colleague would visit a Urologist’sPractice <strong>and</strong> generally shadow them, for upto a day, just to assess how well they wereperforming. It remains to be seen whetherthis programme gets up <strong>and</strong> running <strong>and</strong>whether it is deemed to be worthwhile.Other crafts in the surgical world are ahead<strong>of</strong> the game in having the outcomes <strong>of</strong>surgeries registered; USANZ may well belooking into following this model. The Board<strong>of</strong> Directors is acutely aware that it is one<strong>of</strong> their governing roles, not only to provideeasily accessible <strong>and</strong> quality learningexercises, but strong encouragement is givento members to ensure that their performanceis in accordance with best practice.It is always very pleasing to see that manyUSANZ members are very generous withtheir time in tutoring <strong>and</strong> mentoring fellowcolleagues when gaining <strong>and</strong> improvingnew skills. This is probably one <strong>of</strong> the bestways to rapidly reach good performancestatus, especially with the introduction <strong>of</strong> newtechnologies; <strong>and</strong> what better way to achieve<strong>and</strong> set the st<strong>and</strong>ards that are achieved byour peers <strong>and</strong> benchmark ourselves againstworld’s best practice.There may be opportunities for some cooperation<strong>and</strong> synergies with overseasurological groups to fi ne tune some <strong>of</strong> thesepotential programmes. The old adage stillremains true <strong>and</strong> that is, the best peopleable to assess <strong>and</strong> maintain st<strong>and</strong>ards arethose within the pr<strong>of</strong>ession. In return for ourpr<strong>of</strong>essional freedom, we have a responsibilityto achieve our own high st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> notthose that may or may not be imposed byexternal authorities.The issue <strong>of</strong> credentialing has been a thornyone, in many cases it is devolved to the areaor hospital medical advisory committee; whoare generally advised by the particular craftgroup that is representing urology in thatContinuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Report2011 Annual Report | 36

Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Reportarea. The College <strong>and</strong> the Societies are notnecessarily credentialing bodies but are thereto <strong>of</strong>fer guidance.These issues are constantly in development<strong>and</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors is well aware <strong>of</strong> thecontinuing issues arising out <strong>of</strong> excellence<strong>and</strong> delivery <strong>of</strong> urological care. As alwaysleading by example, advising <strong>and</strong> helpingcolleagues in a compassionate way goesa long way to maintaining st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong>avoiding outside interference.I commend to you, to have a patientoutcome analysis meeting regularly, at yourown institution, where free <strong>and</strong> unfettered<strong>report</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> m<strong>and</strong>ated outcomes, <strong>of</strong> variousprocedures that we do, are done in a positive<strong>and</strong> encouraging environment. They givethe general public reassurance that we arelooking after our own st<strong>and</strong>ards.As always, the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors are veryopen to any suggestions from members wh<strong>of</strong>eel they have any contributions to enhanceour CPD.37 | 2011 Annual Report

Royal Australasian College<strong>of</strong> Surgeons’ ReportAndrew BrooksThe single most relevant issue dealt with bythe Council is the relationship between it <strong>and</strong>the Specialty groups.The Council with consultation has establishedworking groups to defi ne the issues <strong>and</strong>propose solutions.Perhaps in just establishing these groups<strong>and</strong> recognizing that there is a problem hasadvanced the cause in that both sides havedemonstrated good will <strong>and</strong> a need to solvethe problems.Gary Wilson on Council as an expertcommunity adviser appears to be providingleadership in progressing the issues.I hope we can look forward to a more maturerelationship with the Council with transparency<strong>and</strong> a mutual recognition <strong>of</strong> each contributionto the relationship. We should anticipate aseries <strong>of</strong> recommendations this year.AMC accreditation whilst funded <strong>and</strong> soughtby the Council is an essential requirementin that it authorizes our specialty trainingprogramme. The College has been awardedan unprecedented 5 years.The College is to undertake a strategicplanning exercise this year. It is likely thata review <strong>of</strong> CPD activities will be a majorcomponent. This was the topic <strong>of</strong> the recentSurgical Leaders Forum.CPD activity in our domain is largelyconcentrated in demonstrating knowledge<strong>and</strong> activities related to remaining current.There is little to no emphasis on currentperformance.CPD requirements are in part drivenby community expectations that healthpr<strong>of</strong>essional will be competent. Furthermorewe as a pr<strong>of</strong>essional group cannot escape theresponsibility that we are expected to ensurethat our members are competent. Clearlythe government has the legislative power toensure that some requirement will be met<strong>and</strong> may do so if we are inactive or if anothermedical disaster were to surface.Medical politics seems to run a commoncourse in Western countries <strong>and</strong> CPD isno different. In the USA recertifi cationexams are required, in the UK a validationprocess, which assesses outcomes, is beingintroduced.In other specialties registries are held,practice visits are conducted <strong>and</strong> otheroutcome measures are assessed. I thinkwe as a <strong>Society</strong>, need to reassess ourcurrent CPD process in the light <strong>of</strong> thesedevelopments.Royal Australasian College <strong>of</strong> Surgeons’ Report2011 Annual Report | 38

