Aerzen Screw Compressors VRa for process gas technology

Aerzen Screw Compressors VRa for process gas technology Aerzen Screw Compressors VRa for process gas technology

d) double-acting mechanical seals, <strong>gas</strong>-, oil- orwater-sealed, D4DriveThe unit is designed to be driven by electric motor,steam or <strong>gas</strong> turbine. Drive is made via spur gear ordirect coupling.Double-acting <strong>gas</strong>-sealed mechanical seals are appliedin case of final pressures with high compression.The sealing can be effected by means of sealed nitrogenbut also by means of self-medium.Double-acting mechanical seals, water- and oil-sealedguarantee no leakage <strong>gas</strong> part and hardly any lossesof seal liquid.Gears, timing gearsClose-ratio, standardized step-up gears enable almostany desired flow volume to be obtained.The gears used are designed as flanges or as a separatelycoupled turbo gear. For two- or multistage unitsdouble turbo gears having one drive shaft and two outputshafts are used.The timing gears prevent the rotor teeth of main andsecondary rotor from touching each other. The gearflank clearance must be set to a lower value than thatof the rotors.Sealing ofdrive shaft:a) labyrinth sealingThe drive shafts of the screw compressor and the turbogearbox have in case of depressurized oil systemslabyrinth seals and in case of pressurized oil systemsdouble-acting mechanical seals which are connectedto the oil pressure piping.b) double-actingmechanical sealsKaucuk A.S., Kralupy (Czech Republic)Compression of styrene <strong>gas</strong><strong>VRa</strong> 736 L – intake volume flow of 28.000 m³/hCompression of 0,28 to 1,62 bar (abs.)Sealing by carbon labyrinth rings with nitrogen as seal <strong>gas</strong>5

Instrumentation, automatic controlThe monitoring and protection of the operating datais carried out via pressure transmitter and resistancethermometer. The measuring value indication is displayedin the control panel.Regarding the control it can be selected among variouswell-known manufacturers.MaterialsDepending on each individual case of need, appropriatematerials are used.Housing: nodular cast iron, steel casting,stainless steelRotors: carbon steel, stainless steelGear wheels: case hardened steelSealings: see sealingsSmooth running, silencingThe machines are not equipped with any reciprocatingmasses. All moving parts rotate and are dynamicallybalanced, so that no <strong>for</strong>ces of gravity may arise.The sonic energy entering into the pipes is reduced toa large extent by specially designed absorption- resp.pulsation silencers as well as compensators - dependingon each particular demand.Where special requirements on silencing are made itis possible to place the entire unit under an acoustichood.Design and size according to individual demands.TestingPrior to delivery a test run of the compressor stage iscarried out lasting <strong>for</strong> several hours. The per<strong>for</strong>mancetesting is carried out as single stage testing, drive by agalvanized test bench motor. The inspection and testcertificates will be supplied on request.CoolingThe cooling of the compressor housing is carried outby convection, there<strong>for</strong>e a cooling water connection isnot necessary.RegulationIn case of a drive with constant speed, e.g. electricmotor, the volume should be regulated as follows:intermittent operation with bypass incl. overflow controllerresp. interstage pressure control on multiplestage installations.If the volume flow is continuously variable it is possibleto operate within a limited speed range (e.g. variablespeed motor, turbine).Special designsBesides the use of special materials it is of coursepossible to make any modification required on the unititself or even special designs, e.g.: For neutral <strong>gas</strong>eswith a higher intake pressure in completely encloseddesign.The gear housing and the oil system can be loadedwith pressures up to pe = 16 bar. For vacuum operationspecial sealing arrangements are necessary.Design guidelines• DIN / EURO - standards• NACE• AD - regulations• TEMA - standard• ASME - standard• API6

Per<strong>for</strong>mance data – single-stage designcompressor sizetypevolume flow[m³/h]overpressureup to p ebar[approx. value]power consumptionup to kW[approx. value]<strong>VRa</strong> 136 S 550 - 1100 3,5 110<strong>VRa</strong> 137 L 950 - 2200 3,5 190<strong>VRa</strong> 236 S 800 - 1900 3,5 170<strong>VRa</strong> 336 S 1400 - 3200 3,5 290<strong>VRa</strong> 337 L 2500 - 6000 3,5 500<strong>VRa</strong> 436 S 2150 - 5200 3,5 400<strong>VRa</strong> 437 L 3800 - 9000 3,5 770<strong>VRa</strong> 536 S 3500 - 8800 3,5 920<strong>VRa</strong> 537 L 6150 - 15600 3,5 1300<strong>VRa</strong> 736 S 8500 - 21000 3,5 1700<strong>VRa</strong> 736 L 14000 - 36000 3,5 2700<strong>VRa</strong> 836 L 18900 - 49000 3,5 3600<strong>VRa</strong> 936 L 29500 - 75000 3,5 5600<strong>VRa</strong> 1037 L 46000 - 120000 3,5 8500The above data are to be regarded as being a basis of valuation <strong>for</strong> the compression of all industrial <strong>gas</strong>es.Intake conditions: p1 = 1 bar; t1 = 20 °CPer<strong>for</strong>mance data <strong>for</strong> higher compression final pressures resp. vacuum pressures can be requested <strong>for</strong>.Kaucuk A.S., Kralupy (Czech Republic) assembly of a <strong>process</strong> <strong>gas</strong> compressor <strong>VRa</strong> 736 L7

