postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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the cloistering of the spiritual withinthe institutions of priesthood, ritual,and dogma. This process is mirroredin the mythological transformation ofthe daimon into the angel, glyphed inthe reverse through the allegory of theFall. Each spontaneous mediation isrightly speaking, daimonic, yet devoidof categorization and transpersonal inits immediacy. When this processbecomes abstracted and congealedinto a systematic spiritual worldview,the angel replaces the daimon as thevehicle of traversing the Abyss (ineither direction), and represents anartificial rigidization of a process whichis naturally fluid. That this falsecoagulation infects the entire Westerntradition, both exoteric and esoteric,mainstream and occult, mystical andmagickal, is beyond doubt. And yet,this is precisely the starting point for

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