Annual Scientifi c MeetingsAnnual Scientifi c MeetingsChristchurch 2011Jane MacDonaldThe lead up to the meeting was relativelyunremarkable. The conference was shaping upvery well. I had found the organisation <strong>of</strong> themeeting easier <strong>and</strong> more effective by havingco-convenors, namely Mark Fraundorfer (FlockHill Convenor) <strong>and</strong> Peter Davidson (ScientificConvenor) <strong>and</strong> I would like to thank them fortheir assistance. The ANZUNS Committeedeveloped a great programme undertheir Convenor Julie Hedley <strong>and</strong> ScientificConvenor, Gill Loughnan.There were some challenges during the planningwhich highlighted some areas for improvementfor the organisation <strong>of</strong> future meetings.The unique feature <strong>of</strong> our format was the FlockHill sports/science day/opening ceremony heldon Day One. Informal feedback was that thesmall group sessions with the speakers wereinvaluable. The impact <strong>of</strong> the “getting to knoweach other”, to set the scene for the rest <strong>of</strong> theconference is now difficult to gauge, due to thedisruption <strong>of</strong> proceedings.All our speakers were top class. I appreciatedtheir willingness to try new formats <strong>and</strong> theirpresentation skills <strong>and</strong> expertise were obvious.Attendance was probably within expectationsfor a venue outside the major <strong>Australia</strong>n cities.The new format I am sure will be a step forwardin terms <strong>of</strong> catering to the subspecialties <strong>and</strong>improving a competitive edge with other meetings.Needless to say that most <strong>of</strong> our meeting didn’tcome to fruition. We planned to maximizecollegiality <strong>and</strong> the fun factor <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Australia</strong>n/NZ meeting with our jam session <strong>and</strong> galadinner. At least we got the Flock Hill Day in,which I considered a success.The fallout from the earthquake was managedas best we could under the circumstances.There can’t be many conferences where a lack<strong>of</strong> fatalities is considered a plus. Neverthelesswe were extraordinarily lucky that everybodywas accounted for <strong>and</strong> returned home safely.Darwin 2012Henry WooThe organisation <strong>of</strong> the USANZ ASM has beenfaced with increasing challenges which haverequired incremental change to the character<strong>and</strong> meeting structure over recent years.Firstly, the emergence <strong>of</strong> the self-regulatingcodes for the pharmaceutical <strong>and</strong>medical device industries require absolutetransparency in relationships with USANZ.Meeting content, other than that for educationalpurposes, is simply no longer possible.Several companies have differentinterpretations <strong>of</strong> their relevant codes forsupporting meetings such as ours; in order tomaintain the full support given to the running<strong>of</strong> our meetings, we must defer to the lowestcommon denominator with regard to ensuringthat the ASM satisfies the strictest interpretation<strong>of</strong> industry codes. A social program, as part<strong>of</strong> the meeting programme, is fast becominga long <strong>and</strong> distant memory. The best waywe can address this issue is, to accept thechange in the l<strong>and</strong>scape <strong>and</strong> recognise thatwe have to attract attendance on the basis<strong>of</strong> the scientific content <strong>of</strong> the meeting ratherthan the social content, which in the pastwas a significant attraction. Accordingly, anenormous effort has gone into changes in thedelivery <strong>of</strong> the scientific programme, whichwe hope will lay down the foundations formembers wanting to come to the USANZ ASMon the basis <strong>of</strong> its educational value.The second challenge has been to addressthe increasing subspecialisation amongstUSANZ members <strong>and</strong> the emergence <strong>of</strong>specialty focused meetings that compete withthe interests <strong>of</strong> our members. To address this,we have developed subspecialty streams overthe course <strong>of</strong> the meeting which are boundtogether by the plenary sessions.A third challenge is the increasing desire <strong>of</strong>USANZ members to travel to major meetings,such as the AUA, EAU <strong>and</strong> SIU. Thesemeetings have generally low registration costs,as a result <strong>of</strong> substantially greater industrysupport relative to the basic infrastructure39 | 2011 Annual Report

costs <strong>and</strong> economies <strong>of</strong> scale that localorganisations such as USANZ can hope tocompete with. Urologists travel to these majormeetings to hear cutting-edge accounts fromexperts in the field. To address this, we havesignificantly exp<strong>and</strong>ed our international faculty<strong>and</strong> are bringing these experts to the USANZASM; as our meeting develops, members willhave less <strong>of</strong> an imperative to travel to hearcutting-edge urology that can instead be heardat our own meeting. Whilst we can nevercompete with the registration costs associatedwith the large international meetings, we can<strong>of</strong>fset costs associated with travel <strong>and</strong> longerperiods away, when travelling to the UnitedStates or Europe.I am appreciative <strong>of</strong> the enormous efforts <strong>of</strong>our small <strong>and</strong> dedicated organising committee,namely, Venu Chalasani, Michael Nugara,Audraí O’Dwyer <strong>and</strong> the ANZUNS ConvenorsWendy Watts <strong>and</strong> Julia Hunter as well asRhonda Hendicott, Jacqui D’Ath <strong>and</strong> the rest<strong>of</strong> the MCI team who have been supportivein accepting the dem<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> creating ameeting that rises to the challenges faced withorganising a modern day USANZ ASM. I alsowish to express my gratitude to the Board <strong>of</strong>Directors for fully supporting every proposal,some <strong>of</strong> which have represented quitesignificant <strong>and</strong> untested new arrangements.As we approach the Darwin meeting, we sensethat the meeting will fulfil the objectives thatthe Organising Committee laid out back in2010 <strong>and</strong> hope that the USANZ membershipwill enjoy the meeting as much as we haveenjoyed organising it!Annual Scientifi c Meetings2011 Annual Report | 40

