Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra


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Users should change the first part (Project) of file name <strong>to</strong> identify the particular simulation,otherwise the next simulation would be au<strong>to</strong>matically assigned the same default file nameand overwrite the files resulting from the preceding simulation. Daily simulation results arealso summarized as seasonal <strong>to</strong>tals. The files are s<strong>to</strong>red by default in the OUTP direc<strong>to</strong>ryof Aqua<strong>Crop</strong>. The data in the files can be retrieved in spreadsheet programmes for furtherprocessing and analysis.REFERENCESAdams, J.E., Arkin, G.F. & Ritchie, J. T. 1976. Influence of row spacing and straw mulch on first stage drying. SoilScience Society American Journal 40: 436-442.Allen R.G., Pereira L.S., Raes D. & Smith M. 1998. <strong>Crop</strong> evapotranspiration. Guidelines for computing crop <strong>water</strong>requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56.Ayers, R.S. & Westcot, D.W. 1985. Water quality for agriculture. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 29. FAO,Rome.Bradford, K.J. & Hsiao, T.C. 1982. Physiological <strong>response</strong>s <strong>to</strong> moderate <strong>water</strong> stress. pages 264-324. In: Lange, O.R., P. S. Nobel, C.B. Osmond & H. Ziegler, eds. Encyclopedia Plant Physiol. New Series, Vol. 12B. Physiological PlantEcology II. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.de Wit, C.T. 1958. Transpiration and crop <strong>yield</strong>s. Versl. Landbouwk. Onderz. 64.6 Institute of Biological ChemistryResearch On Field <strong>Crop</strong>s and Herbage, Wageningen, The Netherlands.Doorenbos, J. & Kasssam, A.H. 1979. Yield <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33. Rome, FAO.FAO, 2009. ET o Calcula<strong>to</strong>r, Land and Water Digital Media Series No. 36, Rome.Heng, L.K., Hsiao, T.C., Evett, S., Howell, T. & Stedu<strong>to</strong>, P. 2009. Validating the FAO Aquacrop model for irrigated and<strong>water</strong> deficient field maize. Agronomy Journal 101:488-498.Hsiao, T.C. & Bradford K.J. 1983. Physiological consequences of cellular <strong>water</strong> deficits. In: Taylor H.M., Jordan, W.A.,Sinclair, T.R., eds. Limitations <strong>to</strong> efficient <strong>water</strong> use in crop production. Madison, Wisconsin, USA, ASA, pp. 227–265.Hsiao, T.C., Lee H., Stedu<strong>to</strong>, B., Basilio, R.L., Raes, D. & Fereres, E. 2009. Aquacrop - The FAO crop model <strong>to</strong> simulate<strong>yield</strong> <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong>: III. Parameterization and testing for maize. Agronomy Journal 101:448–459.Hsiao, T.C. & Xu, L.K. 2000. Sensitivity of growth of roots vs. leaves <strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong> stress: biophysical analysis and relation<strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong> transport. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 1595-1616.McMaster, G.S. & Wilhelm, W.W. 1997. Growing degree-days: one equation, two interpretations. Agricultural andForestry Meteorology, 87: 291-300.Raes, D., Stedu<strong>to</strong>, P., Hsiao, T.C., & Fereres, E. 2009. Aquacrop - The FAO <strong>Crop</strong> Model <strong>to</strong> Simulate Yield Response <strong>to</strong>Water: II. Main Algorithms and Software Description. Agronomy Journal 101:438–447.Raes, D., Stedu<strong>to</strong>, P., Hsiao, T.C. & Fereres, E. 2011. Aquacrop – Reference Manual. Available at:http://www.fao.org/nr/<strong>water</strong>/aquacrop.htmlStedu<strong>to</strong> P. & Albrizio R., 2005. Resource use efficiency of field-grown sunflower, sorghum, wheat and chickpea- II. Water use efficiency and comparison with radiation use efficiency. Journal of Agricultural And ForestMeteorology, 130 (3-4), 269-281.Stedu<strong>to</strong> P., Hsiao, T.C. & Fereres, E. 2007. On the conservative behavior of biomass <strong>water</strong> productivity. IrrigationScience, 25:189–207.Stedu<strong>to</strong>, P., Hsiao, T.C., Raes, D. & Fereres, E. 2009. Aquacrop - The FAO <strong>Crop</strong> Model <strong>to</strong> Simulate Yield Response <strong>to</strong>Water: I. Concepts and Underlying Principles. Agronomy Journal, 101:426–437.Tanner C.B. & Sinclair T.R. 1983. Efficient <strong>water</strong> use in crop production: research or re-search? In: Taylor H.M., JordanW.A., Sinclair T.R. (eds) Limitations <strong>to</strong> efficient <strong>water</strong> use in crop production. Madison, Wisconsin, USA, ASA, pp1–27.Villalobos, F. J. & Fereres, E. 1990. Evaporation measurements beneath corn, cot<strong>to</strong>n, and sunflower canopies.Agronomy Journal 82:1153-1159.Aqua<strong>Crop</strong>: concepts, rationale and operation 49

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