Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra Crop yield response to water - Cra
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Figure 4Effects of the level of applied water expressed as a fraction of reference ET (ET o ) on canopy volumeand on the yield canopy volume ratio.11014100yield/canopy9012Canopy volume (m 3 )807060504030canopy volume10864Yield/canopy volume (kg/m )320102020 40 60 80 100 120Percent ET o0conditions, irrigating every 2-3 days is more desirable. Experiments in Chile have shown thatallowing 50 to 60 percent soil water depletion between irrigation applications (every 5-6 days)did not affect yield and fruit size as compared to more frequent applications (Ferreyra, et al.,2006). Irrigation frequencies that deplete about 25-30 percent of the tree-water reservoir areadequate for most soils as a compromise to maintain both adequate water and oxygen supplyto the avocado root system. Under drip irrigation, it is important to be able to leach the excesssalts out of the potential root zone, and to wet enough soil volume particularly in shallow,coarse-textured soils. Fruit oil content is an important quality feature that is negatively affectedby inadequate irrigation.All experimental evidence so far indicates that RDI is not a recommendable practice for irrigationof avocadoes, because of the high sensitivity of commercial yields to water deficits duringmost of the irrigation season. On the other hand, excess irrigation is highly detrimental, giventhe sensitivity to water logging and the high risks of fungal disease infection. Best irrigationpractices for avocado should be based on supplying ET c at optimal intervals that both preventtree water deficits and supply adequate oxygen to the root system.446crop yield response to water

ReferencesFaber, B., Apaia, M. & M. Yates. 1995. Irrigation management of avocado in a California coastal environment. In:Proceedings of the World Avocado Congress III, pp. 189 – 195.FAO. 2011. FAOSTAT online database, available at link Accessed on December 2011.Ferreyra, R., Selles, G., Maldonado, P., Celedon, J. & Torres, A. 2006. Efecto de la macroporosidad y atmósfera delsuelo en el estado hídrico del palto. V Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería agrícola, 9 – 12 mayo 2006, Chillan,Chile 208 p.Ferreyra, R., Selles, G., Maldonado, P., Celedón, J. & Gil, P. 2007. Efecto del Clima, de las Características de la Hojay de la Metodología de Medición en el Potencial Hídrico Xilemático en Palto (Persea americana Mill.) AgriculturaTécnica (Chile) 67(2):182-188Ferreyra, R. & Selles, G. 2007. Manejo del suelo y riego en palto. La Cruz Chile. Instituto de InvestigacionesAgropecuarias. Boletín 160 p. 120.Lahav, E. & Kalmar, D. 1983. Determination of irrigation regimes for an avocado plantation in spring and autumn.Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 34, 717–724.Stolzy, L., Zentmyer , G., Klotz, A. & Labanauskas, C. 1967. Oxygen diffusion, water, and Phytophthora cinnamomiin root decay and nutrition of avocados. American Society for Horticultural Science. 90:67-76.Wolstenholme, B. 1986. Energy costs of fruiting as a yield limiting factor. Acta Horticulturae 175: 121-126.avocado 447

ReferencesFaber, B., Apaia, M. & M. Yates. 1995. Irrigation management of avocado in a California coastal environment. In:Proceedings of the World Avocado Congress III, pp. 189 – 195.FAO. 2011. FAOSTAT online database, available at link Accessed on December 2011.Ferreyra, R., Selles, G., Maldonado, P., Celedon, J. & Torres, A. 2006. Efec<strong>to</strong> de la macroporosidad y atmósfera delsuelo en el estado hídrico del pal<strong>to</strong>. V Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería agrícola, 9 – 12 mayo 2006, Chillan,Chile 208 p.Ferreyra, R., Selles, G., Maldonado, P., Celedón, J. & Gil, P. 2007. Efec<strong>to</strong> del Clima, de las Características de la Hojay de la Me<strong>to</strong>dología de Medición en el Potencial Hídrico Xilemático en Pal<strong>to</strong> (Persea americana Mill.) AgriculturaTécnica (Chile) 67(2):182-188Ferreyra, R. & Selles, G. 2007. Manejo del suelo y riego en pal<strong>to</strong>. La Cruz Chile. Institu<strong>to</strong> de InvestigacionesAgropecuarias. Boletín 160 p. 120.Lahav, E. & Kalmar, D. 1983. Determination of irrigation regimes for an avocado plantation in spring and autumn.Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 34, 717–724.S<strong>to</strong>lzy, L., Zentmyer , G., Klotz, A. & Labanauskas, C. 1967. Oxygen diffusion, <strong>water</strong>, and Phy<strong>to</strong>phthora cinnamomiin root decay and nutrition of avocados. American Society for Horticultural Science. 90:67-76.Wolstenholme, B. 1986. Energy costs of fruiting as a <strong>yield</strong> limiting fac<strong>to</strong>r. Acta Horticulturae 175: 121-126.avocado 447

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