Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra Crop yield response to water - Cra
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several others since that time have found that Stage II is not sensitive to water deficits interms of negatively impacting yield. It has been shown (Girona et al., 2003) that significantwater deficits applied during Stage II may induce some dehydration of the fruit, but thatsubsequent recovery of fruit growth is usually complete after the water stress is relieved atthe onset of Stage III, and that Stage II water deficits have no impact on final yield.Even though there has been an initial report showing (Chalmers et al., 1981) increased fruitsize, relative to fully irrigated controls, when applying RDI in Stage II, no other publishedpapers reported such results, with one exception (Girona et al., 2003) for a single season in athree-year study, where low temperatures at blooming time damaged many fruit and the finalfruit load was very low. A comprehensive analysis of the effect of fruit load on the response toRDI at Stage II (Girona et al., 2004), detected larger fruit in the RDI treatment compared withan unstressed control only with low fruit loads, and as the fruit load increased, no effects weredetected and in some cases, even a reduction in fruit size was observed. Presumably the RDI inStage II enhances fruit growth relative to unstressed controls by directing more carbohydratesto fruit growth, but this phenomenon apparently occurs only with low fruit loads (Girona etal., 2004). There have been reports of less fruit drop before harvest under RDI (Girona et al.,2003), and this could explain the few observations where water deficits during Stage II hadpositive effects on yield, relative to fully-irrigated treatments.Vigorous fruit expansion takes place during Stage III when the rate of fruit expansion ishighest and most sensitive to water deficits. Fruit water content is more sensitive to waterdeficits than fruit dry weight during this period. A reduction of 25 percent in fruit watercontent occurred with Stage III water deficits in a medium peach cultivar (Girona et al., 2004).Water deficits that affect fruit dry matter accumulation must be quite severe because, notonly must they decrease photosynthesis but they must also counterbalance the tendencyof many fruit trees, including peach, where assimilate allocation to fruit has higher priorityrelative to its distribution to other tree parts (DeJong et al., 1987). Leaf photosynthesis andtree transpiration in peach are not affected by water deficits until more than 50 percent ofthe available water in the root zone is depleted (Girona et al., 2002). When water deficitsoccur under these conditions, the peak of daily Tr moves from a plateau between noon and14:00 hours towards the morning hours, and by the time Tr was reduced by 70 percent, themaximum Tr rate occurred at 9:00 am hours (Girona et al., 2002).Indicators of peach tree water status are used to quantify the water stress levels. A comparativestudy among different indicators (Goldhamer et al., 1999) found that indices derived frommicrometric measurements of trunk diameter fluctuations were the most sensitive forwater stress detection, followed by stem-water potential. Other indicators such as stomatalconductance, leaf photosynthesis, and leaf temperature were less sensitive (Goldhamer et al.,1999).Water deficits may have a negative impact on fruit appearance in the next season. Anincreased frequency of fruit doubles and deep sutures have been observed in water-stressedpeach trees (Johnson and Phene, 2008). These problems have been overcome by relievingthe water stress shortly before and during carpel differentiation (Johnson et al., 1992). Withearly-season cultivars, this stress-sensitive period is in August and September and suggestsavoidance of water deficits during these months (Johnson and Phene, 2008). For a midseasoncultivar, the increase in occurrence of double and deep suture fruit is highly correlated with398crop yield response to water

the midday stem-water potential in August of the previous year, i.e. during the initial stagesof flower bud development (Naor et al., 2005). The occurrence of double fruit was observedto increase sharply as the midday stem-water potentials fell below -2.0 MPa, suggesting thata midday stem-water potential of -2.0 MPa could serve as threshold for postharvest irrigationscheduling (Naor et al., 2005).Fruit set can also be influenced by postharvest stress. Both early season (Johnson and Phene,2008) and midseason (Goodwin and Bruce, 2011) cultivars found that fruit set was moderatelysensitive to the degree of water stress during the previous season’s postharvest period. In lateseason-cultivars, fruit set was highly affected by the level of water stress during postharvest,as shown by the strong correlation between the average leaf water potential during thepostharvest period and the fruit set (Girona et al., 2004) (Figure 4). The negative impact ofwater deficits on fruit set in the next year may not be important as thinning is a commonpractice in peach, but severe impacts on fruit set cannot be corrected by thinning (Goodwinand Bruce, 2011).Moderate water deficits applied during Stage II improved fruit quality (firmness, colour,improved TSS) without affecting yield (Gelly et al., 2003 and Gelly et al., 2004). Moderatewater stress in Stage III also improves fruit quality, but a negative impact on fruit size and yieldis very likely. The trade-offs between quality and size must be resolved bearing in mind themarket where the produce will be sold.Figure 4Relationship between fruit set 2 months after full bloom in 1996 and seasonal average middayleaf water potential experienced under several irrigation treatments during the previous yearat postharvest (Girona et al., 2004).ControlRDI -SIIRDI -P RDI -SII -P3025R 2 = 0.83Fruit set (%)2015105- 1.20 - 1.70 - 2.20 - 2.70 - 3.20Leaf water potential at midday during postharvest (MPa)peach 399

