postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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consequences (for good or ill) of your actions. Instead of some airy“seek the good” principle, a more realistic and practical “seek thatwhich leads to consequences which are good for the individual”principle is suggested. One would refrain from murder, not becauseit violated some cosmic divine principle (which makes no sense giventhe recorded deeds of this god in his scriptures), but rather becauseof the negative personal consequences which would generally follow(such as being imprisoned for the remainder of one’s life, or being putto death). In a case of self-defense, there would be no moralambiguity for such an individual, for the situation determines theethics, which may be regarded as a modern concept in thedevelopment of ethics in European-Christian cultures.1:7 No god has a right to interfere in my affairs, and I have made itan imperative rule that everyone shall refrain from worshiping allgods.Comment: Here, the influence of the Semitic monotheistic worldviewis evident. This statement is an obvious reference to the first of theTen Commandments of Exodus, as well as the most central belief ofIslam, Shahadah, which begins: “There is no God but Allah . . .”.Here too, we can see the blurring of the line between divinities andangels, the two are sides to a single coin, the inner and outer heavenrespectively (see chapters one and two).1:8 All the books of those who are without are altered by them; andthey have declined from them, although they were written by theprophets and the apostles.Comment: This idea has been borrowed from Islam (see Qur’an2:101 for a virtually identical statement).1:9 That there are interpolations is seen in the fact that each sectendeavors to prove that the others are wrong and to destroy theirbooks.Comment: We can see here, again, the dominance of the worldview- i.e. rather than the obvious conclusion that the disagreementsbetween the various Middle Eastern sects indicated a lack of genuineknowledge, the softer conclusion of “tampering” is reached. Thereality of prophethood was simply unquestionable to the ancientAbrahamics.1:12 I teach and guide those who follow my instruction. If anyoneobey me and conform to my commandments he shall have joy,delight, and goodness.Comment: The above touches on many themes common to the

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