Section ReportsSection Reports<strong>New</strong> South WalesJames WongThe year 2011 proven to be another busyyear with ongoing mid-week meeting inconjunction with UOP, supported by most <strong>of</strong> thepharmaceutical companies <strong>and</strong> USANZ NSWsection. With the disruption <strong>of</strong> the Christchurch<strong>annual</strong> meeting, Sydney hosted an extra-ordinarymeeting convened by Pr<strong>of</strong> Mohamed Khadra.The meeting was well attended by delegates inChristchurch as well as local members. Scientificpapers prepared by delegates as well asregistrars for the Christchurch meeting were representedin Sydney. A further meeting was heldin Melbourne later in the year to accommodateother Christchurch delegates from the southernpart <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>.Henry Woo held his inaugural Symposium onMale LUTS in July followed by the GreenlightLaser workshop. Feedbacks from attendinglocal <strong>and</strong> international delegates were extremelypositive. Next Symposium on Male LUTS willbe in July 2013. The Greenlight laser workshopwill continue to be an <strong>annual</strong> event in Sydney.Members <strong>of</strong> USANZ are reminded that theWorld Congress in Endourology will be held inSydney in 2014. Simon Bariol <strong>and</strong> his team arebusy in finalising this meeting; it is an excitingprogramme that you should put in your diary.Mohamed Khadra held his sectional meetingin Hilton Hotel, Sydney in November 2011 <strong>and</strong>attracted over 200 registrants. Three visitingPr<strong>of</strong>essors from UK, Singapore <strong>and</strong> USA gave theirstate <strong>of</strong> the art lectures in lower tract dysfunction,new treatment modalities in bladder cancers <strong>and</strong>tissue engineering in bladder replacement surgery.Certainly an exciting future awaits us in Urology.James Wong will be the convenor <strong>of</strong> the2012 NSW section November meeting at theFairmont, Leura. Pr<strong>of</strong> Kurt McCammon is theVisiting Pr<strong>of</strong>essor from <strong>New</strong> York for the meeting.Pr<strong>of</strong> McCammon subspecialised in lower tractreconstruction <strong>and</strong> incontinence. James hopesthe members, registrars <strong>and</strong> their families willattend this meeting for its educational value, in amore family friendly atmosphere. Congratulationto Paul Kovac on his election to be the convenorfor the sectional meeting in 2013 <strong>and</strong> to TerryDoyle, who kindly agreed to stay on as oursecretary for this section.<strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>Mark FraundorferAs I complete this <strong>report</strong> on February 22 ourthoughts are focused on that catastrophicevent in Christchurch one year ago, whichchanged many <strong>of</strong> our members’ lives forever.The 2011 Annual Scientific Meeting gotunderway on 21 February in the CanterburyHigh Country, after years <strong>of</strong> planning byJane MacDonald, Peter Davidson <strong>and</strong> theorganising committee, with a successful mix<strong>of</strong> science, activities <strong>and</strong> entertainment. Thenafter the first session <strong>of</strong> the meeting properthe following Monday, disaster struck. Had itnot been for the many urological nurses <strong>and</strong>surgeons present in the heart <strong>of</strong> the city, nowthe Red Zone, who knows how much furtherdeath <strong>and</strong> suffering would have occurred. The<strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> Section is honoured <strong>and</strong> deeplygrateful for the <strong>Society</strong>’s decision to createthe Christchurch Medal to recognise thosewho gave <strong>of</strong> themselves selflessly <strong>and</strong> withoutthought <strong>of</strong> personal safety.Our own 2011 Sectional Meeting wasconvened by Glen Devcich <strong>and</strong> held in theWaikato Stadium, Hamilton. Guests were PaulMiller <strong>and</strong> Tev Aho from the UK. The meetingwas highly successful from a scientific,educational, financial, social <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> courserugby union perspective. The Best Trainee’sPaper Prize was awarded to Giovanni Loscowho receives the newly established TristelTrainee Award <strong>and</strong> receives a cup <strong>and</strong>educational grant. Tristel (NZ) has also agreedto sponsor the prize retrospectively for lastyear’s winner, Homi Zargar, <strong>and</strong> for the nextthree years with a right <strong>of</strong> renewal. The 2012meeting is to be held in Auckl<strong>and</strong>, MichaelRice is convening.At the meeting, Mobile Medical TechnologyLtd, through their educational Trust, announcedthe establishment <strong>of</strong> the MMT Travelling41 | 2011 Annual Report

Scholarship, valued at $40,000, to be usedto fund a <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> Urologist to visit anoverseas post or posts for further education,skills enhancement or any other project, onthe condition the recipient visits at least three<strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> centres on their return to share inknowledge gained. The successful applicantwill be announced after interviews by theselection committee, chaired by Rod Studdas Chair TA&E Committee, myself as Chair <strong>of</strong>the NZ Section, <strong>and</strong> two MMT Trustees, StuGowl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Ted Arnold.The finances <strong>of</strong> the Section are now wellunder management by Celia Stanyon <strong>of</strong> theRACS NZ Section <strong>of</strong>fice, with consolidation<strong>of</strong> various accounts into one <strong>and</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> anewly acquired accounting s<strong>of</strong>tware packageallowing monthly financials to be produced.The College charge out rate for her time is veryreasonable <strong>and</strong> her assistance in many areasis much appreciated.The increasingly busy role <strong>of</strong> Chairman <strong>of</strong>the TA&E Committee is being ably filled byRod Studd, with eight trainees in SET1-2,eight in SET3-5, <strong>and</strong> four in SET6. The NZtraining meeting is scheduled for March withtwo pig labs during the course <strong>of</strong> the year,one on urological trauma <strong>and</strong> the other onvascular techniques. At the AGM it was agreedthe Sectional Chair would sit in on TA&ECommittee meetings.The Parliamentary Health Select Committeeon Prostate Cancer’s recommendations werepresented to the Government. One <strong>of</strong> thesewas to look at quality improvement in thediagnosis <strong>and</strong> management <strong>of</strong> the disease.This has been implemented <strong>and</strong> the ProstateCancer Task Force established. The chairis Pr<strong>of</strong> John Nacey <strong>and</strong> will include PeterDavidson from Christchurch <strong>and</strong> Robin Smartfrom Auckl<strong>and</strong>. Other members will includeradiation oncologists, general practitioners <strong>and</strong>population health physicians. The Task Forcewill look at prostate cancer <strong>and</strong> in particularquality <strong>of</strong> issues from the first contact inprimary health through diagnosis, treatment,(primary <strong>and</strong> salvage) <strong>and</strong> palliative care.They will <strong>report</strong> directly to Cabinet.The Country’s leading health insurer, SouthernCross, has for the first time made the so calledAffiliated Provider System compulsory for allprostate surgery, including TURP <strong>and</strong> HoLEP.The system requires the contract holder,usually the urologist, to fix the total price <strong>of</strong> theoperation, including hospital <strong>and</strong> anaestheticcharges, effectively carrying the risk. Whilethe scheme does have advantages to patient(certainty <strong>of</strong> price), surgeon (certainty <strong>of</strong>payment) <strong>and</strong> insurer (cost control), we didnot agree with the compulsion aspect. Despiterobust discussion, which resulted in somechanges, we were unsuccessful in having thescheme remain voluntary.On the 13th August 2011 Donald Urquhart-Haypassed away after a long illness, aged 82. Hewas the first trainee at the Institute <strong>of</strong> Urology,London <strong>and</strong> whilst in the UK developed a stronginterest in transplantation. He pioneered therenal transplant programme in <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>.Don was a devoted College man <strong>and</strong> servedas an examiner for many years. He is perhapsbest known <strong>and</strong> remembered in our <strong>Society</strong>for the development <strong>of</strong> our Coat <strong>of</strong> Arms, <strong>and</strong>his outst<strong>and</strong>ing oratory skill, giving fascinating<strong>and</strong> well researched lectures on a multitude<strong>of</strong> subjects, usually medical history, flawlessly<strong>and</strong> without notes. He was an author, stonemason, clock collector, Surgeon Comm<strong>and</strong>erin the Naval Reserve <strong>and</strong> Chief Commissioner,Order <strong>of</strong> St John. His funeral was attended byhundreds <strong>of</strong> mourners, including representativesthe Governor General, the Navy <strong>and</strong> St John’s aswell as members <strong>of</strong> our pr<strong>of</strong>ession. The eulogyby John Nacey did Don proud.Northern SectionDavid WinkleNorthern Section Scientifi cMeeting 2011The meeting was held at the Outrigger Resortin Noosa from 7-9 October, 2011. The meetingwas well-attended by members, trainees <strong>and</strong>extremely well supported by the trade. HenryWoo, Stephen Mark <strong>and</strong> Prem Rashid were theinvited guests; they were excellent contributorsSection Reports2011 Annual Report | 42

