Umpire's Handbook - International Hockey Federation

Umpire's Handbook - International Hockey Federation

Umpire's Handbook - International Hockey Federation


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INTERNATIONAL UMPIRES HANDBOOK 2005 During the matchContinue to drink plenty of fluid throughout the match. Ideally you should have 1 cup offluid every 15-20 minutes. Your stomach empties fluid faster when it is full, so it is best tofill it up before the match and continue to top it up throughout. Do not wait until you arealready dehydrated before you start drinking. Take a water bottle onto the pitch with you,leave on the side behind you and drink when an opportunity arises.• A sports drink may be useful to top up your energy levels as well as provide youwith essential fluid.After the MatchAt the end of the match you need to continue to re-hydrate. While acknowledging that theweight measuring scales are a good way to determine your existing fluid deficit, you willstill need to drink more as you will continue to perspire for some time.Start the recovery process straight away by consuming a carbohydrate rich snack. Rice,sandwiches, jelly confectionery, fruit and sports drinks are all good choices.Don’t forget that alcohol is dehydrating, so if planning a post-match drink, remember to rehydratethoroughly first, and alternate drinks so that you remain well hydrated.

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