postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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an electromagnetic field in order tomaintain a balance of this quantum.One direction of flow moves energyfrom microcosm into macrocosm(RHP), and the other syphons frommacrocosm into microcosm (LHP).Much as in the case of electromagneticflux, there is a preferred direction offlow, in our case, micro v macro(RHP), as was understood by theearliest Tantric adepts who discoveredthe process. It is for this reason thatthe left-hand path is regarded asantinomian and counter to the naturalflow, although this is not exactly trueas generally offered. Nature herselfoffers many instances of a chiralpreference: matter over antimatter,left-handed amino acids, right-handeddexterity, etc. However, a betternatural example in our case would bethe force of gravity, which builds an

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