Section Reportsto the academic <strong>and</strong> the social aspects <strong>of</strong> themeeting. We were also pleased that Stephen<strong>and</strong> Robin Ruthven were able to attend <strong>and</strong>participate in the meeting.Topics discussed included currentmanagement <strong>of</strong> BPH, risk management inurologic practice, acute urethral injury <strong>and</strong>there was an excellent session addressingrural <strong>and</strong> regional urological practice.The social program began with a “Welcome toCountry” ceremony delivered by a member <strong>of</strong>the local indigenous community. The Friday nightdinner was a very informal family orientatedevent <strong>and</strong> the Saturday night conference dinnerwas held at Berado’s restaurant.Overall the meeting was very successful; it wasboth well-attended <strong>and</strong> supported.Sectional <strong>New</strong>sDavid Sillar has been elected as the newChairman <strong>of</strong> the Northern Section, <strong>and</strong> NigelDunglinson as the Secretary.The first meeting <strong>of</strong> 2012 was held on 10th March,2012; issues discussed included the creation<strong>of</strong> appropriate SET6 training positions, <strong>and</strong>manpower planning for the State <strong>of</strong> Queensl<strong>and</strong>.Planning for the sectional meeting to be held inOctober in Noosa is well advanced.Membership <strong>of</strong> our section continues togrow <strong>and</strong> we welcome Chris Tracey who hasreturned from advanced training in the U.K <strong>and</strong>has commenced practice on the Gold Coast.Academic <strong>New</strong>sThe r<strong>and</strong>omised trial comparing roboticallyassisted radical prostatectomy with openretro-pubic radical prostatectomy conductedat the Royal Women’s <strong>and</strong> Brisbane Hospital,continues to accrue patients <strong>and</strong> we lookforward to results which will help all urologistsadvise patients considering prostatic surgery.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Frank Gardiner has been invited asa guest speaker to the Asian Pacific Prostate<strong>Society</strong> to be held in Seoul in April <strong>of</strong> 2012.The Northern Section remains a vibrant <strong>and</strong>cohesive group with ongoing pr<strong>of</strong>essional <strong>and</strong>academic development.TasmaniaSteve BroughAs with all the other USANZ delegates, thesmall Tasmanian contingent arrived back fromthe Christchurch ASM shaken but unharmed.Heartfelt condolences are sent from all in theSection to the people <strong>of</strong> Christchurch for theirlosses <strong>and</strong> grateful thanks, particularly to theChristchurch Red Cross, for all their help <strong>and</strong>support.Kathryn Rzetelski-West was the SET3 trainee inLaunceston at the start <strong>of</strong> the year. She madeexcellent progress during her time with us <strong>and</strong>we wish her well in her future studies. She hasbeen ably followed by Janice Cheng, also atSET 3 level. Janice completed her SET1 year atthe Launceston General Hospital early in 2010<strong>and</strong> we have been pleased to welcome herback this year. Congratulations to James Huang(trainee in 2009) for passing his FRACS Part 2.As ever in the Isl<strong>and</strong> State, we are indebtedto visitors for helping us with learning newtechniques. Dr Kurt McCammon from the USheld a workshop in Hobart on prostheses <strong>and</strong> MrDaniel Moon from Melbourne was kind enoughto come to Launceston <strong>and</strong> show us some <strong>of</strong> thenewer suburethral slings for post prostatectomyincontinence. We acknowledge the assistance <strong>of</strong>AMS in making these visits possible.The Annual Scientific Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Sectionwas held at the Gr<strong>and</strong> Chancellor Hotel inHobart on 29th October. The convenors wereIan Middleton <strong>and</strong> Raj Gogia who both did anexcellent job. Thanks also to Michael Nugara’steam at USANZ for their help. The TradeExhibition was attended by representatives<strong>of</strong> 22 companies <strong>and</strong> once again, we areindebted to them for their support.The visiting speaker was Mr Paul Cozzi fromSydney who gave challenging papers ontreating high-risk localised carcinoma <strong>of</strong> theprostate with surgery <strong>and</strong> the current position<strong>of</strong> PSA screening. Ex-Tasmanian Mark Siddinsspoke about his work demonstrating thealarmingly poor compliance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>nUrologists in treating non-invasive carcinoma<strong>of</strong> the bladder according to international best43 | 2011 Annual Report

