Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra


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production recovery from severe <strong>water</strong> stress was possible because of the absence of stressinduceddisease or insect pressures. Trunk diseases such as deep bark canker that often occurin <strong>water</strong> stressed orchards were not evident in these studies.Water UseWalnut orchards have high <strong>water</strong> use rates as because of the high leaf, tall tree stature, andnear full ground cover when the trees are fully mature. Table 1 provides the crop coefficientsfor mature walnut orchards obtained from studies in California (Goldhamer, 1997).Table 1Date<strong>Crop</strong> coefficients for maturewalnut trees (Goldhamer, 1997).<strong>Crop</strong>coefficient(K c )Mar. 16-31 0.12Apr. 1-15 0.53Apr. 16-30 0.68May 1-15 0.79May 16-31 0.86June 1-15 0.93June 16-30 1.00July 1-15 1.14July 16-31 1.14Aug. 1-15 1.14Aug. 16-31 1.14Sept. 1-15 1.08Sept. 16-30 0.97Oct. 1-15 0.88Oct. 16-31 0.51Nov. 1-15 0.28Deficit Irrigation StrategiesThe general strategy followed experimentally forreducing irrigation in walnut orchards has been<strong>to</strong> limit <strong>water</strong> deficits during early stages of treeand crop development in favour of imposingthem during mid and late season. One study innorthern California used midday stem-<strong>water</strong>potential <strong>to</strong> impose the ‘low’ and ‘moderate’stress treatments. The target midday stem-<strong>water</strong>potential values were -0.5 <strong>to</strong> -0.7 MPa and -1.2 <strong>to</strong>-1.4 MPa during the bulk of the season for thesetwo regimes with corresponding reductions inapplied <strong>water</strong> of 30 and 50 percent of potentialET c , respectively (Ful<strong>to</strong>n et al., 2002). It shouldbe noted that the <strong>water</strong> potential values of fullyirrigated walnut trees are much less negative thenthe two primary nut crops, almond and pistachio.Walnut predawn leaf <strong>water</strong> potential values forfully irrigated trees range between -0.15 and -0.2MPa and midday stem-<strong>water</strong> potential between-0.40 <strong>to</strong> -0.60 MPa. After three seasons, <strong>yield</strong>s inthese stress treatments had declined by 26 and40 percent, respectively, relative <strong>to</strong> fully irrigatedtrees (Lampinen et al., 2004). Full recovery wasachieved after two years of full irrigation. Acompanion study was conducted on deeper soilswith older trees with a lower tree density. Yieldreductions were appreciably lower at this site,which was attributed <strong>to</strong> the stress developmentbeing relatively slow because of the largersoil moisture reservoir and possibly the largercarbohydrate reserves of the bigger trees.To simulate a one-year drought with a <strong>water</strong>supply of 400 mm where potential ET c was412crop <strong>yield</strong> <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong>

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