postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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.-3).1:2 I exercise dominion over all creatures and over the affairs of allwho are under the protection of my image.Comment: The power of Melek Taus has both a general applicationto “creatures” in general (i.e. the evolutionary or adversarial law) aswell as a specific application to all “who are under the protection ofmy image” - that image being the peacock. However, it must bepointed out that this latter “dominion” over “affairs” is easily seen tobe a dogmatizing element designed to create the need for priests tointerpret the will of Melek Taus regarding specific “affairs”. As such,this latter concept must be rejected as un-Satanic.1:3 I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me intime of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not mypresence.Comment: Not only is Melek Taus represented as “everlasting”, asseen above, but he is also omnipresent. These two characteristics areimportant clues as to the true nature of the divinities and angels.1:4 I participate in all the affairs which those who are without call evilbecause their nature is not such as they approve.Comment: The practices of any religion are often demonized by thefollowers of other religions. This is especially true in the case ofChristianity and Islam (and to a lesser degree, Judaism), whose “ifyou’re not with us, you’re against us” attitude necessitates such ahostility to opposing worldviews, morals, pantheons, andrituals/spiritual practices. Any elements that are not “of God”(translation: identical to our beliefs), are by definition “of the Devil”and hence “evil”.1:5 Every age has its own manager, who directs affairs according tomy decrees. This office is changeable from generation to generation,that the ruler of this world and his chiefs may discharge the duties oftheir respective offices every one in his own turn.Comment: The idea of a succession of “world governors” is notoriginal to Yezidism, but it is definitely alien to orthodox Christianityand Sunni Islam (However, the Shia concept of the Imam showscertain parallels, as do certain Gnostic (archons) and Eastern (kalpas)ideas).1:6 I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but hethat opposes me will regret it sorely.Comment: This verse presents a LHP version of natural law basedethics. Essentially, do what you want, but be prepared for the

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