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2007Annual Report1

Dear Friends,When you hear the number 50, what do you thinkof?A golden anniversary? “The new 40”? One-half of100?The number 50 has a very significant meaning at<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>. It is a number we have workedhard to attain. It is a number we continue to workhard to maintain.Pat KnappBoard President50 emergency shelter beds—our totalemergency shelter capacity. Offered for all of2007 for the first time since opening our secondemergency shelter facility, in addition to the 31transitional beds we also offer every day.50 women and children who sleep safely everynight.50 women and children who build new lives, freefrom violence and fear, every day.Your support helped make these 50 beds a realityfor battered women and their children in ourcommunity in 2007.Amy EvansExecutive DirectorOn behalf of <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>, and the women andchildren we serve, thank you for your role inmaking the number 50 a very special one in the<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> history book.Pat KnappPresident2007 Board of DirectorsAmy EvansExecutive Director2

Ann was living with her batterer, their daughter, and his parents butcouldn’t have felt more alone. Moving in with Hal’s parents was his idea.Ann was going to law school and having the grandparents there to babysitwould “give Ann a break,” according to Hal.Instead of helping Ann feel in control of her studies and life, moving inwith Hal’s parents added another layer of abuse. Hal’s parents reinforcedeverything Hal had been telling Ann; that if she only tried harder, shewould be a better wife and mother.For four years, Ann had been trying. Working full time, managing upkeepon the house, and fulfilling all of Hal’s wishes had taken its toll. Ann hadalways dreamed of going back to school and when Hal agreed it was theright thing for their family, she thought things were finally changing; Halwould stop his verbal and physical assaults. He would finally respect her.Respect did not follow. Ann learned, as so many battered women do, thatthis was just another tactic to further manipulate and control. Ann’s focuson school only gave Hal more ammunition for his assaults.After months of trying to make the new living situation work, Ann’sdaughter told her about some interactions with her father Ann could notpardon. Hal had begun watching pornographic tapes with the three-yearoldgirl. Ann and her daughter checked into shelter immediately.Ann is still on her journey. Although law school has been put on hold, it ison the horizon. For now, Ann is focusing on providing for her daughterand staying safe.A Woman’s Story3

Discovering My StrengthsThanks to the support of The Sowers Clubof Lincoln and the Lincoln/LancasterCounty Keno Prevention Fund, weDevelopment Director Kay Mathews and Safeexpanded our “strengths-basedQuarters Team Captain Michelle Muggyapproach” to working with womenwho’ve experienced domestic violence to include their children.“Discovering My Strengths: A Strengths-Based Approach to SupportingChildren and Youth who have Experienced Domestic Violence” incorporates TheGallup Organization’s Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer (CYSE) assessment tool,and related activities, within <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>’s existing Children in ShelterProject.While we are focusing the majority of our efforts with youth aged 10-14 (the agegroup the CYSE was designed for), we have developed the related activities sothey can be adapted for use with children aged 5-9 as well. Not only are we usingthe information revealed in the Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer to individualizeservices and safety plans with youth in shelter, but we are also using it as a toolfor strengthening the relationship between mothers and their children.Having taken the StrengthsFinder myself, I was so glad my12 year old got the chance to take the StrengthsExplorerwhen we were in shelter. I had seen her use her strengthsso many times to deal with our family situation, so it wasvalidating for her to actually have names for them! Sincetaking the StrengthsExplorer, I have really seen a changein her and how she is dealing with life in shelter, andwithout her dad. It’s like a light bulb went off in her headand she sees how she can use her strengths to help her atschool, and with her friends too. I’m so glad <strong>Friendship</strong><strong>Home</strong> gave both of us this opportunity!~Kimberly, Former Resident5