practice guidelines. Perhaps his excellentdatabase could be adopted by USANZ <strong>and</strong>recommended for use by all members? Localurologists spoke on their experiences with theLESS technique for nephrectomy, the Greenlightlaser for BPH <strong>and</strong> the complications <strong>of</strong> BCGtherapy. There were also <strong>report</strong>s from the EAU<strong>and</strong> Sydney BPH meetings. Finally, Don Mossspoke about his experiences with AusAid inPapua <strong>New</strong> Guinea. Never mind the robot, someweeks you can’t even get a serum potassiumestimation. All the delegates appreciated hishumour, insight <strong>and</strong> the sense <strong>of</strong> proportion thathe brought to the proceedings.The AGM was preceded by the formalpresentation <strong>of</strong> Tasmanian Section LifeMembership certificates to Robbie Roberts,Alan Holmes, Don Moss, Terry Morgan <strong>and</strong>James Wong for their outst<strong>and</strong>ing contributionsto Tasmanian Urology.The President, Stephen Ruthven, spoke to us ona number <strong>of</strong> issues including the Christchurchmedals, the need to change the format <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Society</strong>’s ASM, our relationship with RACS, theappropriate use <strong>of</strong> practice websites <strong>and</strong> therequirement for members to speak to the USANZmedia advisor before dealing with the Press.The CEO, Michael Nugara, then gave us atimely reminder <strong>of</strong> the RACS Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct<strong>and</strong> how it relates to advertising <strong>and</strong> the publicacknowledgment <strong>of</strong> Urologists’ relationshipswith the Pharmaceutical <strong>and</strong> EquipmentManufacturing companies.Finally, Rob Jensen was appointed to convenenext year’s Section ASM <strong>and</strong> Steve Broughvolunteered to organise the forthcoming wintermeeting. Delegates then adjourned to “MeWah” for an excellent dinner.VictoriaDavid CookThe viability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>annual</strong> scientific meetingat the national level as well as at the statemeeting <strong>of</strong> the Victorian section was thedominant topic <strong>of</strong> 2011 during the regularsectional meetings. At the beginning <strong>of</strong> theyear, The Urology <strong>of</strong> Austin Health nominateditself as the convenor <strong>of</strong> The Annual ScientificMeeting in 2013. At the same time discussionswere made at the Federal Board level in regardto who should be the best body to run the<strong>annual</strong> scientific meeting.From the survey sent out to all members <strong>of</strong>USANZ, 70% <strong>of</strong> the members surveyed agreedthat the SAG should conduct the meeting.This will reduce the role <strong>of</strong> the nominatedconvenor particularly in the scientific content<strong>of</strong> the meeting. The Austin Health did havesome issues in this regard, but followingdiscussions between the Board <strong>and</strong> AustinHealth, Austin Health has finally agreedto take on the role as the convenor <strong>of</strong> the2013 Annual Scientific Meeting. I have nodoubt that Austin Health will present a panel<strong>of</strong> well-respected international guests withstimulating scientific contents in order to attracta better attendance at the meeting. It is wellrecognised that there are a lot <strong>of</strong> meetingscompeting for sponsorship from the trade.The trade industry is becoming increasinglyselective in which meetings they wish tosponsor. The viability <strong>of</strong> each meeting is highlydependent on the sponsorship from the tradeindustry. Over the last few years, attendancesat the state meeting, Victoria have been lessthan desirable. This prompts the question<strong>of</strong> whether the trade industry will continue tosupport us in providing the sponsorship forfuture state meetings.The Victorian State meeting in 2011 wasrelatively well attended. The convenor PaulKearns, from Geelong Hospital has done agreat job in putting forward a great meetingwith renowned guest, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Mark Solowayas the guest speaker. I was able to gaugefrom those who attended the meeting that itwas a meeting with good scientific content<strong>and</strong> high quality presentation. In particular, thepapers presented by the research fellows <strong>and</strong>the registrars were <strong>of</strong> the highest st<strong>and</strong>ard.The location <strong>of</strong> the meeting at Lorne was alsothought to be a main attraction for those whoattended. The social events <strong>of</strong>fered duringthe meeting were also enjoyed by all. This isparticularly highlighted by a beautiful dinnerpresented at the yacht club.Section Reports2011 Annual Report | 44

Section ReportsAt the AGM prior to the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the statemeeting, a significant number <strong>of</strong> memberswere in attendance. The main topic was thefuture viability <strong>of</strong> the state meeting. It was feltby most members that the location <strong>and</strong> alsothe invited guests are the essential ingredientsto a well-attended meeting. Whether or not aninternational guest is essential is debatable.However it does add to the attraction but thedownside is the cost involved in bringing theoverseas guest over.Although the state meeting is a platform formost <strong>of</strong> the registrars to present their research,most members felt that it is more important formore urologists to attend to ensure the viability<strong>of</strong> the state meeting in the future. The membersalso feel that the social aspects <strong>of</strong> the meetingare just as important as the educational value<strong>of</strong> the meeting. Overall, it was felt that effortsshould be made to continue with the statemeeting on an <strong>annual</strong> basis. The VictorianExecutive may need to play a greater role inthe location as well as the invited guests <strong>of</strong> thestate meeting in order to boost attendances.The 2012 Victorian State Meeting will beheld in Bendigo. Steve Lindsay will be theconvenor <strong>of</strong> the meeting. A letter will be sentout to the head <strong>of</strong> the unit <strong>of</strong> each urology unitin the Victorian hospitals to encourage theattendance <strong>of</strong> the meeting by the members.Also discussed at the meeting was the travelgrant provided to urology trainees in orderto assist their travels to overseas meetingsfor the presentation <strong>of</strong> their papers. It is feltthat a good incentive to encourage traineesto present their scientific research in majoroverseas meetings. However due to thelimitation <strong>of</strong> funds, the Victorian Executivefelt that there should be a cap <strong>of</strong> $10,000 putaside for such travel grants on an <strong>annual</strong> basis.Each c<strong>and</strong>idate will be limited to a maximum<strong>of</strong> $2,000 given in any year. If more than fivetrainees apply for the grant then the $10,000should then be evenly distributed among theapplicants. Each applicant should be requiredto lodge their application before the meetingthat they wish to attend. No retrospectiveapplication will be entertained. The VictorianExecutive will next convene in March.45 | 2011 Annual Report

Australasian <strong>Urological</strong>Foundation ReportMichael RochfordSIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THEAUSTRALASIAN UROLOGICAL FOUNDATIONTO THE UROLOGICAL SOCIETY OFAUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND2011 remained a quiet year for the Foundation.2011 saw a period <strong>of</strong> consolidation for theFoundation. There were no new grantsawarded during this year.The financial position <strong>of</strong> the Foundation hasstabilised during 2011. The exposure to theproperty market was closed after a period <strong>of</strong>recovery. The funds in the pool exceed$2.4 million.Other income is from donations from members<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>. In 2010 donations from themedical companies for the research grantswere not forthcoming.PhD GrantThe Foundation has funded a scholarshipfor a trainee to complete a PhD as part <strong>of</strong>their urological training. The scholarshipis for $25,000 per year for three years. DrMorgan Porkony completed his third <strong>of</strong> athree year PhD in 2011. Again this project is inconjunction with the University <strong>of</strong> Queensl<strong>and</strong>.Registrar Grants for CLEAR CourseLih-Ming Wong: to take up a two yearFellowship in Uro-oncology at the University <strong>of</strong>Toronto.Darren Katz: to take up a two year Fellowshipin Andrology at Memorial Sloane Kettering,<strong>New</strong> York.Foundation Speaker at 2011 ASMIn 2011 the Foundation sponsored a guestspeaker - Dr. Bernard Bochner (<strong>New</strong> York) forthe 2011 ASM in Christchurch.The Foundation programme for 2012 is yet tobe finalised.The Financial Statement to 31st December2011 is still in preparation.The Board would like to thank all members whomade donations to the Foundation, which is forthe benefit <strong>of</strong> all members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>.The Board <strong>of</strong> the Foundation thanks USANZstaff Louise Reeson <strong>and</strong> Michael Nugara(CEO) for their ongoing help <strong>and</strong> assistanceduring 2011.The present directors <strong>of</strong> the Trustee(Australasian Urology Pty Limited) are:MJ Rochford (Chairman), WJ Lynch(Secretary Treasurer), AJ Porter, P Bary,S Ruthven.Australasian <strong>Urological</strong> Foundation ReportA grant was paid to those registrars whoattended the Critical Literature Evaluation <strong>and</strong>Research (CLEAR) Course in 2011 <strong>and</strong> haveapplied to the Foundation for reimbursement.The current cost <strong>of</strong> the CLEAR Course isapproximately AUD $1,123.00. The cost to theFoundation for 2011 was $6,653.00.Travel GrantsThree travel grants awarded for tenure in2011, <strong>of</strong> up to $10,000 each, were paid to thefollowing recipients:Scott Leslie: to take up a two year programmeat University <strong>of</strong> Southern California withPr<strong>of</strong>essor Indebir Gill.2011 Annual Report | 46