several others since that time have found that Stage II is not sensitive <strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong> deficits interms of negatively impacting <strong>yield</strong>. It has been shown (Girona et al., 2003) that significant<strong>water</strong> deficits applied during Stage II may induce some dehydration of the fruit, but thatsubsequent recovery of fruit growth is usually complete after the <strong>water</strong> stress is relieved atthe onset of Stage III, and that Stage II <strong>water</strong> deficits have no impact on final <strong>yield</strong>.Even though there has been an initial report showing (Chalmers et al., 1981) increased fruitsize, relative <strong>to</strong> fully irrigated controls, when applying RDI in Stage II, no other publishedpapers reported such results, with one exception (Girona et al., 2003) for a single season in athree-year study, where low temperatures at blooming time damaged many fruit and the finalfruit load was very low. A comprehensive analysis of the effect of fruit load on the <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong>RDI at Stage II (Girona et al., 2004), detected larger fruit in the RDI treatment compared withan unstressed control only with low fruit loads, and as the fruit load increased, no effects weredetected and in some cases, even a reduction in fruit size was observed. Presumably the RDI inStage II enhances fruit growth relative <strong>to</strong> unstressed controls by directing more carbohydrates<strong>to</strong> fruit growth, but this phenomenon apparently occurs only with low fruit loads (Girona etal., 2004). There have been reports of less fruit drop before harvest under RDI (Girona et al.,2003), and this could explain the few observations where <strong>water</strong> deficits during Stage II hadpositive effects on <strong>yield</strong>, relative <strong>to</strong> fully-irrigated treatments.Vigorous fruit expansion takes place during Stage III when the rate of fruit expansion ishighest and most sensitive <strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong> deficits. Fruit <strong>water</strong> content is more sensitive <strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong>deficits than fruit dry weight during this period. A reduction of 25 percent in fruit <strong>water</strong>content occurred with Stage III <strong>water</strong> deficits in a medium peach cultivar (Girona et al., 2004).Water deficits that affect fruit dry matter accumulation must be quite severe because, no<strong>to</strong>nly must they decrease pho<strong>to</strong>synthesis but they must also counterbalance the tendencyof many fruit trees, including peach, where assimilate allocation <strong>to</strong> fruit has higher priorityrelative <strong>to</strong> its distribution <strong>to</strong> other tree parts (DeJong et al., 1987). Leaf pho<strong>to</strong>synthesis andtree transpiration in peach are not affected by <strong>water</strong> deficits until more than 50 percent ofthe available <strong>water</strong> in the root zone is depleted (Girona et al., 2002). When <strong>water</strong> deficitsoccur under these conditions, the peak of daily Tr moves from a plateau between noon and14:00 hours <strong>to</strong>wards the morning hours, and by the time Tr was reduced by 70 percent, themaximum Tr rate occurred at 9:00 am hours (Girona et al., 2002).Indica<strong>to</strong>rs of peach tree <strong>water</strong> status are used <strong>to</strong> quantify the <strong>water</strong> stress levels. A comparativestudy among different indica<strong>to</strong>rs (Goldhamer et al., 1999) found that indices derived frommicrometric measurements of trunk diameter fluctuations were the most sensitive for<strong>water</strong> stress detection, followed by stem-<strong>water</strong> potential. Other indica<strong>to</strong>rs such as s<strong>to</strong>matalconductance, leaf pho<strong>to</strong>synthesis, and leaf temperature were less sensitive (Goldhamer et al.,1999).Water deficits may have a negative impact on fruit appearance in the next season. Anincreased frequency of fruit doubles and deep sutures have been observed in <strong>water</strong>-stressedpeach trees (Johnson and Phene, 2008). These problems have been overcome by relievingthe <strong>water</strong> stress shortly before and during carpel differentiation (Johnson et al., 1992). Withearly-season cultivars, this stress-sensitive period is in August and September and suggestsavoidance of <strong>water</strong> deficits during these months (Johnson and Phene, 2008). For a midseasoncultivar, the increase in occurrence of double and deep suture fruit is highly correlated with398crop <strong>yield</strong> <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>water</strong>

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