Crop yield response to water - Cra

Crop yield response to water - Cra Crop yield response to water - Cra
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ReferencesAbeledo, L.G., Calderini, D.F. & Slafer, G.A. 2003. Genetic improvement of barley yield potential and its physiologicaldeterminants in Argentina (1944-1998). Euphytica 130: 325-334.Albrizio, R., Todorovic, M., Matic, T. & Stellacci, A.M. 2010. Comparing the interactive effects of water and nitrogenon durum wheat and barley grown in a Mediterranean environment. Field Crops Research 115:179–190.Cossani, C.M., Savin, R. & Slafer, G.A. 2007. Contrasting performance of barley and wheat in a wide range ofconditions in Mediterranean Catalonia (Spain). Annals of Applied Biology 151, 167-173.Cossani, M.C, Slafer, G.A. & Savin, R. 2009. Yield and biomass in wheat, and barley under a range of conditions in aMediterranean site. Field Crops Research 112: 205-213.Evans, L.T. 1993. Crop evolution, adaptation, and yield. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press. 500 pp.FAO. 2011. FAOSTAT online database, available at link Accessed on December 2011.GAEZ. 2011. Global Agro-Ecological Zones ver. 3.0, FAO, IIASA.Garcia del Moral, L., Miralles, D.J. & Slafer, G.A. 2002. Initiation and appearance of vegetative and reproductivestructures throughout barley development. In: Barley Science. Recent advances from molecular biology toagronomy of yield and quality. Slafer, G.A., Molina-Cano, J.L., Savin, R., Araus, J.L. & Romagosa, I., eds. New York,USA, Food Product Press, pp. 243-268.HGCA, 2006. The barley growth guide, HGCA, London, Caledonia House, p. 28.Muurinen, S., Kleemola, J. & Peltonen-Sainio, P. 2007 Accumulation and translocation of nitrogen in spring cerealcultivars differing in nitrogen use efficiency. Agronomy Journal 99:441–449.Prystupa, P., Savin, R. & Slafer, G.A. 2004 Grain number and its relationship with dry matter, N and P in the spikes atheading in response to NxP fertilization in barley. Field Crops Research 90: 245-254.Savin, R. & Molina-Cano, J.L. 2002. Changes in malting quality and its determinants in response to abiotic stresses.In: Barley Science. Recent advances from molecular biology to agronomy of yield and quality. Slafer, G.A., Molina-Cano, J.L., Savin, R., Araus, J.L. & Romagosa, I., eds. New York, Food Product Press, pp. 523-550.barley 141

ReferencesAbeledo, L.G., Calderini, D.F. & Slafer, G.A. 2003. Genetic improvement of barley <strong>yield</strong> potential and its physiologicaldeterminants in Argentina (1944-1998). Euphytica 130: 325-334.Albrizio, R., Todorovic, M., Matic, T. & Stellacci, A.M. 2010. Comparing the interactive effects of <strong>water</strong> and nitrogenon durum wheat and barley grown in a Mediterranean environment. Field <strong>Crop</strong>s Research 115:179–190.Cossani, C.M., Savin, R. & Slafer, G.A. 2007. Contrasting performance of barley and wheat in a wide range ofconditions in Mediterranean Catalonia (Spain). Annals of Applied Biology 151, 167-173.Cossani, M.C, Slafer, G.A. & Savin, R. 2009. Yield and biomass in wheat, and barley under a range of conditions in aMediterranean site. Field <strong>Crop</strong>s Research 112: 205-213.Evans, L.T. 1993. <strong>Crop</strong> evolution, adaptation, and <strong>yield</strong>. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press. 500 pp.FAO. 2011. FAOSTAT online database, available at link Accessed on December 2011.GAEZ. 2011. Global Agro-Ecological Zones ver. 3.0, FAO, IIASA.Garcia del Moral, L., Miralles, D.J. & Slafer, G.A. 2002. Initiation and appearance of vegetative and reproductivestructures throughout barley development. In: Barley Science. Recent advances from molecular biology <strong>to</strong>agronomy of <strong>yield</strong> and quality. Slafer, G.A., Molina-Cano, J.L., Savin, R., Araus, J.L. & Romagosa, I., eds. New York,USA, Food Product Press, pp. 243-268.HGCA, 2006. The barley growth guide, HGCA, London, Caledonia House, p. 28.Muurinen, S., Kleemola, J. & Pel<strong>to</strong>nen-Sainio, P. 2007 Accumulation and translocation of nitrogen in spring cerealcultivars differing in nitrogen use efficiency. Agronomy Journal 99:441–449.Prystupa, P., Savin, R. & Slafer, G.A. 2004 Grain number and its relationship with dry matter, N and P in the spikes atheading in <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> NxP fertilization in barley. Field <strong>Crop</strong>s Research 90: 245-254.Savin, R. & Molina-Cano, J.L. 2002. Changes in malting quality and its determinants in <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> abiotic stresses.In: Barley Science. Recent advances from molecular biology <strong>to</strong> agronomy of <strong>yield</strong> and quality. Slafer, G.A., Molina-Cano, J.L., Savin, R., Araus, J.L. & Romagosa, I., eds. New York, Food Product Press, pp. 523-550.barley 141

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