OutsideFundraisersMany generousindividuals,businesses, andcivic groupsheld fundraisersto benefit thewomen andchildren at<strong>Friendship</strong> Kerri Peterson and her Subway employees.<strong>Home</strong> in 2007.Heather Brundieck andNeat Repeatz, Old Chicago,Lincoln OrthopaedicCenter, and Subway are justa few of the groups whomade it possible for<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> to offerall fifty emergency shelterbeds throughout the year.Stuff the Bus<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> andStarTran’s 8 th annual Stuffthe Bus event moved fromJuly to April in 2007. Over150 volunteers welcomed thecooler weather and stuffedthe buses with $26,000worth of merchandise, cash,and gift cards April 26, 27,and 28 th . The buses weredriven directly to the shelterthe following Mondaywhere the shelves werestocked full with generous donations to be usedwith women and children throughout the year.Scramble for SafetyWilderness Ridge Golf Course was the locationfor <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>’s 15 th annual Scramble forSafety golf tournament held May 19, 2007. RichNolte and Matt Minchow, co-chairs for theevent, rallied 116 golfers and over $39,000 insponsorships, registrations, and correspondingsilent auction.Safe QuartersSeptember 30, 2007 proved a good day for<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>. Over 1,700 volunteerscanvassed Lincoln and Hickman collecting“Safe Quarters” for battered women and theirchildren during the 5 th annual drive. Throughsponsorships and event day collections, over$85,000 was raised to carry out <strong>Friendship</strong><strong>Home</strong>’s mission to shelter and supportbattered women and their children.Debbie Gaspard, 2008 Board President, andvolunteer Sharon Braun during Safe Quarters.6

EventsHeart of the MatterDonors are the lifeblood of <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>. On Valentines Day, more than 200donors and friends of <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> gathered at the Embassy Suites for the 8 thannual Heart of the Matter Luncheon to hear our story, and celebrate our 30 yearsof service to the community. A touching video featured donors speaking to theirencounters with domestic violence, their commitment to giving, and their supportof <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>.<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> honored the JuniorLeague of Lincoln for their longtimepartnership which fostered the Children inShelter Project over twenty years ago.Jame Strand was recognized as Advocateof the Year for her constant commitment torespectfully serving women and children inshelter. <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> also paid tributeto the creative leadership and dedicatedservice of five remarkable volunteers; ScottNelson, Sara McLoughlin, MaryHeidrick, Judy Roper, and LindyMullin.“He broke my arm threetimes. Each breakeventually healed, but theemotional wounds werealways raw. The patientsupport I found at<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> hasgiven me hope for a newlife.”~Dona, Former ResidentFormer Board Member, Lindy Mullin, andBoard Member, Judy Roper, at Heart of theMatter.Zoe Valentine Holland delivered the movingkeynote address. Holland told of her personalstruggle to leave an abusive spouse almost thirtyyears ago when domestic violence shelters were justbeginning to surface. Sewing, something Hollandhad practiced from a young age, turned out to beher salvation. It not only provided a source ofincome to support herself, but also an outlet toprocess what had happened to her. An avid reader,Holland shared many inspiring pieces of literaturethat helped her through her journey.<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> would like to extend a specialthank you to Jack Salzman for donating his timeand talents to create a beautiful setting for the luncheon, and to Vonnie Sparksfor creating an original artwork that served as an award for each honoree.7

This is<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>Values StatementListening: We value the hopes, dreams, fears, and concerns of the women and children weserve.. That means that our role is to listen —really listen— as they explore their newly foundfreedom and discover the next steps on their journeys.Empowerment: We support the journeys of battered women and their children. We value anenvironment that enables them to understand their strengths and to discover the power within.To do this we must creatively adapt our approach,programs, and services to meet each individual’sunique needs.Accountability: We believe that we are notpowerless against violence and that breaking thecycle is possible.. To do this, we as a communitymust hold batterers accountable for the crimesthey commit against their victims.Relationships: We support the personalconnections and meaningful relationshipsbetween battered women and the people whocare about them. We value the uniquerelationship between parent and child andembrace families in shelter with loving support.“I was scared. He told me everyday for ten years he would kill meif ever tried leaving. He put me inthe basement and tortured me ifhe ever caught me leaving thehouse. No, I didn’t think aboutleaving.”~ Estrella, Former ResidentSafety and Confidentiality: We believe that no woman or child should live in fear ofdomestic violence. We respect a woman’s right to privacy and we strive to make it possible forher to pursue her aspirations without intimidation, violence, or control.Collaboration: We value the joint efforts of a community that pools resources, talents, andideas to help victims of domestic violence and to change the cultural attitudes that have createdit.8

