postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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fall/disgrace on the part of aprimordial human (or pair), or evenmore generally by the category of sin,which is nothing more than adeparture or change of course(compare the Greek root: harmatalos).Nothing could be further from thetruth. And yet, it is this centralinsecurity on the part of homo sapienswhich has restricted, but never fullyimpeded the growth of the speciestowards individual enlightenment andsocietal betterment. Without anacceptance of the world as it is,devoid of fear and insecurity, progressbecomes something which must besupernaturalized and parsed from thisworld into the next. But the wheelturns continuously without fail, andthe “next world” is no more than amythologization of the nextgeneration, which is just our children.

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