February 2012 • - Nightwire Magazine

February 2012 • - Nightwire Magazine

February 2012 • - Nightwire Magazine


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LoveLove Actually........Is EverywhereWe all just need a little help. If you’ve ever been in love,you’ve probably at least considered classifying thefeeling as an addiction. And guess what: you wereright. As it turns out, scientists are discovering that the samechemical process that takes place with addiction takes placewhen we fall in love. Love is a chemical state of mind that’spart of our genes and influenced by our upbringing. We arewired for romance, and just because we had love and lostlove, should we give up on ever finding love again? No,but where does one find love if one is not in a relationship?Where does one begin to look? I’ve pondered this question -searched and searched to find the answer.Oh, you might think that perfect match is on the Internetjust waiting to meet you on some dating site... really? Beenthere, tried that....and guess what? It simply didn’t workbecause what I found was most of the people on those sitesare married or in a relationship looking for that somethingextra on the side or that spark that has gone from theircurrent relationship. Even worse are the liars and impostersposing as something or someone they are not, postingphotos taken 10 or more years ago or just looking for thatInternet chat and never truly wanting to meet. I guess youcould say...”Internet dating is like a box of chocolates; younever know what you’re gonna get!”Then there is always “the fix-up.” Well, we all know how thatworks out... and perhaps sometimes it does, but for most ofus, that, too, can be disastrous, not to mention the strain itputs on your relationship with the person who did the so-called“fix-up.” And yes, there is always that chance meeting atchurch, the coffee shop or grocery store. Those methods arealways tricky, too. And my favorite...at the bar? Hmmm, mymama always told me, “If you meet someone in a bar, they aregoing to leave you in the bar!” Boy, was my mom right! Alwaysfound that one to be true, unless you’re down to DTF ‘causethat’s what you’ll find! For those of you don’t know what DTFmeans, just Google it!I found that there is a reputable, wonderful place where truelove can be found... and it’s right here in Pittsburgh. It’s TheModern Matchmaker---a boutique matchmaking service forsingles of all ages, owned and operated by Susan Dunhoffsince 1991. You will feel comfortable the minute you walkthrough their doors. It’s truly a place where love is.. actually!Susan actually met her husband-to-be through hermatchmaking firm and married him in March 1994, a truetestimonial to her matchmaking skills. Susan blends traditionalmatchmaking values with modern technology to find her clientsthe perfect match. She uses her BA in Journalism and MA inCommunications from Duquesne University as well as her 25years of marketing communications expertise to communicateclearly with clients, listen to their needs and enhance thequality of their lives. She partners with her clients in a sharedeffort to make select introductions that lead to a long-termcommitted relationship or marriage; that special someone to beyour best friend and lover. She believes in quality introductions,not a revolving door, and knows that mutual respect and goodcommunication are necessary for a successful relationship.The Modern Matchmaker offers a personalized matchmaking8 <strong>•</strong> <strong>February</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

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