Mission Statement<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> exists to support, shelter and advocate for women and their children who arevictims of domestic violence.<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> seeks to: Provide a continuum of safe, confidential shelter options--fromemergency shelter through transitional shelter.Provide a rich array of crisis intervention services, case management and emotional support towomen and children in shelter, as well as those who are waiting for shelter; helping them torebuild their lives, free from fear.Address the many complexities and barriers associated with domestic violence and sexualassault on an individual level, as well as a community systems level; responding to the uniqueneeds of the women and children we serve and improving our community’s response to violenceagainst women.Continue to reach out to survivors through individual advocacy, emergency case managementand support groups after they leave shelter, offering an environment where a woman feelswelcome and is encouraged to share her story and wisdom with others.Vision StatementIt is <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>’s vision that someday the need for our services will cease to exist, thatdomestic violence will not be tolerated by anyone in the community, and that all homes will beplaces of love, support, and safety.We envision a community that embraces any woman or child who experiences domesticviolence. As neighbors and friends, we join together in our commitment to them by takingbold action to affect change. We foresee a society that courageously holds abusers accountablefor the crimes they commit against battered women, and allows the victims of domesticviolence to stay in their own homes and re-build their lives free from fear.We see <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> as a haven of warmth and welcome, new beginnings, andempowerment for the women and children who find shelter within our walls. Throughunconditional acceptance and respect for the journey a battered woman has taken, <strong>Friendship</strong><strong>Home</strong> supports her as she stands tall and reaches high -- providing the assistance she needs tohelp bring her dreams to reality.Our vision is that children, who have seen and experienced far more than their short yearsshould demand, are able to love, laugh, and recapture the childhood that was taken from themtoo early. Our goal for them is to break the cycle of violence and surround them with lessons ofhope, understanding, and acceptance. As we reach toward this vision, we aspire to be knownthroughout the country as a successful model program, propelling domestic violence servicesto new heights of achievement.9

2007 Statistics◊ 15,463 hours of counseling and support provided to womenand children◊ Women and children provided safe shelter every day, on average –69*◊ 2,081 volunteers provided 14,126 hours of direct and indirectassistance for victims of domestic violence and their children◊ Victims of domestic violence served – 1,46710

2007 Expenses◊ Nights of safe shelterprovided –25,045*Managementand General12.88%TransitionalShelter 8.32%Fundraising8.58%◊ Warm meals providedto women and childrenin shelter –54,588*EmergencyShelter70.22%◊ Women’s andchildren’s supportgroup sessions offered– 508◊ Requests for shelter –615Special Events1.93%InvestmentReturn 1.58%2007 IncomeOther Grants5.15%Program Rentand OtherIncome 0.10%Contributions34.20%*=all-time agency highFederal FinancialAssistance30.36%Allocations7.17%OtherGovernmentGrants 19.52%Dana F. Cole & Company, LLP conducted a complete financial audit of<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> for the year ending December 31, 2007. Auditedfinancial statements are available upon request.11 11

2007 Board of DirectorsKris Baack, Ph. D, Past Board PresidentAsst. Dir. Leadership DevelopmentUniversity of Nebraska—LincolnScott BairdDirector of Sales and MarketingSoftware Technology, Inc.Judy DoughertyPolitical ConsultantDebbie Gaspard, 2008 Board PresidentInstructor, Bus. & Mass MediaSoutheast Community CollegeJulie HoggAsst. VP and Trust OfficerUnion Bank & Trust Co.Jennifer HuxollAttorneyAttorney General’s OfficeM. Colleen Jones D.B.A.Asst. to the Chancellor and ClinicalAsst. Professor of ManagementUniversity of Nebraska—LincolnPat Knapp, Board PresidentAttorneyCivil Clinic Law ProgramDoug McDanielDirector, Human ResourcesBryanLGH EastSara McLoughlinCommunity VolunteerMatt MinchowVP—Loan OfficerCattle National BankMichon R. MorrowSergeantLincoln Police DepartmentScott NelsonPresidentUNICO Insurance GroupRich NolteDentistPine Ridge DentalJudy RoperCommunity VolunteerClaudia Russell, SecretaryCommunity VolunteerTodd D. SchumacherStore DirectorRuss’s Market, 70th and Van DornChad W. Shirk, TreasurerVice-PresidentWells Fargo Bank, N.A.Michael E. ShoemakerVP, Fixed Income Trading & UnderwritingAmeritas Investment Corp.Michelle R. SuarezPrincipalCalvert Elementary SchoolLynn SundermanGeneral ManagerDuTeau Cheverlet—SubaruDavid E. SwanPresidentSP Group, P.C.Barb TegtCommunity VolunteerCorey VandewegeDrywall Supply, Inc.12