USANZ Prizes <strong>and</strong> AwardsUSANZ Prizes <strong>and</strong> AwardsKeith Kirkl<strong>and</strong> Prize(Including a Karl Storz Travelling Fellowship)Not awardedVillis Marshall Research Prize(Including a Karl Storz Travelling Fellowship)Not awardedBAUS TrophyNot awardedAlban Gee Poster PrizeNot awardedAMS Travelling FellowshipSris Baskaranathan<strong>Society</strong> MedalRoss CartmillFellow <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>Anthony MundyJohn M. FitzpatrickHonorary MemberChristopher ChappleChristchurch MedalLydia Johns PutraJulian ShahStuart PhilipStephen Mark47 | 2011 Annual Report

Agenda65th Annual General Meeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>, to be held at 4.30pm on Tuesday, April 24th 2012 at theDarwin Convention Centre, <strong>Australia</strong>.AGM Agenda1. Present2. Apologies3. Minutes <strong>of</strong> the 64th Annual General Meeting held at 3.30pm onSaturday 30 April 2011 at the Hilton Hotel, George Street, Sydney4. Business arising from the minutes5. President’s Report6. Report <strong>of</strong> the Chief Executive7. Secretary’s Report8. Treasurer’s Report9. Annual <strong>report</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>9.1 TA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> Urology (J Miller)9.2 Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Committee(Stephen Ruthven)9.3 Royal Australasian College <strong>of</strong> Surgeons (Andrew Brooks)9.4 Annual Scientifi c Meeting 2011(J Macdonald)9.5 Annual Scientifi c Meeting 2012(H Woo)9.6 Annual Scientifi c Meeting 2013(DM Bolton)9.7 Australasian <strong>Urological</strong> Foundation (M Rochford)10. Approval <strong>of</strong> proposed Special Resolution10.1 Resolution to change the<strong>Society</strong> name11. General business2011 Annual Report | 48

Special Resolution<strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>Proposed Special ResolutionCommentary on Special ResolutionIt is proposed to put forward the following special resolution at the Annual General Meeting <strong>of</strong>Members.The br<strong>and</strong> development project involved a review <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong> name. It is intended that the nameby which the <strong>Society</strong> is known be changed to <strong>Urological</strong> Surgeons Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong>Zeal<strong>and</strong>. The aim is to:• Have a name that is contemporary <strong>and</strong> meaningful• The use <strong>of</strong> the word “surgeon” clearly positions the organisation in its domain <strong>and</strong> articulateswhat a urologist does.• “Association” is more contemporary <strong>and</strong> consistent with major urological organisations.The recent plebiscite carried out to gauge member support for the name change produced thefollowing results:Ballot papers issued: 546Ballot papers returned: 327Response rate: 60%In Favour: 242 (74%)Against: 84 (26%)Informal: 1This result confirms the overwhelming support by the broader membership for the name change.Proposed Special ResolutionTo consider, <strong>and</strong> if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as a Special Resolution:“That the existing name, The <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>, be <strong>and</strong> is herebyrepealed <strong>and</strong> that the new name, <strong>Urological</strong> Surgeons Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>, be<strong>and</strong> is hereby substituted <strong>and</strong> adopted as the name by which the organisation will be known forthwith.49 | 2011 Annual Report

MinutesMinutes <strong>of</strong> the 64th Annual General Meeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>, to be held at 3.30pm on Saturday 30 April 2011 at theHilton Hotel, George Street, Sydney1. Present:D Malouf (President, Chair); S Ruthven (Vice President); P Bary (Honorary Treasurer); S Bariol,D Winkle, P Gilling, B Papadopoulos, M Cresswell, M Rochford, M Fraundorfer, P Mortensen,R Millard, L Chan, L Hayden, D Golovsky, M Lloyd, H O’Connell, G O’Neill, P Chan, R Kooner,R Studd, H Woo, V Chalasani, P Mactaggart, R Grills, K Vaux, A Vasilaras, J Miller, T Dean,F Macneil, S B<strong>and</strong>i, A Brooks, M Khadra, M Kuan, R Ferguson, S Brough, D Eisinger, J Wong,R Ouyang, R WinesLeft meeting prior to voting <strong>and</strong> submitted a proxy: P Rashid, R Grills, P Maher, M Lloyd,P MactaggartIn attendance: M Nugara (CEO); N Danes (Chief Operating Officer); W Frazer (CPDManager), D Klein (Education Manager); V Parkinson (Commercial Manager); L Reeson(Communication Manager - Minutes)2. Apologies:J Boulas, F Gardiner, Z Herzberg, E Korbel, A Richards, E Williams, R McIlroy, P McRae,P Kovac, E Chung, E Dally, V Tse, L Wilson, A Westenberg, C Varol, B Canagasingham,R Hinsch, P SvedProxies: 36 received in totalAppointing David Malouf (Chairman) to vote (30):D Webb, P Aslan, P Cozzi, S Pillay, A Tan, G Wood, David, L Dodds, D Druitt, N Gordon,M Frydenberg, J Jose, S Clarke, G Smith, A Folwell, W Straffon, A Lalak, H Lau, G Malone,P Chong, J Ghossein, P Heathcote, R Gogia, D Foreman, S Philip, D Steele, D Mason,S La Bianca, R Davies, P RashidAppointing Sanjeev B<strong>and</strong>i to vote (1):, P MactaggartAppointing Helen O’Connell to vote (1): M LloydAppointing Prem Rashid to vote (3): T Doyle, P Gassner, S SowterAppointing Stephen Ruthven to vote (1): M Louie-JohnsunWelcome: The Chairman declared the meeting opened at 3.46pmQuorum“No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum <strong>of</strong> members ispresent in person which shall not be less than 5% <strong>of</strong> all Full Members <strong>of</strong> the USANZ.”2011 Annual Report | 50

