postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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ealizing this process internally andusing it to both demarcate the self andalso buttress the Current. Though thetwo are intimately connectedmetaphysically, they are distinctphenomenologically, which factinadvertently gives undue support tonihilism within many modernanalyses. The nihilist is nothing morethan an unenlightened Satanist, inother words. He or she understandsthe brutality of the world well enough,but is unable to derive personalmeaning from the process. TheSatanist, on the other hand, is able tointuit the connective impulse whichlinks macrocosm and microcosm andtransfers individualized meaningacross the Abyss. In short, the Satanistis, of necessity, a magician. Themetaphysical bridge spanning thephenomenological gulf is by definition

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