2007 DonorsEncourage a Woman$2500 +Allied Insurance/NationwideFoundationJohn BatcherDouglas and Mary CarperMarian ChristensenMelvin and Dee ChurchillContinental Western InsuranceCompanyData Source Media<strong>Design</strong> DataDillon FoundationFirst-Plymouth CongregationalChurch, UCCGallup OrganizationGenworth FoundationBurket GrafSteven and Elizabeth LauLinda and Robert LichtenbergLincoln Benefit Life CompanyLincoln Community FoundationLincoln Housing AuthorityLincoln Orthopaedic CenterLincoln Southwest High SchoolMay L. Flanagan Foundation, Inc.Ronald McKieHe wouldn’t let me geta job, even though wehad trouble payingrent, and gave me aweekly allowance thatwas barely enough forgroceries. If I usedthat money foranything else, hewould hit me.~Claire, FormerResidentNebr. Dept. of Labor - WorkforceDevelopmentPfizer United Way CampaignEdward and Lida RobinsonCharitable TrustRock Bottom FoundationJames C. and Rhonda S. SeacrestFoundationSid Dillon, Inc.Sowers Club of Lincoln, Inc.Target StoresThe TJX Foundation Inc.The WealthSpring FundTierOne Charitable FoundationU.S. Department of Justice, Officeof Justice ProgramsUnited Way of Lincoln & LancasterCountyUniversity of Nebraska Women'sLaw CaucusWalgreens - Main OfficeWal-Mart #1943/North LincolnWal-MartOpen a Door$1000 - $2499Gary and Debra AhlDeborah AllenAllied InsuranceAlltelAmeritas Charitable FoundationJenny and Ronald AndersonAssurity Life Insurance CompanyJoyce and Sam BairdBrad and Annie BerlinJohn and Sue BordognaMary Jo and John BousekRobert and Tina BreitenbachCommunity Woman's ClubSydney CoxJim and Ginger DagerDana F. Cole & CompanySharon DollDonlan FoundationJudith and Terry DoughertyDean and Christine DutterFirst Christian ChurchFirst Lutheran ChurchCyn and Tom FitchettMary Fran Flood and FrazerWilliamsGlenn and Janice FriendtDebbie GaspardCharles and Carolyn GregoriusHocking & Reid, LLCDeanna and Mark HutchinsJeff and Barbara JobesKappa Kappa Gamma, SigmaChapterKenny's Dry CleanersKOLN/KGINKPMG Peat Marwick LLPLancaster County Medical AllianceFoundationLandscapes Unlimited LLCWilliam LeavittLincoln Rotary Club #14M & M Seacrest FamilyFoundationM. Eighmy FoundationKathleen MathewsCampbell and Marilyn McConnellMcHenry, Haszard, Hansen, Rothand HuppPolly McMullenMorgan StanleyNeat RepeatzNebraska Society of TaxPractitionersNebraska Wesleyan UniversityScott and Teri NelsonOlsson AssociatesDr. and Mrs. Robert G. OsborneOur Saviour's Lutheran ChurchCarlton and Judy PainePavers, Inc.Pfizer, Inc.Pioneer Family DentistryReserve Development, LLCJudy and Bill RoperRoper & Sons Funeral ServicesPat and Larry RuthSam's ClubSandhills Publishing Company andEmployeesScheels All SportsSt. Anthony FoundationMark and Marjorie SeacrestDorothy and Robert Shapiro13 13