MinutesThere being greater than the requisite 5% <strong>of</strong> all Full Members present, the meeting wasdeclared quorate. (As at 30 April 2011, the number <strong>of</strong> Full Members <strong>of</strong> USANZ totalled 455.Therefore at least 23 members were required to be present to achieve a quorum).Eligibility to VoteAll current financial Full Members <strong>and</strong> Fellows <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong> are eligible to vote at the<strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>’s Annual General Meeting.Declaration <strong>of</strong> Conflict <strong>of</strong> Interest“Any member who has a direct or indirect pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in a matterbeing considered, or about to be considered at the Annual General Meeting shall, as soonas practicable after the relevant facts come to the member’s knowledge, disclose the nature<strong>of</strong> that interest.The Chair must cause the declaration to be recorded in the Minutes <strong>of</strong> the meeting.A member who has a conflict <strong>of</strong> interest in a matter must not be present during anydeliberations by on the matter <strong>and</strong> is not entitled to vote on the matter.”3. Minutes from the previous Annual General Meeting:63rd Annual General Meeting held at 3.30pm on Wednesday 24 February 2010, PerthConvention <strong>and</strong> Exhibition Centre, Western <strong>Australia</strong>Resolution: That the minutes <strong>of</strong> the 63rd Annual General Meeting held at 3.30pm onWednesday 24 February 2010, Perth Convention <strong>and</strong> Exhibition Centre, Western <strong>Australia</strong>, beapproved as a true <strong>and</strong> accurate record <strong>of</strong> the meeting.Moved: P Maher Seconded: S B<strong>and</strong>i CARRIED4. Business Arising from the MinutesNil5. President’s ReportResolution: That the President’s <strong>report</strong> be taken as read.Moved: L Hayden Seconded: P Rashid CARRIEDDiscussion: The President advised that Peter Gilling has been nominated the UAA GuestLecturer at the 2011 SIU in Berlin.Andrew Brooks is the successful USANZ nominee as the Urology Representative on the RACSCouncil. Helen O’Connell has also been elected as a General Representative on the RACS Council.The President formally expressed gratitude for the support <strong>and</strong> help <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong>Christchurch to the ASM delegates during the 2011 earthquake. The NZ members <strong>of</strong> USANZwere also thanked for the significant support they provided to delegates.6. Report <strong>of</strong> Chief Executive Offi cerResolution: That the Chief Executive Officer’s <strong>report</strong> be taken as read.Moved: H O’Connell Seconded: M Khadra CARRIEDThe CEO advised that USANZ performed well during the <strong>report</strong>ing period <strong>and</strong> acknowledgedthe contribution <strong>of</strong> David Malouf, the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, Board <strong>of</strong> Urology, various statecommittees <strong>and</strong> the USANZ staff.51 | 2011 Annual Report

The CEO also thanked Alex Malley, USANZ External Director, for the support <strong>and</strong> counselprovided to him <strong>and</strong> USANZ.7. Secretary’s <strong>report</strong>Resolution: That the Secretary’s <strong>report</strong> be taken as read.Moved: S B<strong>and</strong>i Seconded: J Miller CARRIEDMinutes8. Treasurer’s <strong>report</strong>Resolution: That the Treasurer’s <strong>report</strong> be taken as read.Moved: S Brough Seconded: M Khadra CARRIEDDiscussion: The CEO advised the financial result <strong>of</strong> the organisation, in light <strong>of</strong> such eventsas the Global Financial Crisis, was in a strong position.9. Annual Reports <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>Discussion: Helen O’Connell expressed her congratulations to Andrew Brooks for hissuccessful nomination as Urology Representative on the RACS Council. Helen expressed hergratitude to David Malouf as out-going President <strong>and</strong> also to the USANZ Management Group.9.1 TA&E/Board <strong>of</strong> UrologyReport taken as readResolution: That the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology <strong>report</strong> be taken as read.Moved: L Hayden Seconded: P Rashid CARRIEDDiscussion: The Board Chair expressed his gratitude for how many <strong>of</strong> the Trainees assistedcasualties following the Christchurch earthquake. Gratitude was also expressed for howTrainees dealt with the media during the disaster.9.2 Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development CommitteeReport taken as read9.3 Royal Australasian College <strong>of</strong> SurgeonsReport taken as read9.4 Annual Scientific Meeting 2012Report taken as read.The dates for the 2012 ASM have changed <strong>and</strong> potential delegates have been notified.9.5 Annual Scientific Meeting 2011Report taken as read9.6 Annual Scientific Meeting 2010Report taken as read9.7 Australasian <strong>Urological</strong> FoundationReport taken as readResolution: That the <strong>report</strong>s in items 9.2-9.7 below be taken as read.Moved: L Hayden Seconded: P Rashid CARRIED2011 Annual Report | 52

