Umpire's Handbook - International Hockey Federation

Umpire's Handbook - International Hockey Federation

Umpire's Handbook - International Hockey Federation


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INTERNATIONAL UMPIRES HANDBOOK 2005 Example of Meditative Relaxation:1) Ensure the environment is quiet.2) Assume a comfortable position and adopt an "open" mind (let things happen asopposed to forcing them to happen)3) Repeat an individual key word (such as deep, control or composure depending onthe circumstances)4) Allow the key word to let the mind drift into the required state.Again, practice makes this technique successful. Used well, it will act to reduce anxiety(deep/control) and achieve Ideal Performance State (control/composure).Physical relaxation techniquesPhysical relaxation techniques (using the body to calm the mind), such as rhythmicbreathing and centring are best used immediately before the start of a match or during abreak in a play to quickly and efficiently reduce anxiety. A further technique, progressivemuscular relaxation, works best to induce sleep before a big match and reducing physicalanxiety (butterflies, feeling sick)Rhythmic breathingBreathing plays an important role in dealing with pressure situations. Normally, whenindividuals are stressed, their breathing becomes laboured, short and shallow.Conversely, a calm individual had deep, smooth and rhythmic breathing, increasing theoxygen to flow to muscles and helping to reduce muscle tension. The art of rhythmicbreathing is to recognise stressed breathing and force the body in a calm and rhythmicmanner.Example of Rhythmic Breathing:1) Check your pulse (count for15 seconds and multiply by four). Place your hands onyour rib cage (diaphragm); breathe in deeply to a count of three, feeling the rigcage expand. Hold for a count of three and then breathe out.2) Repeat a number of times and then recheck your pulse. You should find that yourheart rate has decreased and you should feel more calm and focused on thematch in progress.CentringCentring is about gathering yourself together, refocusing maybe after a bad decision or acontroversial moment. The requirement is for an individual to change their centre ofconsciousness away from the head to a point in the middle of the stomach. This loweringof the centre of consciousness induces a feeling of stability and balance.

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