MTC Brouchure 2.pmd - DOPR

MTC Brouchure 2.pmd - DOPR

MTC Brouchure 2.pmd - DOPR


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Directorate of Oil Palm Research, a constituent body of Indian Councilof Agricultural Research (ICAR) is the only Institute exclusively devoted tooil palm research in India. It serves as a centre of excellence for conductingand coordinating the research on all aspects of Oil Palm includinggermplasm conservation, improvement, production, protection, post harvesttechnology and transfer of technology.Training programmes are being organised at regular intervals for thebenefit of officials of state department of Agriculture / Horticulture,entrepreneurs, scientists of SAU’s and ICAR institutes. Training programmesare also conducted to farmers on different subject matter areas of oil palm.Contractual training programmes are being conducted based on the requestfrom different organisations.About the programmeKeeping in view of the importance of the crop, new technology andit’s dissemination to the farmers a model training course on “Advancedtechnology for resource management for sustainable oil palm production”is designed for officers involved in Oil Palm Development Programme inrespective state department of Agriculture / Horticulture.The course is organised to impart skills and knowledge in oil palmproduction. Officers involved in oil palm development programme will beimparted skills and knowledge on different technologies of nurserymanagement, crop production, protection and post harvest etc., for efficientmanagement of inputs, resource conservation for sustainable oil palmproduction.Course contentOil Palm scenario, Botany, Hybridization, Seed production, Nurserymanagement, Planting, Management of plantations, Irrigation management,Management of Nutrient deficiency and disorders, Fertilizer management,Cropping system, Role of pollinators, Pest and Disease management,Quarantine requirements, Maturity standards, Harvesting of Oil Palm fresh

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