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Getting pregnant. Pregnancy is a vulnerable timethat often leaves a teenage mother-to-be feelingalone, dependent, helpless, and condemned byparents, teachers, and friends. If her boyfriend isabusing her, she may not tell anyone because shefears losing him, doesn’t want to face more disapprovalfrom her family, or fears her baby will betaken away from her.Getting sexually involved with an adult. Youngteenagers sometimes find themselves involved insexual relationships with persons much older thanthey are. Although you may have romantic feelingsfor someone 5 or 10 years older, even if bothof you consent to having sex, you should knowthat the older partner is committing a crimecalled statutory rape. Also, some adults beat orotherwise seek control over teens that they’re involvedwith. A sexual relationship where an adultdominates and controls a young teen should neverbe confused with love.Drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Drinking alcoholor taking drugs does not cause violence,but it can have unpredictable effects: It can lowerinhibitions or change perceptions of what is reallygoing on. Even one drink is enough for someteens to say or do things they regret. Alcohol anddrugs also cause people to misread situations — tosee a come-on when there isn’t one or to see onlyfriendliness in a situation that could lead to rapeor other violence. Drugs and alcohol often areused as excuses for abuse: “I didn’t mean to hurtyou. I was out of control.” Being drunk or high isnever an excuse for hurting someone.love doesn’t have to hurt teens

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