Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra


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Figure 4Apricot (cv. Búlida) shoot length and fruit diameter as % of their final value(Torrecillas et al. 2000).shoot fruit10080% Growth60402000 20 40 60 80Days from full bloomFigure 5Schematic representation of the recommended RDI strategy during the season. A reductiondown <strong>to</strong> 30-50 percent ET c (depending on soil <strong>water</strong> holding capacity) should be evaluatedaccording <strong>to</strong> the <strong>water</strong> availability in the soil explored by roots. Ψ indicates the minimumpredawn leaf <strong>water</strong> potential below which there is risk of <strong>yield</strong> reduction. The developmentalpattern is that of an early ripening cultivar.MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV.FRUIT GROWTHPOSTHARVESTSTAGE I II III EARLY LATE100 % ET c30-50 % ETc-0.45 MPa -0.7 MPa-1.30 MPaapricot 437

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