Dimensions and connection dimensions – single-stage unit (example)1. screw compressor2. gearbox3. coupling4. drive motor5. starting strainer6. lateral compensator SS7. lateral compensator DS8. intake silencer9. discharge silencer10. non-return valve11. oil unit12. bypass13. acoustic hood14. concrete foundation15. base frameI <strong>gas</strong> inletII <strong>gas</strong> outletinstallation onsectional steel frameIndication and dimensions not binding!VerdichterTypA B C D E F G DN SS DN DS Gewicht[kg]<strong>VRa</strong> 136 S 4400 6800 2600 3300 2500 4800 231 150 100 4000<strong>VRa</strong> 137 L 4500 7000 2600 3300 2500 4800 336 150 100 4500<strong>VRa</strong> 236 S 4700 7200 2800 3300 2800 5200 248 200 150 5000<strong>VRa</strong> 336 S 4900 7500 3100 4000 3000 5800 310 250 150 6000<strong>VRa</strong> 337 L 5100 7700 3100 4000 3000 5800 497 250 150 7500<strong>VRa</strong> 436 S 5600 9800 3600 4200 3400 6200 430 600 400 10000<strong>VRa</strong> 437 L 5800 10000 3600 4200 3400 6200 642 600 400 11500<strong>VRa</strong> 536 S 6000 10200 3800 4400 4400 6800 635 400 250 16000<strong>VRa</strong> 537 L 6300 10500 3800 4400 4400 6800 905 400 250 18500<strong>VRa</strong> 736 S 7400 13600 4400 5200 5000 7000 830 600 400 26000<strong>VRa</strong> 736 L 7800 14000 4400 5200 5000 7000 1236 600 400 27500<strong>VRa</strong> 836 L 8400 16000 4800 6000 4000 7500 1352 800 500 42000<strong>VRa</strong> 936 L 10000 18000 5200 7000 5300 8400 1660 900 600 55000<strong>VRa</strong> 1037 L 12000 22000 6500 8000 7300 11000 2346 1400 1200 75000multi-stage upon request!8

Flow scheme <strong>VRa</strong> – D1 (carbon labyrinth, dry)1. starting strainer2. water injection3. screw compressor4. discharge silencer5. safety relief valve6. non-return valve7. gearbox8. coupling9. drive motor10. seal <strong>gas</strong> controller11. bypass valve12. oil unitA <strong>gas</strong> inletB <strong>gas</strong> outletC seal <strong>gas</strong> connection9

Flow scheme <strong>VRa</strong> – D2 (carbon labyrinth, water-sealed)1. starting strainer2. water injection3. screw compressor4. discharge silencer5. safety relief valve6. non-return valve7. gearbox8. coupling9. drive motor10. seal <strong>gas</strong> controller11. bypass valve12. oil unitA <strong>gas</strong> inletB <strong>gas</strong> outletC seal water inletD seal water returnE seal air inletF aeration10

Flow scheme <strong>VRa</strong> – D3 (single-acting oil-sealed mechanical seal with carbon rings switched in advance)1. starting strainer2. water injection3. screw compressor4. discharge silencer5. safety relief valve6. non-return valve7. gearbox8. coupling9. drive motor10. seal <strong>gas</strong> controller11. bypass valve12. oil unitA <strong>gas</strong> inletB <strong>gas</strong> outletC seal <strong>gas</strong> connectionD leakage mechanical sealE de<strong>gas</strong>sing oil reservoir11

Flow scheme <strong>VRa</strong> – D4 (double-acting mechanical seals, <strong>gas</strong>-, oil- or water-sealed)1. starting strainer2. water injection3. screw compressor4. discharge silencer5. safety relief valve6. non-return valve7. gearbox8. coupling9. drive motor10. seal <strong>gas</strong> controller11. bypass valve12. oil unitA <strong>gas</strong> inletB <strong>gas</strong> outletC seal <strong>gas</strong> connection<strong>Aerzen</strong>er Maschinenfabrik GmbHReherweg 28 . 31855 <strong>Aerzen</strong> / Germany – P.O. Box 1163 . 31849 <strong>Aerzen</strong> / GermanyPhone + 49 51 54 / 8 10 . Fax + 49 51 54 / 8 11 91 . .

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