2007 Donors, continued...Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. SidlesRuth SorensenSt. Luke United Methodist ChurchSubwaySwanson Russell AssociatesTable Toppers/Paper PanacheTalent +Barb and Tom TegtThe OvenU.S. BankUNICO Group, Inc.United Way of Central IndianaScott WabsWal-Mart #3278/South LincolnWal-MartWells Fargo Banks of NebraskaWells Fargo Community SupportCampaignWest Gate BankRoss and Judy WilcoxSelina WilliamsDonna Woods and Jon HinrichsDarlene and Merlin WrightJohn WurmJohn and Carolyn YeakleyProvide the Key$500—$999ACTS, Inc.Albion United Methodist ChurchAmeritas Life Insurance Corp.AquilaKarla BachmanKen and Patricia BackemeyerBailey Lauerman & AssociatesScott Baird and Leirion GaylorBairdWilliam and Margaret BivinSally BredensteinerBrennan & Nielsen Law Offices,P.C.Calvary Lutheran ChurchCattle National BankChristopher and Debra CaudillCintani Family FoundationCity of Lincoln Building and SafetyJudith Clementson and DonaldHelmuthDeeter FoundryMrs. Alice DittmanMichael and Laura DugganDuTeau Chevrolet SubaruJudy EicherFredstrom Elementary SchoolMary and R.K. GhormleyGood Shepherd PresbyterianChurchHampton Family FoundationHarre Orthodontics, LLCStacey and Earl HawkeyHeart of the Midlands CombinedFederal CampaignDr. Gregory and Mrs. MaryHeidrickLinda HermanMatthew and Lynne HermanJulie and James Hogg<strong>Home</strong>stead PresbyteryHoppe Inc.Fred and Jean HurlbutJames Stuart, III FamilyFoundationDr. M. Colleen JonesDixie and Frank KarnesScott and Sara KeeneKiwanis Club of Lincoln NortheastPatricia KnappKohl'sKountry StudioEvan and Christal KucheraJanet and Richard LabenzR.B. and Janice LauDon and Marlene LeisingDarrell and Karla LesterKenneth and Charlotte LiggettLincoln Police Union Charities,Inc.Lincoln West SertomaClarice LoomisAlan and Mary Pat LoosAnn LovercheckDoug McLeese and Jody EbersMcLeeseBrian MeffordMennard SolutionsMilius, Gibbens, Friesen, Hattan &MartinMatthew and Heather MinchowDaisy and J. Gates MinnickN. Jane MorrisonAllen and Madeleine MoserLindy MullinNAI FMA RealtyNebraska Bankers AssociationNebraska Independent Community14

BankersRich Nolte and Vicki VopalenskyPattino Shoe BoutiqueLisa and Cary PetersonPinnacle Bank Lincoln-PinetreePittenger & Anderson, Inc.RBC Dain Rauscher EmployeeGift-Matching ProgramReach Out Christian CenterMaryLee Rogers StraubSteve RohmanBrad and Lisa RothClaudia and Steve RussellSaint Paul United MethodistChurchCarroll Sawin and BerdineHeskett-SawinChad and Kimberly ShirkMichael and Kristi ShoemakerMaxine and Wesley SimeRobert SmithSouthern Heights PresbyterianChurchSouthPointe Christian ChurchSt. Mark's United MethodistChurchStem GalleryJames W. Strand and MaryBills-StrandRon Svehla and Meg JohnsonT.O. Haas Tire Co., Inc.Thomas and Susan TallmanThe SP GroupThrivent Financial for LutheransAlma TiemeyerKenneth and Debra TroesterUnited States InvestigativeServicesJim and Shelley Van BrocklinLeonard and Charlotte VerMaasDeborah WaggonerWal-Mart #2847/BellevueBus and Jeannie WhiteheadHarlan and Susan WiederspanWoods Brothers RealtyJames Wudel and SarahBiggs-WudelLyle and Marguerite YoungNancy and Curtis YoungmanZeta Tau Alpha Fraternity-LincolnAlumnae ChapterExpand thePossibilities$250—$499Kathleen and Tam AllanMindy Anderson-KnottDr. Kris BaackJolane BakleyDelores BallewNancy and Larry BareMr. and Mrs. Robert E. BatcherShelley and Craig BauerTera BeermannBettys of Nebraska - Star CityChapterJames BoardmanDick and Sue BoswellGary BredensteinerRonald and Deborah BresterBrester Construction, Inc.Larry and Carol BrownTamera BurnsCindy Cammack and DavidReifschneiderPamela and James CarrierJenny Carver and Don MackeClifford and Vada CheeverChristian Life ChurchShirley CliftonCountryside MusicCulver's of LincolnCustom Countertop, Inc.Michelle DeRusha and BradleyJohnsonEstate of Marie DoyleDrywall Supply, Inc.Patrick and Candace DussaultEnvelopes Plus, Inc.Donita and Rick EricksonFaith Evangelical LutheranChurch, Circles of FaithFeinstein FoundationFirst National Bank of OmahaSteven FriesenJanet and Robert GardnerHarvey and Edna GatesPam and Tom GillaspieJohn and Noreen GoebelGoldwing Touring AssociationNebraska ChapterFor me, it was whenmy son brought home areport card with all Asand Bs. He had neverbeen able to concentrateon school; he wastoo worried about thebruises on my face.<strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> lethim stop worrying.~MJ, Former ResidentLeslie GordonKate GreenwaldLyle and Rojane HartHewlett-Packard CompanyDrs. Herb and Sue HoweRichard and Ann HudsonRandy and Janet HueninkJim and Terri HustonHWS Consulting Group, Inc.INSPRO InsuranceDavid and Janet IsaacsonLesley Jackson Scher and RodneyScherJim and Melanie KarinsCon and Barbara KeatingKathleen Korinek and TravisWagnerLabenz & Associates LLCLincoln Federal Savings BankLincoln Northeast High SchoolDr. James and Lori McClurgErma McGillMedtech Solutions South LLCMolex IncorporatedMichon MorrowGlen and Nancy MossAndrea and Donald NelsonO'Hara, Lindsay & Associates, Inc.Rodney Otley and Svata Louda15

