postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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dispensing with the formalisms ofritual and creed, she will adopt formsof expression which may be ritualisticor credal. Though adopting a labelwhich apparently is both dependanton the opposition and representscosmic evil, he does so for reasonsunconnected to either. All of thesedichotomizations stand as markers forwhat the Satanist actually IS - onewho understands the root basis of alldichotomization. The foundationwhich is none other than the structureof consciousness itself, necessarilygiven as subject-object. Through theirmastery of the multitude of dualismsspringing from phenomenal suchness,the Satanist stands as shaman parexcellence - i.e. one with a foot ineither world. Requisite to this role, it isrequired that the Satanist be fullyconversant in the expressions of the

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