postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism

postmodern Satanism


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model. An important fact to considerabout mythological systems is thatthey are inherently tied to particularcultures. When a culture passes awayor transforms itself, the myths may nolonger be relevant to the new culture,even if various themes may stillconnect to the base human psyche.Such is the case in the modernWestern world, where outdatedsystems of mythology still holdnominal sway, even though they are,for all intents and purposes, dead. Ourmodern world requires a new and<strong>postmodern</strong> mythos - one which isboth relevant to universal concernsand also philosophically andscientifically grounded. It is alsoimportant to understand that myth, aswell as science, is based on amethodological system of applyinglabels to the world of experience. In

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