Marti and Ed PaquetteEdwin and Joan PerryJames and Gail PerryKris and Donald PetersonPinnacle Operations CenterJames A. and Anne K. RawleyFundRembolt Ludtke LLPThomas RenkenJudith RippeSandy RippeTodd and Robin SchumacherSign ProSinclair Hille ArchitectsSteve, Katie and Jackson SindelarAndrew SlainBetty SmithSmith Hayes Financial ServicesCorporationMaryanne SorensenSouth Gate United MethodistChurchSouthern Heights PresbyterianWomen's AssociationSouthwood Lutheran ChurchJoan Stahly-RouseJohn and Jo StewartMichelle SuarezCarolee SvobodaDavid and Tracey SwanDuane and Julaine ThomasSally and David ThomsenU.S. Bancorp FoundationUnion Bank & Trust Co.Dennis and Arlene Van HornMark VangenMary and Dale WalkenhorstWade and Ann WalkenhorstKemper and Peggy WilkinsChristine WrightUnited Way DonorsRyan AndersonSohrab AsgarpoorRhonda L. BallMahendra K. BansalRebecca L. BarnesAlice BatesMartha E. BattlesLynn L. BeattyLinda BeckerKathy BenischekAmanda P. BergeronMatt BergmeyerBreanna K. BerthelsenWilliam H. BirkelShari L. BitneyChris BlakeLarry L. BockRobert P. BohlingAndrea BollandTasha BonnesMark A. BrohmanTracy BrownJanet S. BuckKathleen M. BurdaTerri M. ButlerCindy J. CammackStan R. CampbellChristine K. CarmanChanell D. CarpenterThomas K. CasadyRonald M. CaseRonald J. CernyPatricia A. ChaseJoy L. CittaRebecca O. ColbergJan ConnollyMarlene J. CrombieLinda DaikerWilliam R. DavenportLynn J. DeKalbCarolyn A. DelhayBarbara J. DiBernardLinda J. DickinsonJulie L. DierbergerShelly L. DostalJoy L. DoucetPeter DowbenMarie A. DvorakTracy EdgertonMisty K. EllisArnita L. EndacottRebecca J. FaberTerry FairfieldKris M. FlowersPhyllis E. FogertySandra S. FranksKarl A. FredricksonDiana FujanBarbara J. FullerMary M. GabrielJodi M. GehrSusan L. German -RobertsLori L. GiguereJeanne A. GlennCheryl GrahamBarbara L. GreenKimberly A. HaesDawn HalvorsenMarijane E. HancockMaria E. HansenCarol A. HarrahClara L. HartungJason W. HayesLee A. HeflebowerAlicia B. Henderson16

