Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra Crop yield response to water - Cra
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Box 2 (CONTINUED)A common soil for the study region was used in the simulation experiment, a loamysandy soil with 101 mm of plant available soil water to the maximum rooting depth of1.7 m.Simulations were carried out using measured daily weather records from 1999 to 2008.Crops were sown when rainfall was at least 20 mm during the previous 10 days during asowing window of May to July and again at 30 days after the first sowing opportunityas a delayed sowing practice (e.g. to manage weeds or due to technical limits of sowingall crops early on a farm).Each sowing date treatment was simulated with an initial soil water of 0, 30 and 60mm plant available soil water stored below 20 cm depth. The earliest sowing datepossible was 1 May, the date at which the initial soil water conditions were set everyyear. Nitrogen was assumed to be not limiting for crop growth.A bread-wheat spring cultivar was used in the experiments, cv. Wyalkatchem, astandard early-medium flowering cultivar for this region. Conservative parametersbased on typical growth and development in the considered environment were usedas inputs (See wheat Section in Chapter 4).ResultsThe simulated differences in grain yields between the first and the second sowingdates as a function of the seasonal rainfall for different initial soil-water contents areshown in Figure 1. Simulated differences in grain yield became negative at zero mmof initial soil water, but were positive at 30 and 60 mm initial soil water. When thesoil profile was dry, 70 percent of the crops sown with an early sowing opportunityfailed, while this percentage decreased to 40 percent with the second sowing date.But, crops which were sown early in to dry subsoil with the first rainfall in autumnwhich did not fail yielded on average 30 percent more than the second sowing date.On average, the first sowing yielded 35 percent more than the second sowing with30 and 60 mm of initial water, but 13 percent less with zero mm of initial soil water.Conclusions and recommendationsThe results of the simulation experiments indicate that in a Mediterraneanenvironment, sowing a wheat crop early with the first rainfall events in autumn cangive higher yields, consistent with other simulation and field experimental studies.However, early sowing can increase the risk of crop failure if the subsoil profile is dryat sowing. Therefore, early sowing is only warranted if there is some initial soil waterin the soil profile from summer rainfall or left over from the previous year. If the soilprofile is dry at the beginning of the season, delaying sowing, despite some loss ofyield potential, reduces the risk of crop failure in such an environment.AQUACROP APPLICATIONS 61

ox 2 (CONTINUED)FIGURE 1 Differences in simulated grain yields between the first and the second sowingopportunity as a function of the seasonal rainfall at different initial soil water (0, 30and 60 mm) for the period between 1999 and 2008 at Buntine, Western Australia.3Difference in grain yield betweenFirst and second sowing (tonne/ha)210-1-2-3-4-5100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300Seasonal rainfall (May-Oct) (mm)In similar regions, but with water resources available for irrigation, applying a smallamount of water (about 30 mm) before sowing will significantly reduce the risk of cropfailure with an early sowing opportunities and would allow to maximize yield potentialin such an environment.CASE 11 - Developing water production functions with AquaCropand using them in Decision Support SystemsSpecific data requirements• average or historical series of preferably 20-30 year, or at least 10 years, of data on ET o anddaily rainfall; and• crop and soil characteristics necessary to run AquaCrop.ApproachTwo approaches may be used: (i) with the average climatic records, the user will simulate theyield response to different amounts of applied irrigation (IW) changing the level of applicationin 30-50 mm step intervals (’Irrigation Events’ tab sheet in ’Irrigation Management’); (ii) if a62crop yield response to water

ox 2 (CONTINUED)FIGURE 1 Differences in simulated grain <strong>yield</strong>s between the first and the second sowingopportunity as a function of the seasonal rainfall at different initial soil <strong>water</strong> (0, 30and 60 mm) for the period between 1999 and 2008 at Buntine, Western Australia.3Difference in grain <strong>yield</strong> betweenFirst and second sowing (<strong>to</strong>nne/ha)210-1-2-3-4-5100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300Seasonal rainfall (May-Oct) (mm)In similar regions, but with <strong>water</strong> resources available for irrigation, applying a smallamount of <strong>water</strong> (about 30 mm) before sowing will significantly reduce the risk of cropfailure with an early sowing opportunities and would allow <strong>to</strong> maximize <strong>yield</strong> potentialin such an environment.CASE 11 - Developing <strong>water</strong> production functions with Aqua<strong>Crop</strong>and using them in Decision Support SystemsSpecific data requirements• average or his<strong>to</strong>rical series of preferably 20-30 year, or at least 10 years, of data on ET o anddaily rainfall; and• crop and soil characteristics necessary <strong>to</strong> run Aqua<strong>Crop</strong>.ApproachTwo approaches may be used: (i) with the average climatic records, the user will simulate the<strong>yield</strong> <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> different amounts of applied irrigation (IW) changing the level of applicationin 30-50 mm step intervals (’Irrigation Events’ tab sheet in ’Irrigation Management’); (ii) if a62crop <strong>yield</strong> <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong>

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