Minutes10. General Business10.1 Special Resolution to change the <strong>Society</strong> nameNote: In order for a Special Resolution to be carried, a favourable vote <strong>of</strong> 75% <strong>of</strong> those presentis required.Voting is to be by show <strong>of</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s.Proposed Special Resolution:“That the existing name, The <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>, be <strong>and</strong> ishereby repealed <strong>and</strong> that the new name, <strong>Urological</strong> Surgeons Association (<strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>), be <strong>and</strong> is hereby substituted <strong>and</strong> adopted as the name by which theorganisation will be known forthwith.NOT CARRIEDVotes For: 52Votes against: 19Abstentions: 271% <strong>of</strong> votes favoured the resolution. Therefore the motion was NOT CARRIED.Discussion in favour:The name change is a necessary <strong>and</strong> relevant step in USANZ’s evolution.The name change has had extensive research, discussion <strong>and</strong> due process.The inclusion <strong>of</strong> the name “Surgeon” in the <strong>Society</strong> name does not imply exclusivity aspr<strong>of</strong>essions such as urological nurses are still associated with urological surgeons.The term “Association” is in line with pr<strong>of</strong>essional bodies around the world <strong>and</strong> is relevant.Discussion against:Concern was expressed about voting to change the <strong>Society</strong>’s name at the AGM, not byplebiscite by the whole membership.The President advised that the name change has been discussed at all Sectionmeetings <strong>and</strong> formally circulated as part <strong>of</strong> the due process. Approx. 45 proxies for theChristchurch ASM <strong>and</strong> 36 Proxies for the rescheduled ASM on 30 April 2011.Can the special resolution be put the membership by way <strong>of</strong> a plebiscite?The President advised the option <strong>of</strong> a plebiscite was investigated <strong>and</strong> the AGM is theappropriate means to conduct the vote.An alternative name <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> Surgeonswas suggested.The President advised this name is already used by our medico-legal organisation (ANZAUS).Several members expressed concern that the suggested name implied exclusivity <strong>and</strong> didn’t takeinto account such pr<strong>of</strong>essions such as urological nurses.How many non-surgeons are members <strong>of</strong> USANZ?The President advised there are a small number <strong>of</strong> Associate Members.Several members expressed concern that a name change may discourage others from joiningthe <strong>Society</strong> if they are not surgeons.53 | 2011 Annual Report

The implications <strong>of</strong> a name change have been raised at this AGM <strong>and</strong> concern was expressedthat members who have submitted a Proxy have not had the benefit <strong>of</strong> hearing theseconcerns. The decision should not be made at the AGM, based on the concerns raised.The President responded that these concerns have been previously raised at Sectionmeetings <strong>and</strong> regardless there was still broad support for the name change.The President <strong>and</strong> Vice President responded to the above comments, reiterating that extensiveresearch had been conducted <strong>and</strong> the term “Association” implied a pr<strong>of</strong>essional organisation,whereas the term “<strong>Society</strong>” is <strong>of</strong>ten considered vague <strong>and</strong> old fashioned.Minutes10.2 Special Resolution to amend the term <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology ChairNote: In order for a Special Resolution to be carried, a favourable vote <strong>of</strong> 75% <strong>of</strong> those presentis required.Voting is to be by show <strong>of</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s.Proposed Special Resolution:The Board Chair:a) Is the Chairperson <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology <strong>and</strong> is appointed for a term <strong>of</strong> two years. Atthe conclusion <strong>of</strong> the Chairpersons term, the current Deputy Board Chairperson will beappointed Chairperson. The Deputy Board Chairperson is appointed from amongst themembers <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Urology by the members <strong>of</strong> that committee on or before 31December every second year for a term <strong>of</strong> two years before succeeding the Chairperson;b) will take <strong>of</strong>fice at the Annual General Meeting the year following election under this clause;c) must, every two years, vacate his or her <strong>of</strong>fice;d) may only hold <strong>of</strong>fice for two consecutive terms.CARRIEDVotes For:unanimousVotes against: 0100% <strong>of</strong> votes favoured the resolution. Therefore the motion was CARRIED.11. Other Business:11.1 Industry Sponsored Travel AssistanceNot discussed as the matter was previously dealt with in Christchurch ASM11.2 Endorsements <strong>and</strong> PublicationsHenry Woo recommended that documents being distributed under the USANZ name undergoappropriate checks prior to distribution.The President <strong>and</strong> CEO advised that the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors must approve any material beingdistributed under the name <strong>of</strong> USANZ or with USANZ endorsement.11.3 2011 ASM <strong>and</strong> Christchurch EarthquakeRichard Millard expressed his gratitude to volunteers in Christchurch for the help USANZ ASMdelegates received following the earthquake <strong>and</strong> asked that USANZ’s gratitude be formallypresented to Christchurch authorities.The President advised a number <strong>of</strong> different initiatives to express USANZ’s gratitude arebeing explored.2011 Annual Report | 54

MinutesCan remaining funds from the cancelled ASM in Christchurch be donated to earthquake appeals?The President advised remaining funds from the cancelled ASM in Christchurch cannotbe donated to earthquake appeals as this would be outside the Constitution, but thatsuch funds may be used to <strong>of</strong>fer discounted registration fees for ASM 2011 delegates –to be redeemed for the 2012 ASM.The President also advised <strong>of</strong> the establishment <strong>of</strong> a USANZ Christchurch Relief Fund, forindividuals <strong>and</strong> trade to make tax deductible donations. Funds will then be presented to anappropriate organisation in Christchurch related to the earthquake recovery, in due course.USANZ will also make formal recognition <strong>of</strong> USANZ members who were directly involved inrescue efforts.11.4 Change <strong>of</strong> Office Bearers on Board<strong>of</strong> DirectorsThe President advised he is the Outgoing President <strong>and</strong> welcomed Steve Ruthven asIncoming President.David Winkle was announced the 2011-12 Vice President.The President also acknowledged the following Directors who have finished their terms:• Pat Bary, who has served as the <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> representative on the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors,President, Vice President <strong>and</strong> Honorary Treasurer <strong>and</strong> Secretary. Pat’s contributions wereacknowledged.• Helen O’Connell (VIC) has served as Victorian representative on the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>and</strong>Urology Representative on the RACS Council. Helen’s contributions were acknowledged.• Paul Kovac, who has been ANZAUS Chair. Paul’s contributions were acknowledged.<strong>New</strong> Directors:• <strong>New</strong> Victorian representative – tba• Greg Malone (ANZAUS Chair)• Mark Fraundorfer(<strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> Section)The President expressed his gratitude to the USANZ <strong>of</strong>fice staff: Michal Nugara – CEO, NickDanes – Chief Operating Officer, Wendy Frazer – CPD Manager, Deborah Klein – EducationManager, Vaughan Parkinson – Finance Manager, Louise Reeson – Communications Manager.There being no further business the chairman declared the meeting closed at 5.10pm.55 | 2011 Annual Report

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The <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>Suite 512 Eastpoint,180 Ocean Street,Edgecliff NSW 2027 <strong>Australia</strong>t +61 2 9362 8644f +61 2 9362 1433ecommunication@usanz.org.auw www.usanz.org.au

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