2007 Donors, continued...United Way Donors, continued...Vicki D. HighstreetFran HilgerSrisuda HolayMary A. HolmesElisha HolteChristy A. HornCarolyn IbachChristine A. JacksonEvelyn M. JacobsonErin J. JameKatherine S. JewellJennifer L. JohnsonKathleen A. JohnsonPatricia A. KahlerFrances W. KayeThomas E. KeefePatrick S. KelleyWendy KempckeDoris KempkesJulia R. KeownRichard M. KettlerJoann K. KinneyJulie KleagerKirk R. KluverLisa L. KnocheGeorgia K. KnoppVirginia KnudsenJoan L. KoneckyMary W. LagrangeThomas R. LambersonMarian M. LaymanSheila LinderLori LindgrenChristopher LivingstonPaul A. LommassonSvata LoudaJulie A. MacDonaldChristin J. MamiyaSandra MaxwellMichelle L. McDanielVeronica R. McManamonKevin C. Melang-ThorenAmanda C. MessersmithMarcy MichelJudy K. MillerVicki A. MillerDaphne E. MooreToni B. MorehouseLouise H. MorningstarThomas J. MorrisMichelle D. MorterKenneth NickersonPatricia A. NivenJoanna NordhuesTuran P. OdabasiSue OldfieldJohn OrrDave PalmRich PatrickJames PeschongAnne D. PittockJoyce PopeShirley PrabulosNancy K. PritchettKathleen Prochaska-CuePolly C. PutneyJulie ReagerRose A. RichardsonJeanne A. RihaRebecca J. RobertsMelissa RogersLinda L. RohnLucinda A. Roine'Judith A. RoscoeNanette M. RoweRoberta L. SandhorstSusan K. SchroeppelJacqueline SchrotbergerCyndee J. SchuettlerDeborah M. SchwabDenice A. SearsPatricia SeligEdmund P. SheridanMargaret SieberLisa L. SilbermanDori SmidtShannon M. SorienteJewell R. SpilkerJill M. StabergAnthony F. StaraceDeila J. SteinerTerry L. StentzSharon R. StephanRobert H. StoddardKen R. SvobodaAmila Tanovic-MuslicRuss L. TetenLinda Lee TexleyElizabeth A. Theiss-MorseShirley A. ThorntonSusan TwiehausRenee S. UrdialesSally L. Van ZandtRebecca VirgillitoNadine K. VonSeggernAshley R. WaldmanSteven S. WallerLorraine H. WalshStacie K. WaltonKathyrn E. WardTory M. WarrickWilliam B. WehlingJoAnn A. WeisJeanne M. WicksSylvia WiegandTracy WilletSue WilliamsMichele L. WilliamsonCynthia L. WimmerRachelle Winkle WagnerJudith A. WinklerCarrol WisemillerJennifer M. WolfDoyle WolvertonCarol J. WuskCrystal N. Yanak-CushmanLarry K. Zink17 17

You Can HelpFund a Bed $15,000Supports a bed and all the services that go alongwith sheltering the woman or child who will laytheir head to rest each night on that pillow.Nurture a Child $10,000Provides a safe, loving environment to teachchildren nonviolent conflict resolution skills.Protect a Mother $5,000Teaches mothers nonviolent discipline skills,leadership, and positive role modeling, which givesthem the self-confidence to rebuild their lives.Encourage a Woman $2,500Provides a survivor support group, creating anetwork of friends with shared experiences for awoman to lean on when she is frightened or lonely.Open a Door $1,000Creates an opportunity for a family to move into anew home — through security deposits, livingexpenses, and food — enabling them to embracethe hope they found at <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>.Provide the Key $500Supports a woman and her children in their firstfew days at <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> by providing basicneeds, food, and clothing—as well as a safe place tobegin to understand the complexities of domesticviolence.Expand the Possibilities $250Provides support for women waiting for shelterspace to open up.. Allows for casemanagers to meet with women to develop safetyplans, go over options, and preparethem for their journey toward independence.For nearly thirty years, <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong> has provided safe shelter and comprehensivesupportive services to battered women and their children. This would have not beenpossible if not for the generous support of our community. Please consider apersonally significant gift to <strong>Friendship</strong> <strong>Home</strong>. Your support empowers thewomen and children we serve to build new lives free from violence and fear.PO Box 85358, Lincoln, NE 68501Donation Line: 402-434-6599For Access to Shelter: 402-437-9302www.friendshiphome.org18

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