postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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philosophically developed position than the latter half, although bothconcepts are derived from Islamic theology. The latter half of thisverse is a more generalized restatement of verse 1:7 above, althoughnow it is applied to all, rather than just divinities.2:7 Those who oppose me I afflict with disease; but my own shall notdie like the sons of Adam that are without.2:8 None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me; andif I so desire, I send a person a second or a third time into this worldor into some other by the transmigration of souls.Comment: One result of living in an isolated population is that thereis no cross-transmission of disease. The second verse indicates atheology of complete divine providence, a trait shared with the otherAbrahamic faiths.3:1 I lead to the straight path without a revealed book;Comment: The irony of this statement should be obvious, as theAl-Jiwah itself claims to be a revealed book (see verse one of theprologue). The only way to avoid an outright contradiction here is tounderstand that according to the Al-Jilwah itself, the Al-Jilwah is notnecessary for one to follow the “straight path”.3:2 I direct aright my beloved and my chosen ones by unseen means.Comment: The interaction between divinities and humans is alwaystrans-perceptual, and so is understood mythically as unseen or“spiritual”.3:3 All my teachings are easily applicable to all times and allconditions.Comment: This stands in direct defiance of Islam, many of theteachings of which have only limited applicability, or have beenaltogether “abrogated” by subsequent Qur’anic revelation.3:6 The beasts of the earth, the birds of heaven, and the fish of thesea are all under the control of my hands.3:7 All treasures and hidden things are known to me; and as I desire,I take them from one and bestow them upon another.3:8 I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and, in due timemy miracles to those who receive them from me.Comment: More indication of the providential outlook.4:6 It is my desire that all my followers shall unite in a bond of unity,lest those who are without prevail against them.Comment: Xenophobic paranoia or well-grounded realism? Perhapsthere is no difference.4:8 Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for

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